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[#] Sat Mar 18 2017 09:01:54 EDT from zooer

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March 18th is National Awkward Moments Day, it is the day when everyone tells you what you did when you were drunk on St. Patrick's Day.

[#] Mon Mar 20 2017 07:27:11 EDT from fleeb

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Gads, why has it taken me so long to return here...?

Oh, right, I'm *still* not in my home. Six months when this one ends.

But, it's nice that this continues to live and breath and maybe fester a little.

[#] Mon Mar 20 2017 14:03:47 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Was thinking about you over the weekend. I was about to send an is-fleeb-still-alive-or-at-least-undead ping.

[#] Tue Mar 21 2017 19:11:30 EDT from LoanShark

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2017-03-17 10:02 from zooer
Google knows all.

Clearly you're confused, Obama knows all and he wiretapped all the hidden rooms.

[#] Wed Mar 22 2017 20:19:06 EDT from fleeb

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Yeah, I've been going through a kind of hell with the condominium, and the moving of our office.

But, I'm alive, fed, clothed, and still in a relationship, so not as bad as all that.

[#] Mon Mar 27 2017 17:36:46 EDT from Ladyhawke

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I'd say you're actually a leg up (or a zombie up?) from ~50% of the population, actually  :-)

[#] Mon Mar 27 2017 19:12:46 EDT from papa

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In the text UI, is there a way to interrupt printing of a multi-page message when the "<<...Klondike bar...>>" prompt is displayed?

[#] Mon Mar 27 2017 23:05:58 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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[#] Tue Mar 28 2017 01:18:23 EDT from kc5tja

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There is also a preferences item (forgot the official term for it) that controls whether or not <S>top, <N>ext, and so forth work on those page-break messages as well. I always turn that option when I first log into Citadel to create my account. I know there's a way to turn it on/off afterward, but forgot how. ;)

[#] Tue Mar 28 2017 07:10:20 EDT from zooer

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".EC"  (Enter Configuration)

[#] Wed Mar 29 2017 06:50:02 EDT from papa

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[#] Wed Mar 29 2017 21:01:11 EDT from wizard of aahz

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fleeb - The relationship better still be with Melvin.

[#] Thu Mar 30 2017 07:38:38 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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"It's complicated"

[#] Fri Mar 31 2017 08:15:26 EDT from fleeb

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It is. I won't say it hasn't been challenged, as this kind of thing is hard of any relationship, but we're still together.

[#] Sat Apr 01 2017 17:46:25 EDT from wizard of aahz

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[#] Wed Apr 05 2017 11:30:54 EDT from Shazam

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Fleeb, it's crazy that this is still going on. 

[#] Wed Apr 12 2017 10:56:14 EDT from fleeb

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Sorry, it's been a little while since logging in here...

We haven't quite moved back yet, but we expect to move in by Monday.

Yeah, we've seen houses built in the time these guys took to not quite get everything done correctly.

[#] Wed Apr 12 2017 14:52:24 EDT from Ladyhawke

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Yeah, for some reason reno always seems to take much longer without comparable results.

Glad you'll get to move home soon tho!

[#] Thu Apr 13 2017 07:12:02 EDT from fleeb

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A renovation takes considerably more time when you, say, work at a rate of spending a month to install two toilets and three appliances (and not even getting the applicances installed correctly).

I observed this pace, personally, by visiting my home every other day last month, and noticing this pace that, at best, one might describe as 'glacial'.

[#] Fri Apr 14 2017 12:48:15 EDT from Ladyhawke

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Ouch  :-(

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