Ok, well the lawnmower is fixed, and if I see any ninja cats on the lawn I'm
going to just drive it right over them.
Time to do your snowblower maintenance; this winter is coming in like La Nina!
Please send the Ninja Cat to Massachusetts to pay a visit to my neighbor with the speedboat who likes to rev his engine at 6am....
zooer@-Desktop:~$ citadel bbs@uncensored.citadel.org
Attaching to server...
Can't connect: No such file or directory
zooer@Desktop:~$ citadel uncensored.citadel.org
Attaching to server...
Can't connect: Connection refused
Roosevelt favors Gillett for governor of California.
(Figured I would give a headline that is as timely as the expired cert)
Well it seems that the ninja cats paid us a visit again. Somehow they knocked out the power to my house without even disrupting the neighbors. I don't see any lines down, so I think they may have sabotaged my transformer. Those ninja cats are capable of doing some tricky things, considering that they don't even have opposable thumbs. (How do they put on high voltage gloves and hold the hotsticks?)
Thankfully, the generator seems to be capable of running one air conditioner.
I suspect the ninja cats did that for my wife, who cannot tolerate high heat and humidity.
We just found out it was not the ninja cats who cut our power. It was a samurai squirrel.
And judging from the crispy remains of the samurai squirrel that they had to remove from the wires in order to restore our electricity, I'd say the squirrels are not quite as skilled as the cats.
Thu Jul 28 2016 10:28:36 AM EDT from wizard of aahzThe Ninja Cat is protected by the dopey dog who will hug and lick you to death.
This does not sound like adequate protection as it could result in increased Ninja Cat visitation.
Well, except for the death part. That part you can send to both major party candidates so we can start the election over.
The grow from the toxic remains of dead politicians.
In some cases, the politicians don't have to be dead, either.