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[#] Fri Jul 18 2014 15:38:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Closing scheduled for this coming Wednesday. This can't happen soon enough!

[#] Thu Jul 24 2014 15:38:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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We're finally in the new house. Got a bunch of strong teenagers from my son's youth group at the church to help move the furniture upstairs at a fraction of the cost of movers (but what must have seemed like big bucks to them).
Verizon is there now digging around next to my driveway running new fiber.
Photos soon.

[#] Thu Jul 24 2014 15:45:29 UTC from fleeb

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[#] Thu Jul 24 2014 17:43:45 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I meant photos of the house, not of the fiber optic cable, but I can post that too if it's going to turn you on...

[#] Thu Jul 24 2014 20:28:10 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Wesley beat me to it...

[#] Thu Jul 24 2014 23:15:37 UTC from vince-q <>

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Jul 24 2014 8:38am from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd (Uncensored)

We're finally in the new house. Got a bunch of strong teenagers from

my son's youth group at the church to help move the furniture upstairs

at a fraction of the cost of movers (but what must have seemed like big

bucks to them).
Verizon is there now digging around next to my driveway running new
Photos soon.

Ah, YOUR version of "KidPower" .... gotta love it! <evil grin>

[#] Mon Jul 28 2014 22:31:11 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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After cutting out a wall to fit my washer and dryer into the laundry closet (it's going to have bifold doors; I guess whoever built this thing intended to use stackables), I have discovered that the drain fitting that I thought was intended for the washer is actually some old fitting that's absolutely sealed shut.

I don't know what's wrong with it ... it's got a nipple on the end that looks like it's intended for a rubber hose to slide onto it, and it goes directly into the main waste stack.

Anyway, as I go to repair or replace this thing, let me ask this question:

Is it acceptable to direct-plumb a washer drain into the waste line like that? I did buy some rubber hose and ran it in a loop that went higher than the washer before going back down to the drain connection. Can I do my new connection that way? Or is it a requirement to have a washer standpipe with the appliance's drain loosely fitting into the top to let air in?

[#] Tue Jul 29 2014 12:00:08 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Hey congrats to the clan!  Enjoy!

[#] Tue Jul 29 2014 13:06:18 UTC from dothebart

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You know, there are circumstances under which you can have backslash through the waste line - so the higher you go, the lesser the chance your floor gets filled with fancy smelling whater ;-)

Usually you want a waste trap / syphon so you don't get fancy odors in your flat.

[#] Tue Jul 29 2014 20:30:08 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I am a unix hacker. We use forward slashes in our waste lines, not backslashes.

[#] Wed Jul 30 2014 03:09:10 UTC from ax25

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Tue Jul 29 2014 04:30:08 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
I am a unix hacker. We use forward slashes in our waste lines, not backslashes.

Hey, I thought we were supposed to "|" it to something in a piecework order.

[#] Mon Aug 04 2014 04:28:33 UTC from zooer

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Does anyone use wireless IP cameras for their home and if so can they recomend a product? I would like an email
sent with a picture if possible. Live stream would be nice but I don't have a router I could send video


[#] Mon Aug 04 2014 16:35:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Lawnmower FAIL

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I know I need a new mower for the larger yard, but it won't arrive for another couple of weeks so I wanted to try to get one more cut out of the old mower.

It had a different idea.  A few minutes into the job, it literally blew itself apart:

[ If you can't see the image, go to ]

The whole assembly carrying the carbeurator and choke blasted itself right off the side of the engine.  There was no putting it back on, either -- we're talking broken parts here, not just spontaneous disassembly.

The fact that it then caught on fire kind of sealed the deal.  I figured the fire would go out when the rest of the fuel was consumed, but the plastic fuel tank and all of the other plastic parts of the mower were burning too.  I eventually had to douse it when it started spewing thick black smoke towards the neighbors.

I have an appointment with Mr. John Deere.


[#] Tue Aug 05 2014 16:56:03 UTC from wizard of aahz

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I did NOT sabotage the lawnmower.. Will be investigating the new garage though.

[#] Tue Aug 05 2014 20:35:16 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Why don't I believe you? Those ninja cats cannot be trusted. Did I mention the new driveway is more than 200 feet long, and I just bought a cat plow ... err, I mean a snow plow ... for the new Deere?

[#] Wed Aug 06 2014 00:16:59 UTC from vince-q <>

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I'd be impressed if you had bought a deer plow .... for your new Cat.

[#] Wed Aug 06 2014 13:47:43 UTC from wizard of aahz

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I want snow. IF it takes sabotaging all of your snow removal equipment to get it, that's what I will do.

[#] Wed Aug 06 2014 22:50:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Perhaps you should send your ninja cats to Massachussetts to sweet-talk our CEO and CTO into establishing a "work from home whenever you want" policy.
Then I will no longer care about the snow. :)

[#] Wed Aug 06 2014 23:33:41 UTC from wizard of aahz

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That would ruin their fun.

[#] Thu Aug 07 2014 12:34:07 UTC from fleeb

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Your misery provides us entertainment.

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