No, as those things often are, they are reserved for the elite.
Tue Dec 31 2024 23:32:28 UTC from LoanSharkDid they let you sit in the Ancient control chair?
I was not as prolific on remote boards out of practically and I honestly cant say how much i was here back then. Just that i did exist. ( it did help i had free-long distance, but still.. ) From what i remember the timing would have bee after i started using the last name to clearly differentiate myself from the other style of music, but its a guess far too much time has passed.
Now that said for remote sites, if you were local i ran the market here for a few years before i vanished. I could make or break your board or party just by a wave of my hand.
Tue Dec 31 2024 23:35:46 UTC from LoanShark
I think it's possible I have a slight recollection of the old Ziggy Stardust. Only the name though.
Now that said for remote sites, if you were local i ran the
market here for a few years before i vanished. I could make or
break your board or party just by a wave of my hand.
Kneecaps. It's all about breaking kneecaps.
Nah, too much effort. Was too busy "chasing" female local BBS members to be doing that.
Wed Jan 01 2025 23:11:47 UTC from LoanSharkNow that said for remote sites, if you were local i ran the
market here for a few years before i vanished. I could make or
break your board or party just by a wave of my hand.
Kneecaps. It's all about breaking kneecaps.
Early days of IRC was even more lucrative. It opened things up to the less techie ( but not total newbs ) At least before the flood gates opened and turned into a mess, with most of us exiting stage left.
Wed Jan 01 2025 23:16:50 UTC from LoanShark
weren't we all.
We got about 8, plus drifting. 4 more coming today the say.
Dogs are happy, jeep is happy. I'm not displeased. A bit chilly ( -3 night before last i think ), but we get snow, so its a compromise.
Fri Jan 03 2025 22:03:52 UTC from Nurb4326-10 inches of snow coming. whohoo!
"LA Residents plan to sue 'big oil' and place blame of the fires on their negligence in contributing to global warming"
Oil companies should sue them for slander.
You sure it was really them and not Newsom's money diversion instead? Even if partially true, that would serve as a diversion to move the money elsewhere " seee, they demanded it , its not our fault! ". All they had to do is say "no,sorry, its not safe, end of discussion"
( and know.. getting into paranoia zone here but i put nothing past communist scum like him )
Fri Jan 17 2025 22:18:18 UTC from IGnatius T FoobarHow about they sue the tree huggers who blocked forestry management from maintaining the fire breaks and from clearing the flammable brush?
"you cant be productive unless you are in the office" Says the people who fly around the country visiting people and partying.
2025-01-22 14:25 from Nurb432 <>
Local school.
Just announced "e-sports" as a class.. and yes, its exactly what
you think it is.
No more stupid than any other sport, if you ask me. If they'd had something like that at my school, and it wasn't stigmatized, I might have actually been involved in something and made friends.
Subject: I had to read that a couple times to make sure I read that right.