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[#] Tue Oct 01 2013 20:26:38 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well, I'm still going to try to salvage the deal. I suspect it was the lawyers that scared everyone. Plus I just spoke with the asbestos guy and he said we can remove the vermiculite ourselves and then he can come in and spray-foam the space and deliver a certificate attesting that the job has been done, for a fraction of the cost of him doing it.

[#] Tue Oct 01 2013 20:39:11 UTC from vince-q <>

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Oct 1 2013 1:26pm from IGnatius T Foobar @uncnsrd (Uncensored)

Well, I'm still going to try to salvage the deal. I suspect it was
the lawyers that scared everyone. Plus I just spoke with the asbestos

guy and he said we can remove the vermiculite ourselves and then he can

come in and spray-foam the space and deliver a certificate attesting
that the job has been done, for a fraction of the cost of him doing it.

Good solution.
Except it leaves out all the neat fun litigation! ;)

[#] Fri Oct 04 2013 19:07:56 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well, it does look like our deadbeat buyers are gone for good. After a lot of prodding their realtor told our realtor "for a number of reasons they have decided not to move forward with the transaction."

Although they're not obligated to give us a reason it would have been courteous of them to do so.

[#] Fri Oct 04 2013 21:05:21 UTC from zooer

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Why are they "deadbeat"?

[#] Fri Oct 04 2013 21:18:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Because they said they were going to buy our house and then they just walked away with no explanation. Meanwhile our offer on a new house was accepted and we might not be able to go through with that because we have no buyer for our house. These people have screwed us up in a big way. It isn't illegal, it's just really really inconsiderate to do that and not even offer an explanation.

[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 03:43:10 UTC from vince-q <>

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They probably found out that their chance of getting a mortgage was about as likely as discovering warp drive by the end of the month.

[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 09:23:57 UTC from dothebart

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there is no house selling during goverment shutdown anyways...

[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 14:07:08 UTC from zooer

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The members of the house as well as the senate can be bought and sold at any time.

[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 14:28:34 UTC from vince-q <>

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Oct 5 2013 2:23am from dothebart @uncnsrd (Uncensored)
there is no house selling during goverment shutdown anyways...

If I understand this correctly, that's not true. The only thing not happening is processing of home loans where government agencies such as FHA or VA (or "Freddie" or "Fannie") are involved. That stuff normally happens after an agreement of sale, and prior to closing/settlement. While the government shutdown might "impede" the orderly flow from contract to closing, in no way should that directly interfere with "house selling."

In fact, according to recently released figures, roughly 40% of the residential real estate sales today are "all cash" deals. No mortgage company; no federal government involvement (other than to send in the customary IRS forms, and that is done by mail).


[#] Sat Oct 05 2013 14:29:55 UTC from vince-q <>

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Oct 5 2013 7:07am from zooer @uncnsrd (Uncensored)
The members of the house as well as the senate can be bought and sold at
any time.

Don't forget the Idiot in Chief. You know, Barack HUSSEIN Obama?

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 05:23:09 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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They probably found out that their chance of getting a mortgage was
about as likely as discovering warp drive by the end of the month.

Actually, their moron realtor forwarded me a document showing that they had already qualified for a mortgage somewhat higher than our selling price. So that wasn't it.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 05:58:14 UTC from vince-q <>

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Actually, their moron realtor forwarded me a document showing that
they had already qualified for a mortgage somewhat higher than our
selling price. So that wasn't it.

Worthless. In a real estate transaction, the *only* "letter from the bank" that carries weight is a Mortgage Commitment Letter. Everything else is puffery and bullshit.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 14:32:18 UTC from triLcat

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We have a price agreement on a place. Need to get a lawyer to draw up the contract and figure out how to get all the money here (much of it is in the US - we're doing personal loans rather than a mortgage, as nobody's earning any interest on their money anyway, so they're willing to lend interest-free in the family.)

Place is 4 br/2.5 bath (vs 3br/2 bath), has a smallish garden  - big enough for a picnic table, bbq, and bigger-than-baby-sized (2.5 meter diameter, round) inflatable pool without feeling crowded.

terrace in the front overlooking a playground. 1 floor up, elevator from the parking, up a flight of stairs from the street. Walking distance from my daughter's elementary school (where my son will be going next year).

We're really hoping it all works out. 

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 15:29:09 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Worthless. In a real estate transaction, the *only* "letter from the

bank" that carries weight is a Mortgage Commitment Letter. Everything

else is puffery and bullshit.

True. However there are some clever programs out there that can help buyers out a bit. I'm doing my mortgage with Quicken Loans and they have a program where you give them a $500 deposit (credited back to you at closing) and they will begin doing all of the homework for you as if you were ready to sign.
With about 24 hours notice they will produce for you a document that the loan is, for all practical purposes, "pre-underwritten." Not quite, of course, but they're basically indicating to the seller that yes, they *are* going to give you this loan.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 17:52:55 UTC from vince-q <>

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Sun Oct 06 2013 08:29:09 PDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored
Worthless. In a real estate transaction, the *only* "letter from the

bank" that carries weight is a Mortgage Commitment Letter. Everything

else is puffery and bullshit.

True. However there are some clever programs out there that can help buyers out a bit. I'm doing my mortgage with Quicken Loans and they have a program where you give them a $500 deposit (credited back to you at closing) and they will begin doing all of the homework for you as if you were ready to sign.
With about 24 hours notice they will produce for you a document that the loan is, for all practical purposes, "pre-underwritten." Not quite, of course, but they're basically indicating to the seller that yes, they *are* going to give you this loan.

During my fairly extensive, over roughly 30 years, experience buying and selling houses (about six or seven) I have yet to see, nor would I sign, an Agreement of Sale that did not have a Mortgage Commitment Letter Date clause on the "buyer(s)' requirements" side. When selling, I always required a commitment letter and date at least 30 days prior to the closing and would not order up any of the seller-side tests, certs, etc until that letter was deposited into escrow.

Exception: if seller put up a non-refundable deposit of $10K or more I would waive that (and pray he could not get a loan in time to settle). Then, as now, it was a strong seller's market.

My belief, both then and now, that if I am the seller then you'll buy on my terms, or go away. Then, as now, there are buyers lining up to take the place of any problem buyer.

IG, it is your market and your house. Be picky. Be very picky. You'll never regret it.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 18:44:39 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Our strategy has always been: continue showing the house until there is a signed contract. These folks bailed out prior to signing the contract, even though they spent a bunch of money on inspections that only turned up a handful of small issues that we intended to remediate.

The two reasons I am bitching about it are:

1. We made an offer on another house that was accepted, and now we may lose this house because we need to sell ours in order to get under contract

2. Interest rates are on their way back up.

Really I just want this whole ordeal over with.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 19:34:58 UTC from Ahff Rowe

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That sucks. I know the feeling.

/fortunately just got two of my houses re-fi'd at 3.5% before rates started rising again. Went with Quicken Loans too -- pretty smooth process.

[#] Sun Oct 06 2013 21:34:31 UTC from vince-q <>

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1. We made an offer on another house that was accepted, and now we may

lose this house because we need to sell ours in order to get under

2. Interest rates are on their way back up.

Really I just want this whole ordeal over with.

1. There's a reason for everything that happens during a "deal gone bad" that, in the end, works to your advantage. Do not get discouraged. The sale that went bad simply "was not supposed to happen." Many possible reasons. All of them good (for you) believe it or not. Yes, you are pissed. Yes, you are discouraged. And yes, you are sincerely disappointed. Welcome to the World of Real Estate.

2. Interest rates are on their way up, but viewed in the Over All Scheme Of Things they are still at historic lows and will remain there for the next couple of years. And... more important... prices are going up. Bottom line? You may not get the house you wanted right now. You will end up selling your house, and my hunch it will be for ****significantly**** more money than the now-gone first "buyer" was going to pay.

Old Saying from Realtor Friend Back East: BUYERS ARE LIARS.
Remember that for next time. Believe *nothing* that is not in writing, and only believe what's in writing once you have their deposit money in hand (actually "in escrow").

Sit back.
Have a Scotch.
Watch some football.
Go to the track and play a few horsies.
Take in a play/musical/opera/whatever.
Enjoy life. There's much more to it than selling/buying a house.

[#] Mon Oct 07 2013 16:17:13 UTC from zooer

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A month or two ago my sister moved into a new place and purchased a new washer and dryer at Sears. I may have
mentioned it I am not sure. It was a Sunday only deal and things went well and the install went well.

My mother's laundry room is fine for a top loading washer but the sink does not allow a front loading washer.
For some reason when she purchased a LG washer and dryer set she went with a front loader and had the dryer
stacked on top of the washer. She liked the extra floor space the stacking provided in the wash room and she
used the extra floor space for various things including the cat's litter box. My mother's LG washer which was
repaired once before started leaking after eight plus years and she decided to purchase another set.

I went with my mother to a local appliance store and to Sears. Local is nice but more expensive, they do have
their own installers and it
is local. Sears had a sale on a set she liked, it was cheaper than the other store,
and there was a few more features she liked. She ordered the set and a stacking kit. We asked the salesman
several things:
"Can we use the current hoses that are less than three years old and can we use our current six foot dryer
cord?" The dryer cord question is important, it will come up later. The answer was no, it had to be purchased
new because of the warranty. We explained that the dryer outlet is on the floor and we would need a six foot

We asked if they had their own installers or used contractors. The salesman said the installers work for

We asked if there was a pickup charge for the old equipment. The salesman said it was included.

The problems began after the transaction. On the receipt there is a separate charge for pickup. It was only ten
dollars but it wasn't
included as stated.

When the installers got to my mother's house five days later they explained they didn't work for Sears they were
contractors. They were also from out of town. The installers were fantastic, they worked quick, worked hard
and went above and beyond.

Then they told us that the dryer cord *we had* to purchase was too short and they don't carry a six foot cord on
the truck. The old equipment was out of the house, the new equipment was in place but there was no dryer cord.
My mother went around with the installer's boss for a bit, he wanted to help. My mother was told we could buy
our own cord and pay for an electrician to come back and install it. We were told we could use the cord from the
old machine. Both of these we were told at the time of sale would void the warranty. The installer company
said they would have the Sears salesman call my mother. She told
the installers to put the units back on the
truck and she would not accept delivery. Once they are in your house you are F@#$ if you try to resolve a
problem. The installers left with the new equipment and per our request left the old washer and dryer in the

The sales person got around to calling my mother an hour and a half later, and told us that we could always buy
a cord "somewhere" and have someone install it. Again, he told us in the store this would void the warranty.
My mother explained she wanted to know what he was going to do to resolve the situation as she sent the set back
with the installers. He loudly asked, "YOU WHAT!???!" When my mother explained she sent the units back the
salesman hung up on her. We never heard a thing from Sears after this. No one called, no one tried to do

My mother went back to the store the original sales person
had the day off and she was told by another
salesperson that the store does not processes refunds and she would have to call a phone number to get a refund.
When she called the first person had to connect us to someone else. After getting connected the next person
this person said in a heavy accent, "You can always buy your own cord and have a professional install it." This
is starting to irritate my mother. She said she has been inconvenienced, she had to go to the laundromat and it
has been a hassle. They said they would give her a $25 gift card. So my mother would have to purchase another
cord, pay for professional installation, and she spent $15 at the laundromat they were going to give her $25 for
her trouble. She explained she wanted a refund. They said it takes a few days to process.

She went back over to the locally owned store and purchased a different set than she
was looking at originally
and a different set then she wanted to purchase at Sears. It was installed this morning. At the time of the
sale the sales person said the local company keeps all sizes of cords, hoses and accessories on the truck so
they have it in case they need it. They explained there is a higher charge for the six foot cord and will only
be used if needed.

Sears is now on our shit list. Sears may not be around for much longer as it is. My parents had problems with
Ford in the 70s, no one in the family will go near a Ford product.

On a side not the installer said that a lot of the LG equipment has had problems lately but he didn't say much
else. The problem is so many companies own other companies you don't know who makes who anymore.

[#] Mon Oct 07 2013 17:51:23 UTC from vince-q <>

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Sears has been on my shit list since 2004.

In April 2004 I went into the hospital after being diagnosed with a "unilateral spontaneous pneumothorax" (collapsed lung). To make a long hospital story short, it took 12 days in-hospital and surgery for them to finally fix it. They did a great job.

About 2 weeks after I got home I got my monthly bill for my Sears credit card, along with a late fee for the previous month which did not get paid because I was in the hospital (see previous paragraph).

I called Sears; got a complete runaround from some In New Delhi Hindu, I hung up.
I went into town and visited my local Sears store. Got a complete runaround from the 'droid in Customer "Service" and so I left.

I waited.
And then I wrote a certified letter to Sears (the address on the credit card bill for disputes etc.) in which I outlined my position as described above - I was only asking for removal of the late fee and a written statement that Sears would not report the late payment to any credit bureau and would remove any "derogatory" report they may have already filed.

I waited.
And heard nothing.
For about 6 weeks.
Then I got a Collection Telephone Call.

I immediately asked to speak to a supervisor, went over the entire situation wth the supervisor, proceeded to get Yet Another RunAround.

I told the supervisor that they, Sears, and anyone related to either of those, could go fuck themselves. That not only was I not paying the late fee, that I was not paying on the account, ever again, and that "you know where I live, sue me." And if you DARE report any of this to any credit agency I will happily sue you in my Friendly Local Superior Court and make you pay about ten times more in court costs and fees, etc. etc .etc.

Not one word made it to the credit report. Other than the one "late" that was already there.

I also told them that I wanted a written apology for what they had said 4 weeks ago.
Oh? Forgot to mention that up above.
One of the 'droids in my initial contact on this issue said "it isn't Sears' fault you were in the hospital, that's just a fucking shame" and yes, that pissed me off beyond description. Fucking shame??

Fuck Sears.

They're going under.
Exactly what they deserve.
Completely predictable.
And a complete tragedy.

They indeed used to be "where America shops" and a cherished memory from my (now) far distant childhood.

From the days when it was Sears & Roebuck. Remember that?? I do. Fondly.

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