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[#] Fri Sep 15 2017 10:39:47 UTC from fleeb

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The only support for Solaris requested of us involves supporting a particularly ancient variant of the damned thing because it has so many vulnerabilities (and quite a few people still use it, unpatched, because it was otherwise solid) that they want to teach people how to hack into it. And why you should upgrade it, or maybe migrate to some other tools that can stay up to date if Solaris won't.

[#] Fri Sep 15 2017 10:41:18 UTC from fleeb

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That's intriguing.

I wonder how well that works within a virtualized environment. Hmm...

[#] Fri Sep 15 2017 14:17:06 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's how I'm running it. The underlying Linux machine is even joined to an Active Directory domain. If that doesn't make your head explode...

[#] Mon Sep 18 2017 16:16:29 UTC from LoanShark

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Well, that's the kind of blinkered, Philistine pig-ignorance I've come to expect from you non-creative garbage...

[#] Wed Sep 20 2017 13:20:26 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The other possible outcome might be for Solaris to become just a bunch of system software that sits on top of Linux, similar to Novell's "Open Enterprise Server" (Netware services without the Netware OS). Obviously it will be a lot easier for Snoracle to port their stuff to Linux than it was for Novell, since it's already unix.

Snoracle has their own Linux distribution, but it's really just a clone of Red Hat.

[#] Wed Sep 20 2017 13:44:17 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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All we wanted was a simple Linux server, not an abbatoir.

I've gotta say though, nslcd (aka nss-pam-ldapd) is freaking awesome. Joining a Linux machine to an Active Directory domain used to be a gigantic pain in the ass. Winbind was a piece of garbage, had too many dependencies, and had a habit of just not staying working. nslcd ties the name service switch directly to LDAP, no shims, no gimmicks. It also works with *any* LDAP server, not just AD.

When you have hundreds of servers it's nice to be able to log in with your LDAP credentials instead of having to go into the password vault to fetch the root password.

[#] Thu Sep 21 2017 16:12:03 UTC from fleeb

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How badly does it consume bandwidth, doyouknow?

I'd expect if it's using those underlying protocols, it's probably fairly trim.

Oh.... and I wonder if you can record it to an mp4 or something. That'd be super-useful.

[#] Fri Sep 22 2017 03:26:33 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I haven't looked at bandwidth consumption because the server I'm running it on has plenty of it. It is going to use its own protocol to the client browser plus whatever bandwidth is consumed from the Guac server to the server you're logging into.

I haven't tried using it from anywhere other than my own well-endowed home network yet. I'll report back next week when I'm sitting in an airport using a tethered phone and we'll see. I think it's still going to be pretty good.

And yes, there is a screen recording module available. :)

[#] Fri Sep 22 2017 10:19:51 UTC from fleeb

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For my needs, that screen recording thing, if I can route the recording to a server elsewhere, would be amazingly useful.

[#] Sun Sep 24 2017 18:41:33 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Read through [ ] and check out the section on "Session Recording."

[#] Wed Sep 27 2017 20:30:41 UTC from fleeb

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I've set up a guacamole server/client that shows a proof of concept. It works very, very smoothly... far more smoothly than what we're doing at the moment through our vendor.

That, alone, makes me want to use this. Add to it recording features, and it's all the better... I may play with that tomorrow.

It's a tad frustrating, though, that I couldn't get the same familiar desktop in linux as the console's desktop (meaning, as if a CRT were connected to the VM, if that were possible). That's a bit of a shame, and might be a problem for certain distributions (Security Onion, Kali, etc). I dunno... maybe I can work around that somehow.

[#] Thu Sep 28 2017 13:49:44 UTC from bennabiy

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Illumos has a lot of promise to keep the Solaris spirit alive, while being flexible. I personally use SmartOS for a hypervisor OS and it works wonders.

[#] Thu Sep 28 2017 14:51:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I got Linux graphical desktop via Guacamole working by using VNC. It takes a lot of manipulation, but you can combine VNC server with xinetd in a way that makes it fire up a new session and present a login prompt whenever someone connects to port 5900.

It would be easier if Guacamole could natively speak X11 and XDMCP. Although Guacamole has been designed to be extended in this way, no one has written this protocol yet.

[#] Fri Sep 29 2017 13:35:25 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Aside from running software that was built to run on Solaris, what are the advantages Solaris has these days over Linux? ZFS, DTrace, Containers? Linux has equivalents of all of those now.

[#] Fri Sep 29 2017 14:12:47 UTC from zooer

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If that is what this is.

[#] Fri Sep 29 2017 14:14:18 UTC from zooer

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Ignore the above comment, somehow that comment ended up in this room.  I blame the chickens.

[#] Tue Oct 03 2017 19:47:45 UTC from fleeb

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Well, I get the impression Solaris, at least in times past, was super-reliable.

Does it remain as reliable today as it was?

[#] Tue Oct 03 2017 19:51:00 UTC from fleeb

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I used xrdp, and managed to get the gnome desktop working with it.

I did get it working with Unity on Ubuntu, amusingly, but not without consequences.... couldn't log out of the session in any way, short of killing the right process.

Not that I like Unity. I mention this as yet another reason for anyone to dislike Unity.

I found xrdp worked really, really well, for keeping a uniform experience across the different machines that I had set up (Windows & Linux).

I want to try out some of the other features... ssh sessions, and desktop recording in particular.

[#] Tue Oct 03 2017 20:51:05 UTC from LoanShark

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Does anybody really know? ;)

[#] Tue Oct 03 2017 22:05:51 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yes, it's still reliable.  The issue isn't that Solaris is no longer reliable; it is that Linux has closed the gap.  Nevertheless, die-hard Solaris admins will almost always tell you that Linux is strictly a desktop operating system.  But if they were to look at the horizon instead of at their glass of kool-aid they would be able to see the end of their career.

I look around our data centers and I don't see anyone deploying Snoracle machines for new workloads.  If I happen to see one and there's an admin nearby, they always say the same thing: "that's for our old [so-and-so legacy application] ... it'll be gone soon."  The same holds true for H/PUX or AIX systems.  No one wants to bother with the expense and specialized skillsets required to run these machines unless they have legacy workloads to support.

The bottom line here is that the "unix wars" of yore did come to an end, there was a definite winner, and it was Linux.

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