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[#] Sat Mar 26 2022 16:19:37 EDT from zelgomer

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2022-03-26 11:35 from Nurb432 <>
The one that i have read about which uses that term is just that sun
had a twin, and at some point in the past it left the solar system. 
Many ( most? ) younger systems are binary stars. So logically we had
one too at one point in the distant past. But its sooo far in the
past there is no residual effects here and no way to find it out
there in the cosmos. 

Theories suggesting a current body mass locally, i have heard
referred to as other things. But not nemesis. ( like Planet X ). 
 And i agree, those dont have a lot of scientific proof behind them.
Their theories are not totally debunked yet, but not looking good for

Oh crap, did I conflate the two? I've read several incarnations of both and brain probably mushed it all together.

[#] Mon Mar 28 2022 20:48:36 EDT from barajas

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My brain is nothing BUT mush.

[#] Tue Mar 29 2022 01:10:14 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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2022-03-25 17:40 from barajas
How's everyone doing today? I'm feeling good.

Hey there barajas. I had an interesting day watching a contractor I hired botch a driveway repair job. There's a little creek that runs across the property and a culvert underneath the driveway which rusted out and needed replacing. The new one is plastic so it won't rust. Along came the concrete truck to backfill the trench. Halfway through the pour ... POP went the culvert pipe, and it floated to the top of the concrete.

The smart guy wasn't onsite at the time. About an hour later he showed up with an excavator, pushed the pipe back down with its bucket, and left the excavator pushed mostly off the ground with all the weight on the bucket to keep it there until the concrete finishes curing. Unfortunately he didn't arrive before the concrete guy left with half the load wasted, so now they have to order another half a batch.

Fun times! And it's nice to see some new names on the screen -- welcome!

[#] Tue Mar 29 2022 01:11:13 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Can't complain!

Heh. Reminds me of my dad. He always said "Can't complain! Nobody listens anyway!"

[#] Tue Mar 29 2022 08:41:17 EDT from blowhard

Subject: hi

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WTFlip .... it looks like Netscape Navigator the the internet 'old folks' home?

Just kidding; i bought a winchester disk once , with floppies like vynil LPs!


[#] Tue Mar 29 2022 17:49:15 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: hi

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Kids these days with their fancy floppies.. In my day we still used paper tape and punchcards!



[#] Sat Apr 02 2022 01:12:00 EDT from smashbot64

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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Thu Mar 10 2022 09:19:49 EST from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

It's March 10, and you know what that means...

Time to bake a yummy cake and put 34 candles in it to celebrate the anniversary of day on which UNCENSORED! was first brought online.

On 1988-mar-10, I plugged a 2400 baud modem into an Altos 586 computer and began what has been 34 years of continuous operation of this service since then.  Let's take the time to celebrate that, because just about everything else is far less important.  It continues to be my pleasure to serve the community with both the site and the software.

YES! COnGrATS! It's not often that someone celebrates wasting that much effort and wasting that much electricity!


JK JK Just Kidding...  I cut my BBS teeth on the cp/m version of citadel because as a kid I was piss broke. I had to sell lots of magazines and deliver lots of newspapers to indignant senior citizens whilst saving up for my first 300 baud modem that my parents thought was the work of the devil.

Turns out they were correct. I learned that delivering newspapers- and selling magazines- and manual servitude- just to buy a glorified Morse code key tapper- was for the phucking birds. Good thing I figured out how to get paid $1000 for $.00000001 worth of effort. I'm too lazy for it to have a different ending.

Long live Citadel. Useless fact: We all know that some pronounced "SysOp" as "sigh-sop". Believe it or not, I was actually a participant in 2600 meetings where I heard people pronounce it as "sigh-tay-del".  That actually happened in the philly area also. In Philly, the word "Jawn" is a placeholder noun,  and can be used for anything, really. Not to get off topic but at real life Philly Diversi-Dial get togethers (big picnic of chatnerds like furries without costumes) could be heard people mentioning "sigh-tay-del".

I don't really know where I was going with this. I talk so much that I've learned to tune myself out, I probably had a very good point at the onset of this post.

Happy Birthday, software that makes us volunteer thoughts we might otherwise dismiss.


[#] Sun Apr 03 2022 18:37:50 EDT from barajas

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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Wow! This board has a long history huh? I'm only 29 years old and fairly new to the bulletin board systems. This one is definitely my favorite so far. It's the people that make a community great. Also, although I am only 29, I got my start on DOS and Windows 3.1 when I was very little. My father used to work for DEC back in the day and wanted me to "learn it now". I consider myself at least 10 years older, jaded personality included!

[#] Sun Apr 03 2022 19:52:30 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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Sat Apr 02 2022 01:12:00 AM EDT from smashbot64 Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored


JK JK Just Kidding...  I cut my BBS teeth on the cp/m version of citadel because as a kid I was piss broke. I had to sell lots of magazines and deliver lots of newspapers to indignant senior citizens whilst saving up for my first 300 baud modem that my parents thought was the work of the devil.


Mine were a bit more understanding, 'we dont know what any of this means, but if its what  you want to do'.   Tho keep in mind this was the late 70s.. it was pretty foreign to most people.

Mother was a long distance directory assistance operator however, so she did have at least a basic understanding of the concept of 'electronic stuff'.  

[#] Mon Apr 04 2022 09:20:01 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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Wow! This board has a long history huh? I'm only 29 years old and
fairly new to the bulletin board systems. This one is definitely my

It's sort of mind blowing to know that some of our newest friends are younger than the board itself. Thanks for being here. It sounds like you're just as you describe -- a kindred spirit with folks ten or more years older. In any case it's great that you found our little corner of the Internet.

For those who don't know, I was 16 years old when I first set this up. I'm 50 now. So far it's been a wild ride.

[#] Mon Apr 04 2022 10:02:19 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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Different world today than it was back then.  Few of us could have imagined where we would be at today. 

Mon Apr 04 2022 09:20:01 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored
For those who don't know, I was 16 years old when I first set this up. I'm 50 now. So far it's been a wild ride.


[#] Sun Apr 24 2022 16:09:22 EDT from interrupt

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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Congrats on making it. I am older than you and I remember first hitting Scanmans bbs. PI-80 I think? Wow that is a way long time ago and at 300baud with casette and C64. Man I was swinging.

[#] Sun Apr 24 2022 16:28:55 EDT from interrupt

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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I was banned here so many times. Infact I am trying to remember if I was banned here more times then I was on Lunatic or Roach or Lost City of Atlantis.
I think this is the top one. This was a really wack place back in the 80's and 90's. It wa s here in the 80's right? I cant remember. I hated fuckin Phiber and Acid. Laugh. wow wild times.

[#] Sun Apr 24 2022 19:50:04 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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Well, 2022 - 34 = 1988

So yes, i would say it was here in the 80s. With a little room to spare before the 90s kicked in.

[#] Sun Apr 24 2022 20:39:21 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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Banned? What name did you go by then? I don't remember banning you.

[#] Mon Apr 25 2022 22:46:08 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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May be a Twitter screenshot of 1 person


[#] Tue Apr 26 2022 20:00:27 EDT from Nurb432

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"peek a boo, guess who"

[#] Thu May 12 2022 08:46:55 EDT from interrupt

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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Lance Romance the Cleveland Phrankster Officially Recognized Slayer of LoD and MoD :D / Ha

[#] Fri May 13 2022 16:03:12 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Happy 34th birthday Uncensored

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You're so L33T!!!! :)

[#] Thu May 19 2022 07:36:22 EDT from Nurb432

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Pretty quiet of late.  Hope everyone is ok out there 

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