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[#] Tue Aug 03 2021 20:13:22 EDT from darknetuser

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2021-08-03 19:03 from IGnatius T Foobar

So apparently FOUR capitol police have now committed Arkancide in the

wake of the January 6 probes.

This proves, without a doubt, that the events of January 6 were a
false flag operation.

Care to ellaborate, for those of us who don't watch US TV nor read US newspapers not do US Social Media?

[#] Tue Aug 03 2021 20:18:42 EDT from Nurb432

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wtf. ya. i agree. ( i had not heard that yet )

[#] Wed Aug 04 2021 14:25:52 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Care to ellaborate, for those of us who don't watch US TV nor read US

newspapers not do US Social Media?

Back on January 6 there was a Trump rally during which he spoke about how the election was stolen through massive cheating by the demoKKKrats. He then told the crowd to go home peacefully.

Some number of them continued along to the Capitol for a peaceful protest (an actual peaceful protest, not like an Antifa/BLM violent riot that the media calls peaceful). At some point, some of the protesters entered the Capitol building and continued the protest from inside. Selfies were taken.
There was no property damage. There was also no loss of life except for one protester who was shot by a Capitol police officer for no good reason.

The demoKKKrat/media complex has been calling this an "insurrection" and a "revolt" and a "riot". They've formed a congressional committee to investigate it. Basically they're showboating, trying to convince the world through their media that President Trump incited a violent riot in an attempt to overthrow the government.

People who get their news through Facebook generally believe this false narrative.

Those of us in the reality-based community have suspected that the only reason the protest moved into the building in the first place was because the demoKKKrats had some "plants" in the crowd to make that happen. In other words, a classic false flag operation. The demoKKKrats, being 100% equivalent to Hitler, wanted their Reichstag fire.

Unfortunately for them, despite moving the crowd into the building, the protest did NOT turn violent, which is probably what the false flag operation was intended to do. They wanted to solidify the "all Trump supporters are domestic terrorists" narrative.

Now that the kangaroo court hearings have begun, FOUR Capitol Police officers have supposedly killed themselves. One would be sad, two is more than just a coincidence, but FOUR makes it pretty damn obvious that they're being killed off, Clinton style.

Fact check: TRUE

[#] Wed Aug 04 2021 14:28:23 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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This is wrong, and it's bad to do, but I just can't help it.


[#] Wed Aug 04 2021 17:26:30 EDT from Nurb432

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Were they going to testify? Just curious. 

Wed Aug 04 2021 02:25:52 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Now that the kangaroo court hearings have begun, FOUR Capitol Police officers have supposedly killed themselves. One would be sad, two is more than just a coincidence, but FOUR makes it pretty damn obvious that they're being killed off, Clinton style.


[#] Thu Aug 05 2021 01:42:15 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Yeah. WTF is going on with that? 


Tue Aug 03 2021 19:03:32 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

So apparently FOUR capitol police have now committed Arkancide in the wake of the January 6 probes.

This proves, without a doubt, that the events of January 6 were a false flag operation.


[#] Thu Aug 05 2021 18:22:39 EDT from Nurb432

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I know its a YT video. sorry. But he said it better than i can, and has clips of the actual words people are saying for evidence.  We lost the country. There is no going back now. That cliff we were talking about the other day that we were either near or teetering on, its in the rear view mirror, 1000' feet above us as the car is plummeting to destruction.

[#] Fri Aug 06 2021 14:38:44 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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More and more people are talking about how the rent moratorium had no provision for Landlord assistance or load extensions - so now landlords are defaulting, and corporate banks are taking possession of the single largest source of middle class wealth in the country. 

Meanwhile, half the country still insists we're on the road, driving along safely, headed toward the same destination as always, not plummeting to the bottom of a ravine.  

Thu Aug 05 2021 18:22:39 EDT from Nurb432

I know its a YT video. sorry. But he said it better than i can, and has clips of the actual words people are saying for evidence.  We lost the country. There is no going back now. That cliff we were talking about the other day that we were either near or teetering on, its in the rear view mirror, 1000' feet above us as the car is plummeting to destruction.


[#] Fri Aug 06 2021 14:53:41 EDT from Nurb432

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While i agree, i would have thought somehow the government would end up with ownership as that is what they really want.  Unless that is phase 2.

Fri Aug 06 2021 02:38:44 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

More and more people are talking about how the rent moratorium had no provision for Landlord assistance or load extensions - so now landlords are defaulting, and corporate banks are taking possession of the single largest source of middle class wealth in the country. 



[#] Fri Aug 06 2021 18:52:08 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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If you don't want to surrender all of your private property rights to the government, you're a racist homophobe who wants to kill Grandma.

[#] Sat Aug 07 2021 10:13:28 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Ok... so first off, if you have access to the Grand Tour - Hammond, Clarkson and May just released a "pandemic episode" that is brilliant English sociopolitical commentary. You've got to watch the whole thing, and endure them seemingly talking LOADS of shit about American car production - to find out it is a tribute to the end of the United States of America. It is absolutely worth the watch, and ultimately, isn't about cars at all. 

Clarkson is a very conservative, very outspoken, and very intelligent fellow. I suspect this is his work. 

Along those lines - Isn't it better to let everyone *believe* that the banks are private institutions, when they're already part of the mechanism of an authoritarian/totalitarian state? 

Again - watch the latest episode of The Grand Tour, and dwell on what the final message was - without saying it outright. 

Fri Aug 06 2021 14:53:41 EDT from Nurb432

While i agree, i would have thought somehow the government would end up with ownership as that is what they really want.  Unless that is phase 2.

Fri Aug 06 2021 02:38:44 PM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

More and more people are talking about how the rent moratorium had no provision for Landlord assistance or load extensions - so now landlords are defaulting, and corporate banks are taking possession of the single largest source of middle class wealth in the country. 




[#] Sat Aug 07 2021 10:30:47 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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And consider this... 

China has *learned* from the Soviet Union. There is still an apparent middle class and affluent class outside of the inner CCP. Wealth *is* distributed. Corporations are allowed to run, without direct state control and manipulation in minute day-to-day details, as "capitalist enterprises," and those who contribute the most are allowed relatively extravagant lifestyles including freedom of travel. 

There are nightclubs and other diversions that are affordable and available in the factory cities - where the young who have travelled are allowed to party and squander their wealth and engage in immoral behavior. 

But - they're watching you - and you better be productive, and you better not question their authority, because although they do not enforce their absolute control over your life - they can, at any minute, for any reason. If you displease them, you'll find yourself in a room, seated in a school desk that has shackles for your ankles and your wrists, answering questions, terrified - with no recourse. 

As long as you're fulfilling your roles and obligations - from the outside - things seem pretty much like in any Western Democracy. People can afford cars, they have apartments, they buy shiny objects that keep them occupied, there are suburbs, there are commutes. Your day to day life probably seems a LOT like in any other place. 

But the working class is certainly far less restricted, and has little opportunity of social or economic mobility. They're cogs in the machines of the factory cities and they know to stay in line. They're told where to go, what to do, when to sleep, when to work, they have little personal autonomy. The knowledge workers have it a little better. They are given a little more choice in what they can do, where they can live, when they can travel, shop. The more important your knowledge work, the more of this you are granted. If you're vital to selling the products and have established your loyalty and trustworthiness - you probably can travel internationally, engage with the capitalists who buy the products that make China's economic engine mighty. If you run a company - if you're top level management, you're even allowed the trappings of great western wealth. Huge *homes* - exotic *cars*. BMW is gearing up to see China become its number one market - there is a lot of disposable wealth there. But speak up - and you'll just disappear. Displease the CCP, and you'll just disappear. At any minute, for no reason - and the rest of society will ignore it, because if you question what happened - you might find out. 

It turns out, it is easier to control the population if you do this. Give enough of them big screen TVs and nice cars. 

So, the change could happen and we might not even notice it at first - because the external view probably doesn't change that much. 


[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 19:48:57 EDT from darknetuser

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2021-08-05 18:22 from Nurb432
I know its a YT video. sorry. But he said it better than i can, and

has clips of the actual words people are saying for evidence.  We

lost the country. There is no going back now. That cliff we were
talking about the other day that we were either near or teetering on,

its in the rear view mirror, 1000' feet above us as the car is
plummeting to destruction.

I did follow the link. No video-playing capability here, but I understand the problem is that it is not sure home owners can evict people who does not pay rent?

Welcome to my world, then. I have been in it for a long time and it does suck.

The best thing to do when living in a socialist society is to have not much property and have lots of debts.

[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 20:02:24 EDT from Nurb432

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While that IS an issue and was the underlying topic being discussed, the 'real' issue was that the admin knows its unconstitutional, said they knew, and then said they really dont care. And another out in congress 'ya, its illegal, who is going to stop us'.

Sun Aug 08 2021 07:48:57 PM EDT from darknetuser
I did follow the link. No video-playing capability here, but I understand the problem is that it is not sure home owners can evict people who does not pay rent?

Welcome to my world, then. I have been in it for a long time and it does suck.

The best thing to do when living in a socialist society is to have not much property and have lots of debts.


[#] Mon Aug 09 2021 20:42:04 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'm really disappointed that 700 of the worst people in the world did not die from a tsunami this past weekend.

[#] Tue Aug 10 2021 13:43:47 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Cuomo is out!

New York state governor Andrew Hitler Cuomo has apparently decided that the overwhelming pile of evidence that he is a serial rapist is too large for even him to weasel out of, so he has tendered his resignation, effective in 14 days.

We should nuke Seattle to celebrate.

[#] Tue Aug 10 2021 18:04:10 EDT from Nurb432

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Its a shame it will end with his leaving office, the prick should be in prison. 

[#] Wed Aug 11 2021 19:08:52 EDT from Nurb432

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So 8 months ago, we were finally energy independent, had not been for so long i dont even remember when.  Now we are begging OPEC to drop oil prices. 

[#] Wed Aug 11 2021 19:54:38 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Wed Aug 11 2021 19:08:52 EDT from Nurb432

So 8 months ago, we were finally energy independent, had not been for so long i dont even remember when.  Now we are begging OPEC to drop oil prices. 


[#] Sat Aug 14 2021 08:00:17 EDT from nonservator

Subject: It's official

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it's official. I'm no longer just a stupid evil redneck Nazi who doesn't believe in the Holy Science. Now I'm officially a terrorist.
Fuck this gay clown earth. And fuck every Lysenkoist masquerading as a scientist, who along with the cunt corporate media sycophants and enablers, have ensured that my mother is so terrified that I will never get another hug from her again.

Fuck them all, from the bottom of my heart. May they live out their days sucking the corn kernels out of the AIDS-infested shit from a leprous hobo's hemorrhoidal asshole.

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