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[#] Tue Feb 15 2022 00:31:36 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Made it the whole way through tonight... thought I'd leave something new in the lobby to celebrate. 


[#] Tue Feb 15 2022 09:21:59 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yaaaaayy :)

Yesterday was of course "that day" ... and we skipped it and decided to celebrate love and smooshiness on some day other than when "they" are telling us to.

But I went on my Instagram and posted a Bitmoji of me with a heart, and captioned it "This is the day for warm hearts. Go find a cardiologist and set his house on fire." They deleted the post and flagged me for "violence and incitement".
Oooooh, they don't know me very well...

[#] Tue Feb 15 2022 12:03:57 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I'm on a 6 day Facebook suspension for saying, "Now I'm going out to suck on a fag." 

They're on a 90 day suspension from me for being Anglophobes and trying to destroy the cultural heritage of England. 


Tue Feb 15 2022 09:21:59 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Yaaaaayy :)

Yesterday was of course "that day" ... and we skipped it and decided to celebrate love and smooshiness on some day other than when "they" are telling us to.

But I went on my Instagram and posted a Bitmoji of me with a heart, and captioned it "This is the day for warm hearts. Go find a cardiologist and set his house on fire." They deleted the post and flagged me for "violence and incitement".
Oooooh, they don't know me very well...


[#] Tue Feb 15 2022 14:04:52 EST from darknetuser

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You guys get what you deserve from being in crappy platforms who hate your heterosexual guts.

[#] Tue Feb 15 2022 14:36:36 EST from zelgomer

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2022-02-15 17:03 from ParanoidDelusions <>

I'm on a 6 day Facebook suspension for saying, "Now I'm going out to
suck on a fag." 

They're on a 90 day suspension from me for being Anglophobes and
trying to destroy the cultural heritage of England. 

Maybe they're just opposed to smoking!

[#] Tue Feb 15 2022 15:07:45 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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You guys get what you deserve from being in crappy platforms who hate

your heterosexual guts.

Guilty as charged. Instagram is not quite as awful as Facebook but it's still awful.

[#] Tue Feb 15 2022 23:39:03 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Agreed with all of this. 

Instagram is, after all, just Facebook. Same for LinkedIn. 



Tue Feb 15 2022 15:07:45 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
You guys get what you deserve from being in crappy platforms who hate

your heterosexual guts.

Guilty as charged. Instagram is not quite as awful as Facebook but it's still awful.


[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 07:06:58 EST from arabella

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Tue Feb 15 2022 02:36:36 PM EST from zelgomer
2022-02-15 17:03 from ParanoidDelusions <>

I'm on a 6 day Facebook suspension for saying, "Now I'm going out to
suck on a fag." 

They're on a 90 day suspension from me for being Anglophobes and
trying to destroy the cultural heritage of England. 

Maybe they're just opposed to smoking!

FB is on a whole of life ban from me, in part for both those reasons., but mostly because it just sucks.

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 08:45:43 EST from Nurb432

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It does suck, but so does losing touch with family, who is on there, and only there.    Between a rock and a hard place. 

Sat Feb 26 2022 07:06:58 AM EST from arabella

 FB is on a whole of life ban from me, in part for both those reasons., but mostly because it just sucks.


[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 12:07:05 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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If they're not willing to interact with you anywhere other than facebook, are they really family? At some point you realize that your time is worth something and so are the people who *want* to spend time with you, and the blood relationship means a bit less when you're trying to decide who is really your "family".

I have "relatives" who think they wished me a happy birthday because they did so on my wife's facebook account. Fuck those people, they're not family.
On the other hand, the folks I *do* consider family are *in* my life. Some of them are blood related, others aren't. A few are people I met RIGHT HERE.
Facebook doesn't offer that because it's built to make everyone hate each other so they keep coming back to drive more ad revenue.

I truly value each one of you and love that you keep coming back to be part of my life. Really.

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 12:59:25 EST from Nurb432

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Yes we do, however with a large family ( that is spread out via vast distances too ) its not practical to visit them often enough to truly keep in touch.   Sending family snail mail is sort of dated, and not 'communal' .  Phone calls, well are too 'real time' for today's busy world, and still not really communal.

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 13:02:23 EST from Nurb432

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Also true, but our family keeps our politics out of discussions ( even during the holidays when we are in the same house and not on-line ) since we are all adult enough to know we are all different. Shared messaging works well for us. ( not the public posting thing )


Sure, id love to get them off FB and onto a better platform, but reality is they are there.  

Sat Feb 26 2022 12:07:05 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Facebook doesn't offer that because it's built to make everyone hate each other so they keep coming back to drive more ad revenue.


[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 15:16:28 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Isn't it funny that the words "communal", "communion", "communism", "commune", and "community" all have the same root, but all have very different connotative meanings?

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 18:43:26 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I think this is where I am. People tell me they wish I would log into Facebook, they tell me how much they miss my contributions to Facebook, how much they enjoy my posts. 

But it is all happening at The Sanitarium - and they know where that is. It isn't difficult, and I've made it as easy as possible. At some point, if they can't make the minimal effort to log into my BBS to keep in contact with me... if Facebook is the only place where they're comfortable interacting with me... 

Maybe we should go back to being long-lost acquaintances instead of Facebook "friends". 

That goes for family, too. 


[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 18:57:00 EST from Nurb432

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Keep in mind too that one HUGE obstacle to overcome now: Mobile

For so many people that is all they use for 'social media' stuff. It has to be there, in the store, and brain dead easy to install/setup.   "get app, enter name, works"

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 21:53:46 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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You're right of of course. And because I have more to say than 148 characters - I have never been a fan. Mobile is for content consumers, not creators. 

I do wish we had a mobile interface app for Citadel. It would probably kick up engagement a notch - but also, lower the quality of the users exponentially. 


Sun Feb 27 2022 18:57:00 EST from Nurb432

Keep in mind too that one HUGE obstacle to overcome now: Mobile

For so many people that is all they use for 'social media' stuff. It has to be there, in the store, and brain dead easy to install/setup.   "get app, enter name, works"


[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 07:15:03 EST from Nurb432

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The content consumers, is 90% of the people out there. 

And IG does plan on making the NG interface responsive, which will be a great thing in the grand scheme of things.   I guess technically it IS mobile now, if you want to use IMAP on a mobile client, but that is a pain in the butt. Ya it works but i prefer the real client here instead and no casual user would do it anyway which is what we need to think of..   Then you have jabber mobile for chat, but again, no casual user would even have a clue.

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 07:24:38 EST from darknetuser

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2022-02-26 12:07 from IGnatius T Foobar
If they're not willing to interact with you anywhere other than
facebook, are they really family? At some point you realize that your

time is worth something and so are the people who *want* to spend time

with you, and the blood relationship means a bit less when you're

trying to decide who is really your "family".

I have "relatives" who think they wished me a happy birthday because

they did so on my wife's facebook account. Fuck those people, they're

not family.
On the other hand, the folks I *do* consider family are *in* my life.

Some of them are blood related, others aren't. A few are people I met

Facebook doesn't offer that because it's built to make everyone hate

each other so they keep coming back to
drive more ad revenue.

I truly value each one of you and love that you keep coming back to be

part of my life. Really.


If they only talk to you when it is convenient to them, they don't think you are that valuable.

There is a reason why my customers and providers phone me when they want something. It is because they care. Heck, I have customers to whom I could deliver stuff via logistics agencies who prefer to come to me and talk to me instead.

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 13:44:50 EST from LoanShark

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well, I don't log on for a few days and the whole world turns to poop.

Meh. 1000x MEH.

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 13:47:57 EST from Nurb432

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So, its YOUR fault.  I knew it wasn't mine!

Mon Feb 28 2022 01:44:50 PM EST from LoanShark

well, I don't log on for a few days and the whole world turns to poop.

Meh. 1000x MEH.


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