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[#] Sun Jan 07 2024 19:36:46 UTC from Nurb432

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Well that is odd. Just after i posted this. I did a refresh on YT. ( ya, my ad blocker still works :) ) and this popped up on the first tile: 


"Stefanik stands by Trump’s comments about migrants ‘poisoning the blood of our country'"

[#] Tue Jan 09 2024 18:18:43 UTC from Nurb432

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wtf. no really wtf. NO. Screw these people.  to hell with a wall, build a fire pit border patrolled by drones with 50cal rifles. And a mote on each side of the fire pit, patrolled by gators, piranha, and electric eels. Cut off all trade with them too. Freeze every account in the US. Send every single illegal back on a bus and push them over the border. Stop all future ( legal ) immigration. "there, now its your problem, pinheads"


"Mexican president demands $20B, work permits for 10M Hispanics in exchange for immigration help

Mexico says the US must end the Cuba blockade and cut Venezuela sanctions"

[#] Tue Jan 09 2024 18:53:54 UTC from Nurb432

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and in more news.. judge in this sham immunity trial stuff on Trump asked this question of Trumps attorney.  really she did.. 


"can a president can order SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a rival"



[#] Tue Jan 09 2024 22:53:45 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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I like the idea of alternative deportation.  First two times an illegal is caught, deport them.  Third time?  Alternative deportation.

What is alternative deportation?  Well it involves either a catapult or a whirlybird and deporting a corpse.  I'm sure you can fill in the details yourself.

Tue Jan 09 2024 13:18:43 EST from Nurb432

wtf. no really wtf. NO. Screw these people.  to hell with a wall, build a fire pit border patrolled by drones with 50cal rifles. And a mote on each side of the fire pit, patrolled by gators, piranha, and electric eels. Cut off all trade with them too. Freeze every account in the US. Send every single illegal back on a bus and push them over the border. Stop all future ( legal ) immigration. "there, now its your problem, pinheads"


"Mexican president demands $20B, work permits for 10M Hispanics in exchange for immigration help

Mexico says the US must end the Cuba blockade and cut Venezuela sanctions"


[#] Tue Jan 09 2024 23:21:50 UTC from Nurb432

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Wait.. hunter clearly violated a subpoena..  After how many weeks now, they have to take a freaking vote to ask the DoJ to charge him? wtf? I dont care who it is, this is stupid.  

Yet more "look at us we care, vote for us and keep us on the gravy train" and not a freaking thing gets done.


We need a reboot. its gone. there is no fixing this mess

[#] Tue Jan 09 2024 23:31:08 UTC from Nurb432

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Why the 3rd? Most know they did wrong the first time.. But even if they didnt, now they know so there should not be a 2nd.

And that first time, be taking DNA samples, tattoo a QR code on their forehead, inject a rfid tag.. No question of a return offender.

Tue Jan 09 2024 17:53:45 EST from LadySerenaKitty

I like the idea of alternative deportation.  First two times an illegal is caught, deport them.  Third time?  Alternative deportation.

What is alternative deportation?  Well it involves either a catapult or a whirlybird and deporting a corpse.  I'm sure you can fill in the details yourself.


[#] Wed Jan 10 2024 15:32:25 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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Some people are so stupid they don't learn the first time.  If they have to be caught a third time, well they aren't gonna learn so might as well use Alternative Deportation.  Can't come back if they're dead!

Tue Jan 09 2024 18:31:08 EST from Nurb432

Why the 3rd? Most know they did wrong the first time.. But even if they didnt, now they know so there should not be a 2nd.

And that first time, be taking DNA samples, tattoo a QR code on their forehead, inject a rfid tag.. No question of a return offender.

Tue Jan 09 2024 17:53:45 EST from LadySerenaKitty

I like the idea of alternative deportation.  First two times an illegal is caught, deport them.  Third time?  Alternative deportation.

What is alternative deportation?  Well it involves either a catapult or a whirlybird and deporting a corpse.  I'm sure you can fill in the details yourself.



[#] Wed Jan 10 2024 16:02:30 UTC from Nurb432

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Oh i agree, you are just being more generous than i would be :) 

Wed Jan 10 2024 10:32:25 EST from LadySerenaKitty

Some people are so stupid they don't learn the first time.  If they have to be caught a third time, well they aren't gonna learn so might as well use Alternative Deportation.  Can't come back if they're dead!


[#] Wed Jan 10 2024 16:05:19 UTC from Nurb432

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Had to stop listening once some weirdo started shouting 'white privilege' but i guess during one of the hearings concerning the house filing charges of contempt, hunter was in the audience and it all blew up.

Why did the Sargent at arms not take his ass into custody, i dont know. 


and what is this i was reading about us giving Iran another 10 billion ( ok, 'unfreezing' but same difference ) in November DURING a freaking war they are funding against our ally?


[#] Wed Jan 10 2024 18:12:33 UTC from Nurb432

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Just ran across yet another piece that thinks Michelle O is going to run for president. ( and of course be placed into position as she cant win any more than Biden did ) Using both the excuse of not being Trump, OR Biden.. That would eliminate any possibly of saving this country, which i personally think is beyond saving, but if i'm wrong and it could have been 4 more years will seal it regardless


But what is sad, is i happened to glance at the comments as i closed the tab.. 80% of them were bashing her personally, and not due to policy " you mean Mike, or IT has a penis"  

1 - A persons policy and actions are all that matters. Not who or what they are. Other than the law which would prohibit it, i dont give a flying F if they came from Mars and wore an orange space suit covered in dingle berries.. All that mattes to me is WHAT they are going to do for us, as a public servant, and while on the job. I refuse to judge people on anything else. ( same for regular folk, how you act is all i care about, not what you are or want to be )

2 - Personal attacks are stupid, childish and only help the other side. Really we should all be better than that. Much like some of things against Biden, he fell down some stairs, or forgets things. Well HES OLD..  But, his policies and attitudes towards us citizens suck, which what i care about. Of course there are legit concerns about his ability to do his job, but that isn't personal its reality. All elected officials even if i support them, should be taking mandatory cognitive, and drug tests every 6 months and if you dont meet the bar, sorry, nothing personal but you cant do your job now, so you go home. But i wont go make fun of them for aging and losing brain cells, other medical issues, or things that i may or may not approve of on their OWN time and dime. 


</end borderline rant>






[#] Thu Jan 11 2024 00:17:46 UTC from zelgomer

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Agree on both points. I voted for Trump twice not because I think he's a cool guy or because I would ever want to be pals, but because of his position on the issues (most of them; obviously he disappointed in several ways). What scares me most about MAGA isn't the OMG WHITE SUPREMACY NAZI KKK!!! but that they come off as ineffectual and retarded when they do what you described. The Republican party is made up of a bunch of dummies.

But having said that, don't get me wrong. I enjoy a big mike joke as much as the next guy. So long as we all recognize it for a joke and not an argument.

[#] Thu Jan 11 2024 12:36:46 UTC from Nurb432

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So old Bernie claims the US is complicit in Gaza deaths.

Good little socialist. supporting the terrorists..   Perhaps he will get censured like that *** did last year. Wont do anything but piss him off, which is still good.

[#] Thu Jan 11 2024 12:39:27 UTC from Nurb432

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and while i dont know if its law or still just a bill..  but here in my state, just read: " bla bla prevent hair based discrimination" 

Really? is this what its come to?

[#] Thu Jan 11 2024 21:02:25 UTC from zelgomer

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2024-01-11 12:39 from Nurb432 <>
and while i dont know if its law or still just a bill..  but here in
my state, just read: " bla bla prevent hair based discrimination" 

Really? is this what its come to?

Does this mean that beautiful women have to go out with me even though I'm balding??

[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 10:38:23 UTC from darknetuser

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Does this mean that beautiful women have to go out with me even though

I'm balding??

Is it my imagination, or is every competent IT nerd balding at an early age?

[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 16:30:04 UTC from msgrhys

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The thing that confuses me about anti-discrimination laws is this: If someone refuses business with you for a reason as stupid as you being a different color than him or her, why would you still want to do business with the jerk?

[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 16:31:26 UTC from nonservator

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Why would you want a cake baked by someone who would probably put laxative in it? Because it's all about power. It's about domination. It's about forcing other people to shut up and obey and grit their teeth and pretend to smile, so you can enjoy their seething subservience.

[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 17:20:24 UTC from msgrhys

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Well that's certainly the case with modern libtards, which these newer laws are exclusively catering to. The people in government only care about insane hardcore liberals, they hate ordinary Americans.

Fri Jan 12 2024 11:31:26 EST from nonservator

Why would you want a cake baked by someone who would probably put laxative in it? Because it's all about power. It's about domination. It's about forcing other people to shut up and obey and grit their teeth and pretend to smile, so you can enjoy their seething subservience.


[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 17:31:54 UTC from msgrhys

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Well the Governor of Iowa's true colors have been revealed:


Notice how she insulted voters: "...these people want a king"

[#] Fri Jan 12 2024 21:44:52 UTC from Nurb432

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Not sure details, but i walked up on someone today at the office, that was shouting obscenities into his phone.   I go there, he took his earphones out, my first thought was some meeting went really sidways.... but he was watching a video and mumbled something about the ***ers want to elect a dictator for a president.... 

Fri Jan 12 2024 12:31:54 EST from msgrhys


Notice how she insulted voters: "...these people want a king"


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