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[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 19:43:35 EST from zelgomer

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2024-01-12 10:38 from darknetuser <>

Does this mean that beautiful women have to go out with me even

I'm balding??

Is it my imagination, or is every competent IT nerd balding at an
early age?

Couldn't say. I don't consider myself competent at IT and I think I am the right age to be going bald.

[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 20:08:09 EST from zelgomer

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2024-01-12 21:44 from Nurb432 <>
Not sure details, but i walked up on someone today at the office,
that was shouting obscenities into his phone.   I go there, he took
his earphones out, my first thought was some meeting went really
sidways.... but he was watching a video and mumbled something about
the ***ers want to elect a dictator for a president.... 
Fri Jan 12 2024 12:31:54 EST from msgrhys


Notice how she insulted voters: "...these people want a king"

For some reason Trump has irrevocably broken half of our country. I don't understand why, he's actually not that important, but here we are. It's past time to separate from these losers. They cannot be helped and they cannot peacefully coexist in a free society.

[#] Sat Jan 13 2024 06:54:28 EST from Nurb432

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Not really, Obama broke it. Trump is just the excuse/catalyst to finish the separation since Hillary didn't get in to finish the job as they planned.   Trump was an unexpected wildcard that came out of nowhere,  Messed up their plans. So, as always, they adapted and took advantage of the situation.

Fri Jan 12 2024 20:08:09 EST from zelgomer
For some reason Trump has irrevocably broken half of our country. I don't understand why, he's actually not that important, but here we are. It's past time to separate from these losers. They cannot be helped and they cannot peacefully coexist in a free society.


[#] Sat Jan 13 2024 09:48:51 EST from zelgomer

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2024-01-13 11:54 from Nurb432 <>
Not really, Obama broke it. Trump is just the excuse/catalyst to

My post was poorly worded. Right, the election of Trump was like the straw that finally broke the camel's back of these people's poor, brainwashed brains. I disagree that Obama alone is what set them up for it, though. I think it's been a long burn, a trend that was set in motion several generations ago. Not sure where exactly, whether it was reconstruction or WW1. I'm not enough of a history buff to pin down exactly at what point half or more Americans decided to trade individual liberty in exchange for a security state.

[#] Sat Jan 13 2024 09:52:37 EST from Nurb432

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Perhaps its been there for generations, in the shadows, ill give you that, but i do think that when O came in, the powers that be felt 'this is the time, and to hell if anyone notices, we run the show now'

[#] Sat Jan 13 2024 09:58:35 EST from Nurb432

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not sure if this belongs here or not.

I guess SCOTUS is taking up a case on constitutionality of kicking homeless off city streets.  Opponents say its 8th amendment violation, Proponents use examples such as crime and health.

Wont get into the right or wrong of what to do with the homeless, but i think its purely a zoning issue.  Just like your local highway isn't zoned for foot traffic,  a city sidewalk is not zoned for residential use, and camping out, is residential use.

Seems pretty simple to me.

[#] Sat Jan 13 2024 12:14:54 EST from Nurb432

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So Taiwan just elected a pro independence president, which means there is a good chance china may just say screw it and take over this summer. Either by force or just going over, and staking claim like they did to Hong Kong. "you belong to us again, deal with it"

Assuming it happens, its not by force and everyone doesn't die in the process, i wonder what that means for the chip industry since in theory TSMC will no longer be able to ship to the "west".


All i have to say is it better not prevent me from getting that upcoming RISC-V desktop board with the humongous T/NPU this fall :)   "its all about meeeeeeeee"

[#] Mon Jan 15 2024 09:45:37 EST from Nurb432

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I had not heard this one yet. I guess Biden admin is abusing a 1980s law and seizing ownership of patents. Rather concerning, as you know since the Feds have it, they wont ever release it.  Not a lot of details just an overall story. ->



[#] Tue Jan 16 2024 08:05:02 EST from Nurb432

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Darn, i didnt win Iowa.. i guess that means back to my day job. 

[#] Tue Jan 16 2024 09:21:41 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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President Trump blew out Iowa with more votes than all the other candidates combined.

Ultra hate monger Joyless Reid blames "white Christians" for supporting neo-hitler.

Never before has the divide between the will of the people and the will of the elite been so abundantly clear.

[#] Tue Jan 16 2024 10:10:52 EST from nonservator

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DeSantis knows the drill. Trump's primary blowout is the fault of the media, who are totally in the tank for Trump. That damn far right-wing media! How can Our Democracy survive?

[#] Tue Jan 16 2024 10:14:24 EST from Nurb432

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[#] Tue Jan 16 2024 16:50:06 EST from Nurb432

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this stuff true? Our admin manipulated Guatemala's elections, more than once?

[#] Wed Jan 17 2024 05:20:29 EST from darknetuser

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Couldn't say. I don't consider myself competent at IT and I think I am

the right age to be going bald.

For some reason, I thought you were younger than I. I am certainly going to get bald (genetics suck) but I still have a lot of hair my darlings love to chew.

[#] Wed Jan 17 2024 07:32:24 EST from Nurb432

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A guy in college with me. ( normal college age ).    He lost most his hair during school over the 4 years.  Genetics in his case too. "20 something you lose your hair, welcome to the family kid, enjoy it while you have it"

[#] Wed Jan 17 2024 08:55:26 EST from darknetuser

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> I'm not enough of a history buff to pin down exactly at what point half or more Americans decided to trade individual liberty in exchange for a security state.

It was Lincoln who messed up. Let nobody tell you otherwise.

[#] Wed Jan 17 2024 09:19:15 EST from Nurb432

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Yes. History has been far to kind to that lying, power hungry, mentally ill ****

Wed Jan 17 2024 08:55:26 EST from darknetuser

It was Lincoln who messed up. Let nobody tell you otherwise.


[#] Thu Jan 18 2024 11:25:03 EST from Nurb432

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Of course they did. Gotta love the patriot act. Thanks Bush.


"Feds asked banks to search private transactions for terms like ‘MAGA,’ ‘Trump’"

[#] Thu Jan 18 2024 18:29:15 EST from Nurb432

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and any firearm purchases, or religious texts indicates you may be a domestic terrorist..



Thu Jan 18 2024 11:25:03 EST from Nurb432

Of course they did. Gotta love the patriot act. Thanks Bush.


"Feds asked banks to search private transactions for terms like ‘MAGA,’ ‘Trump’"


[#] Thu Jan 18 2024 21:59:45 EST from msgrhys

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I purchased a Bible from an online Christian book store recently; so I am most certainly on a list now XD!

No matter, I am not important enough for anyone to come after me, and even if they did coercion will not change my religious or political convictions.

Thu Jan 18 2024 18:29:15 EST from Nurb432

and any firearm purchases, or religious texts indicates you may be a domestic terrorist..



Thu Jan 18 2024 11:25:03 EST from Nurb432

Of course they did. Gotta love the patriot act. Thanks Bush.


"Feds asked banks to search private transactions for terms like ‘MAGA,’ ‘Trump’"



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