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[#] Sun Apr 04 2021 09:46:13 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-03-31 17:40 from Nurb432
Its been my experience that home satellite sucks. 
Mon Mar 29 2021 08:32:42 EDT from darknetuser

Datacaps are the real killers of cell based home connections, at
least for me. I get the appeal for rural areas where nobody is going

to deploy a wire, but even for that there are better options imo.

There are other options other than LTE and satellite even when wire is not available.

I am thinking about Wimax and similar technologies. A single tower can serve 50 miles around, as long as the subscriber has LOS to it. Bad news is latency is not stellar, but if you are in the middle of nowhere, what were you epecting?

[#] Sun Apr 04 2021 10:27:29 UTC from zooer

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Wed Mar 31 2021 05:40:12 PM EDT from Nurb432

Its been my experience that home satellite sucks. 

Mon Mar 29 2021 08:32:42 EDT from darknetuser
Datacaps are the real killers of cell based home connections, at least for me. I get the appeal for rural areas where nobody is going to deploy a wire, but even for that there are better options imo.



One of the places I worked used satellite modems for some installations, and it was find for our normal day-to-day operations, for updates and major data transfer it was awful and HugesNet did throttle us. 

If you search youtube for StarLink the data transfer speeds and latency time are supposed to be very good.   StarLink is expensive, but if you are in the middle of no where it is a good option.

[#] Sun Apr 04 2021 12:23:10 UTC from Nurb432

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True, but star-link is a different beast than the satellite we all grew up with.  I tend to forget about it, as i have not seen it in person yet, in real life so to speak. It all looks good on paper.


And i agree if all you want to do is spit out a few bits of data to corporate ( like sales or price checks ), things like HugesNet was ok. But for the average consumer, no. ( is there anyone left but them now? not been in that world for a long time.  I used to service investment firms, who had their offices connected like that.  With an alarmed data cabinet. Fun stuff.  Remind me to tell a story about a branch at a military base.. THAT was fun. Glad i wasn't there when it happened. 


Sun Apr 04 2021 06:27:29 EDT from zooer


Wed Mar 31 2021 05:40:12 PM EDT from Nurb432

Its been my experience that home satellite sucks. 

Mon Mar 29 2021 08:32:42 EDT from darknetuser
Datacaps are the real killers of cell based home connections, at least for me. I get the appeal for rural areas where nobody is going to deploy a wire, but even for that there are better options imo.



One of the places I worked used satellite modems for some installations, and it was find for our normal day-to-day operations, for updates and major data transfer it was awful and HugesNet did throttle us. 

If you search youtube for StarLink the data transfer speeds and latency time are supposed to be very good.   StarLink is expensive, but if you are in the middle of no where it is a good option.


[#] Sun Apr 04 2021 18:41:12 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's correct. HughesNet uses satellites in geostationary orbit. At an altitude of 35786km/22236mi there is *terrible* latency, so it's really only good for non-interactive applications, maybe some *light* web browsing if you're willing to tolerate the delay of each transaction. It's pretty much unusable for a terminal.

Starlink, and also the network that Jeff Blofeld is building because he has Elon envy, operates a fleet of satellites in low earth orbit, just a few hundred km above the surface. The latency is not quite as low as terrestrial Internet, but it's low enough to be usable in all but the most latency-sensitive applications (gaming, trading, etc.)

It's also "good enough" to force the cable monopolies to consider them viable competition.

[#] Mon Apr 05 2021 22:28:20 UTC from Nurb432

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So the story of the military base...


We had a credit union on a semi-local base that we serviced.  One of our guys was there working with one of our users and from across the room one of the tellers "hey, is the network down".  We didnt support that, it was a T1 to the building that we didn't even use, as our stuff used a dinky dialup line to check for loan approvals and such. ( this was mid 90s ). The tellers used the T1 back to a mainframe somewhere. Not our stuff. The company we worked for sold PMI insurance, and there was sooo much profit they gave away computers, servers and us..

From what i hear, by the time the guy checked and said 'ya, its down' helicopters showed up outside the building and people were repelling into the 2nd floor windows that they had kicked in.  Everyone hit the floor. 

I guess the alarm went off on the other side in DC or something, and instead of just having security drive over about a mile and check, they sent in the seal team.. Fun times :) 



The other place i mentioned, was an investment firm with branches all over the country in every little town imaginable.  They had a communications cabinet, hooked to hughesnet  that you had to call in to have them open remotely. They still used dumb terminals. Taht we had to rpair on site. Cant take anything away to the shop. If you tried opening the ( unlocked.. ) cabinet before calling, it would set the alarm off and cops would be visiting.  If you show up 5 minutes early from your allocated time, cops were called.  If you showed up 5 mins late, same thing. I was a contractor in that case, and was not allowed to tell them who i worked for, or leave any paperwork. Oh, and you had to call again before you left even if the end user was cool with what took place.

[#] Wed Apr 07 2021 04:54:16 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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So... here is what I know. Most executives today work from home - and have figured out that this means they can get a nice luxury RV and work from ANYWHERE as long as they can get phone and internet service. 

There is *something* they all swear by - but, not being an executive, I haven't paid a lot of attention to it. But it is probably the canary in the coal mine. If these people find it reliable and fast enough to work remotely while sitting in a Prevost A-Class in the middle of Alaska - there is *something* good out there. 

But - it is also likely that if you're not an executive or a successful entrepreneur - we're priced out of it. 

I can probably find out more about it - if you really want to know how much better the lives of the 1% are than our own. 


[#] Mon Apr 12 2021 20:43:44 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I suspect that most of the 1% will rot in hell for all eternity so I don't consider their temporary level of luxury to constitute a life that is better than mine.

[#] Mon Apr 12 2021 21:12:17 UTC from Nurb432

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Those of us who dont believe in afterlife, dont really believe in karma either.  Which is too bad, they deserve to rot for an eternity. They earned it. 

Mon Apr 12 2021 16:43:44 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I suspect that most of the 1% will rot in hell for all eternity so I don't consider their temporary level of luxury to constitute a life that is better than mine.


[#] Tue Apr 13 2021 05:21:44 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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We'll likely be largely outnumbered by the huge mass of the rest of the 99% joining us there, though... so, at least we won't be lonely. 


Mon Apr 12 2021 16:43:44 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I suspect that most of the 1% will rot in hell for all eternity so I don't consider their temporary level of luxury to constitute a life that is better than mine.


[#] Tue Apr 13 2021 05:22:26 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I mean they. They'll likely be largely outnumbered by... 

Tue Apr 13 2021 01:21:44 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

We'll likely be largely outnumbered by the huge mass of the rest of the 99% joining us there, though... so, at least we won't be lonely. 


Mon Apr 12 2021 16:43:44 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I suspect that most of the 1% will rot in hell for all eternity so I don't consider their temporary level of luxury to constitute a life that is better than mine.



[#] Tue Apr 13 2021 05:54:59 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Ok... you know what, real talk... 

I have a friend who has a C06 Vette that is now the third fastest "production" Vette in the *world*. It has a parachute on the back of it. It is still technically street legal, as long as he takes the chute off - but it can't *really* be driven on the street anymore. So he bought a Mclaren. Yet, he drives his F350 Platinum to work - because people don't see a $85,000 truck as a "luxury vehicle". 

I just bought a 2020 M4 with ~1000 miles on it. It has the executive and platinum package. It does a little under 176 mph top end. But I drive my 2500 Denali to work - or sometimes my 1997 Z3 if I'm feeling fancy. Same reason. Both of us were in serious trouble all through high school and as young adults - we don't have very serious formal educations... we know what it is like to have ONLY Government cheese and water in the garage between the 1st and the 15th... 

This class warfare that is being pushed that perpetuates the idea that the wealthy got rich by somehow TAKING opportunity from you is BS. 

He and I are probably *technically* in the 1%... just barely. But maybe we're in the 99% or even 98th. Whatever - the gap between us and the lower 97% is *huge*. 

But the only obstacle *I* ever faced in getting here was my own sweet self. No cabal of wealthy 1%ers actively conspired to keep me from success... to raise the grapes above me just beyond reach of quenching my hunger, or to lower the water just below my ability to quench my thirst. 

Maybe you had 3 or 4 kids when I had one. Maybe you stayed at the small company where you had a good relationship with the owner/CEO when I took changes with faceless corporations. Maybe I took ambitious changes that lost me hundreds of thousands of dollars where you played it safe and made conservative choices that netted you tens of thousands of dollars. Maybe it was just dumb luck... 

It is, let me tell you - the weirdest thing achieving your ambitions - only to find that you have to be *ashamed* of that success because the people who didn't make it as far think that everyone in your income bracket is most likely going to burn in hell - to such an extent that they'll *intentionally* key the paint or put a door ding in your $90,000... or $300,000 car. 

WE are the ones that are going to burn in hell?!? 

Most people, regardless of their income bracket, their ethnicity, their religious beliefs, their sexual preference, or any other category you might stereotype them by... 

*ARE* selfish pieces of shit. It is hard wired into our genetic code as far as I can tell, as a species. I've known the lowest of the low, and some of the mightiest of the mighty - and lots of money does change people... but it doesn't change *THAT*. That is a freebie. You can be dead broke and living out of a stolen shopping cart and that one is a gimme. 

I've known a couple of guys who fly in chartered G5s to their Italian villas and go through $500,000 cars the way I go through toilet paper... one guy had a $600,000 Italian slate roof imported from Italy for his GARAGE. I was living in a $500,000 house at the time and was considered highly affluent compared to the local medium home price of around $130,000. The guy's GARAGE cost more than my entire HOME. They weren't *evil* dudes. They were self-centered dudes, for sure. They were focused on their business interests - and they were also creating economies that gave hundreds, even thousands of people incomes that paid mortgages, healthcare bills, bought groceries and Xboxes and big screen TVs and far more practical cars. They all carried a LOT of obligation and duty on their shoulders - and when bad things happened to their most loyal employees - they took care of them. 

When we left that company, this particular business owner felt betrayed and was angry at us. I told him, "You do the things you do because you're taking care of your company. It is your #1 priority. Our family IS my company. It is my #1 priority. If your company isn't serving the goals of MINE, if it is holding it back, then we have to terminate the business relationship. It is THAT simple. This is about the best interests of Paranoid Delusions, Inc." 

My loyalty is to my own best interests. The more I help myself - the more it helps other people around me. But it isn't my job to see that they leverage the opportunities that creates. It is THEIR job to see opportunity and capitalize on it. If they don't, it isn't my job to pick them up and point them in the right direction. 

I'm not bitter that my friend can afford a Mclaren and I can only afford a relatively common M4. I'm thankful that out of the entire world's population, I'm part of the VERY SMALL segment that can actually afford a motorized vehicle of ANY sort. I'm not bitter about what other people have that I can't afford. I don't know what they had to sacrifice to get there. I'm happy with what I have, and I know the price I paid is more than the dollar amount that other people see. 

There are a lot of bad people with a lot of money - there are a lot of bad people with NO money. Most people are just people trying to get through life - some having better fortune doing so than others. 

Stop playing into class warfare. It is just another tool that social justice warriors use to divide people. I think the Bible basically puts it as, "Before you try to clean your neighbor's house, clean your own," or "before you remove the mote from they neighbor's eye, remove the plank from thine own," may be more popular. Either way the idea is clear. Stop worrying about what other people are doing that is going to send them to hell, and start thinking about what YOU'RE doing that is going to send YOU to hell. That is a way more important ball to be keeping your eyes on. 

[#] Tue Apr 13 2021 11:47:22 UTC from Nurb432

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To me the negative label of 1% is not the 1% of wealth.  Its the rich people who are jerks getting/being there.  One can be super wealthy and still not be an evil Jerk.      While i know its a comic, but an example of being super wealthy but not being a 1% would be someone like Bruce Wayne.  There are many out there, just never hear of them.

I agree class warfare is bad.  But calling out 'a-holes', is ok to me.

[#] Tue Apr 13 2021 15:34:26 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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By definition - there are way more a-holes by volume among the REST of the 99% than among the 1%. 

You may have an argument that per capita, there is a higher concentration of a-holes among the 1% than the other segments of society, though. Still... if the entire BODY of the 1% were a-holes... it would still be a fraction of the number of a-holes distributed throughout the REST of society. 

Regular people are, thus it follows - the biggest problem in society. Which makes the disproportionate focus on the small number of super wealthy curious. 

Why hate them with such passion then, when your neighbor in the cul-de-sac is far more likely to do something that is completely disruptive to your life personally, than say, Sir Richard Branson? 

 Bill Gates isn't going to turn you into your HOA because he is pissed about the weeds in your flower beds. 


Tue Apr 13 2021 07:47:22 EDT from Nurb432

To me the negative label of 1% is not the 1% of wealth.  Its the rich people who are jerks getting/being there.  One can be super wealthy and still not be an evil Jerk.      While i know its a comic, but an example of being super wealthy but not being a 1% would be someone like Bruce Wayne.  There are many out there, just never hear of them.

I agree class warfare is bad.  But calling out 'a-holes', is ok to me.


[#] Tue Apr 13 2021 15:57:49 UTC from Nurb432

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I would not put it past him. It is Gates afterall :)  


But i agree, you ( at least you should not ) hate a person due to wealth, or fame, color, preference, music tastes, or whatever.  Should hate them for what kind of person they are or if they push their 'way' in your face. 

Tue Apr 13 2021 11:34:26 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

 Bill Gates isn't going to turn you into your HOA because he is pissed about the weeds in your flower beds. 



[#] Tue Apr 13 2021 18:46:34 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I had wrote a long post that wandered further off-topic into the subject of driving... 

But "push their way in your face" is a very subjective thing in my experience. 

As an example, some people believe that as long as they're doing the speed limit, they shouldn't have to "yield right" from the fast/passing lane if YOU are speeding. 

Often those people are very irritated if you're in a car where you can ride their bumper but be two car lengths behind them if they TRY to brake check you - then right back on their bumper if they try to accelerate away. They get irritated if you're able to quickly dart around them and punch it and pass on the inside. 

And as a society - there seem to be two thoughts on which behavior is the "in your face" behavior. 

A lot of people think the aggressive driver is the one blinking high beams, riding bumpers, and ripping around on the inside lane at the first opportunity to overtake the slower but legal traffic that won't yield. 

But a lot of people think it is the passive aggressive driver policing the speed limit who creates the ACTUAL problem. 

SCIENCE tends to support the latter. People who bottleneck traffic by cruising in the fast lane create the actual accidents. More and more often, police find that enforcing laws keeping slower traffic keeping right reduces accidents and fatalities more than enforcing speeding laws. Germany seems to believe this. 

But it is a great example of how "in your face" behavior is super subjective. 

If I'm in the slow lane and you're merging, I'll slow down, speed up, or get over to allow you to merge, whichever is safest, most logical. It is courteous. 

If I'm in the fast lane in a Ferrari doing 100 MPH and you come riding up on me in a Nissan beater doing 120  - if I don't feel like going faster, I'll get over at the first opportunity so you don't have to pass on the inside. 

But in those cases, if I come up on you and you're NOT courteous to me - you're going to leave the encounter with the certainty that "All bimmer drivers are pricks." 

The truth is, you were the actual prick, first - I just returned the favor with interest and made sure you were aware that I *could* and there wasn't a lot you could do to prevent it. 

Tue Apr 13 2021 11:57:49 EDT from Nurb432

 or if they push their 'way' in your face. 

Tue Apr 13 2021 11:34:26 EDT from ParanoidDelusions





[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 18:02:08 UTC from zooer

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Earlier today my phone displays a notification that I have four voicemails.  No missed calls, just four voicemails.  That is odd, I figured the car warranty calls were blocked but they still managed to leave a voice mail.  I wait around until lunch to go through the voicemails and delete them.  Only one message was from today, the other three messages were days or weeks old.  Two from my car insurance company, one from the doctor's office.  The last voice message, from today, was about my car's warranty.


[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 18:08:21 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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To me the negative label of 1% is not the 1% of wealth.  Its the
rich people who are jerks getting/being there.  One can be super
wealthy and still not be an evil Jerk.      While i know its a

Exactly. And it helps to understand that "class" is a badly overloaded word.
Look at someone like Mike Robinson, who is filthy rich but has had ZERO class its entire life. And as for money, I suspect the love of money over the love of God and Man is disproportionately larger in the 1% than it is in other economic strata. Bill Gates is a declared atheist. He is ABSOLUTELY going to hell unless he repents.

Yes, there are exceptions. There are always exceptions. But as I said elsewhere, stereotypes exist for a reason.

[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 20:12:49 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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You understand of course, that the 1% have their own stereotypes about the lower classes. 

I suppose they exist for a reason, too.  

It is easy for you to throw them all in with Hillary Clinton as soulless, power hungry, Satanists. 

But when they throw you in with the trailer-park dwelling, uneducated basket of deplorables covered in the stink of Walmart - you're outraged. 

Thu Apr 15 2021 14:08:21 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
To me the negative label of 1% is not the 1% of wealth.  Its the
rich people who are jerks getting/being there.  One can be super
wealthy and still not be an evil Jerk.      While i know its a

Exactly. And it helps to understand that "class" is a badly overloaded word.
Look at someone like Mike Robinson, who is filthy rich but has had ZERO class its entire life. And as for money, I suspect the love of money over the love of God and Man is disproportionately larger in the 1% than it is in other economic strata. Bill Gates is a declared atheist. He is ABSOLUTELY going to hell unless he repents.

Yes, there are exceptions. There are always exceptions. But as I said elsewhere, stereotypes exist for a reason.


[#] Thu Apr 15 2021 21:58:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Apples and oranges. The 1%, and the 40% who are their slaves, NEED to portray us as trailer trash because it is part of the illusion they use to maintain control.

[#] Fri Apr 16 2021 05:00:02 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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So, it is OK for you to portray them as a stereotype, because they're evil and deserve it. But it is wrong for them to portray you as trailer trash, because it is a lie used to oppress you. 

Sounds *suspiciously* like the rhetoric of the SJW. I'm just sayin'... 

Thu Apr 15 2021 17:58:05 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Apples and oranges. The 1%, and the 40% who are their slaves, NEED to portray us as trailer trash because it is part of the illusion they use to maintain control.


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