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[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 18:00:37 UTC from Nurb432

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i dont stretch by hand, only via a rolling pin and never seem to have had that problem. Sounds like your dough might be a bit dry?

[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 19:27:06 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Pizza places have a machine you feed them through several times, with a quarter turn each time - that makes them into a thick disk. 

Then you literally TOSS them, allowing the crust to fall down onto your loose, limply held wrists, turn the entire crust clockwise while gently pulling your forearms apart, about a whole turn - then toss it again. You are aiming for slightly bigger than your desired size. Then you pinch the crust up - and it should be the right size and not "elastic". 


Sun Aug 08 2021 13:18:40 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
How do you guys keep your pizzas from just springing back when you stretch them? That seems to be the perpetual problem for me.


[#] Sun Aug 08 2021 20:09:48 UTC from Nurb432

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I tried once to spin dough by hand at home.  Made a mess. Never again.

[#] Mon Aug 09 2021 03:51:19 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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It just takes practice. Cover your hands in flower. Make a ball of dough. Cover it in flour. Flatten it with the heels of your palms into a rough circle. Put down some flour on your surface, reflour the ball and your hands. Roll it out with a rolling pin, doing quarter turns to keep it round. Get it as flat as you can. If you have an automatic press - two rollers it can be fed through, that is best. Keep adding flour so it doesn't stick. Once you get it fairly flat and circular, start tossing it. Be patient. The first few times it won't seem like anything is happening... but eventually - it'll start to spread into a wider disk. 

I used to work at a place that made 27" pizzas. They used 9 pounds of dough. They would come down over you like a *sheet*. 



Sun Aug 08 2021 16:09:48 EDT from Nurb432

I tried once to spin dough by hand at home.  Made a mess. Never again.


[#] Tue Aug 10 2021 00:33:16 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It just takes practice. Cover your hands in flower. Make a ball of

What kind of flowers? There's a ton of Queen Anne's Lace growing wild around here, will that work?

[#] Wed Aug 11 2021 23:50:49 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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You could give it a shot. 


Mon Aug 09 2021 20:33:16 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
It just takes practice. Cover your hands in flower. Make a ball of

What kind of flowers? There's a ton of Queen Anne's Lace growing wild around here, will that work?


[#] Fri Aug 13 2021 17:08:44 UTC from Nurb432

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So not had a deep fryer since i was a kid.  For some reason i just now got tired of using a regular pot + storing oil. "im over this". Went to grocery, guess what they had on sale this week :) 

Not a big radical deal by itself i agree, but this one has a magnetic power cord instead of something you have to shove in.  When did that start? That is pretty cool.


( while there i decided to pick up some Manwich too. Bunch of purple haired people protesting, punching holes in the cans with screwdrivers and calling people names for wanting to buy such an offensive product. And tossing mayo packets at them.  What is up with the mayo packet?
















Ok, just kidding on that last part. Tho i can see it happening :)

[#] Tue Aug 24 2021 06:32:36 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Seriously? So, they're protesting Manwiches now? 


Fri Aug 13 2021 13:08:44 EDT from Nurb432

So not had a deep fryer since i was a kid.  For some reason i just now got tired of using a regular pot + storing oil. "im over this". Went to grocery, guess what they had on sale this week :) 

Not a big radical deal by itself i agree, but this one has a magnetic power cord instead of something you have to shove in.  When did that start? That is pretty cool.


( while there i decided to pick up some Manwich too. Bunch of purple haired people protesting, punching holes in the cans with screwdrivers and calling people names for wanting to buy such an offensive product. And tossing mayo packets at them.  What is up with the mayo packet?
















Ok, just kidding on that last part. Tho i can see it happening :)


[#] Tue Aug 24 2021 21:23:54 UTC from Nurb432

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No, far bottom of my post, 'just kidding' 

Tue Aug 24 2021 02:32:36 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Seriously? So, they're protesting Manwiches now? 



[#] Tue Aug 24 2021 21:26:25 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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LOL. I was tired. Long week. 


Tue Aug 24 2021 17:23:54 EDT from Nurb432

No, far bottom of my post, 'just kidding' 

Tue Aug 24 2021 02:32:36 AM EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Seriously? So, they're protesting Manwiches now? 




[#] Wed Aug 25 2021 18:11:54 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It may *sound* ridiculous, but these days you never know!

[#] Wed Aug 25 2021 22:59:20 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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There was that, too. 


Wed Aug 25 2021 14:11:54 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
It may *sound* ridiculous, but these days you never know!


[#] Mon Oct 04 2021 18:18:21 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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We made sausage and pepper wedges yesterday to celebrate Italian-American Heritage Month. Zeppole for dessert. Just like the food at a street fair.


[#] Mon Oct 04 2021 22:49:35 UTC from Nurb432

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I forgot to eat. Does that count?

[#] Sun Oct 31 2021 19:34:14 UTC from Nurb432

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So, you people  happy now? Thin crust.. And only one layer.  ( teasing on 'you people" )

[#] Wed Nov 03 2021 00:15:58 UTC from Nurb432

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Dammit i was rotating out some of the 'emergency food' in the garage ( pulling some to eat, replacing it with new ) and freaking mice got into the cabinet.   lots of dry goods, toast.   arrrgh

[#] Thu Nov 11 2021 14:14:35 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The mice need to eat too! Or you can eat the mice, if things get really bad.

[#] Thu Nov 11 2021 14:19:18 UTC from Nurb432

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[#] Mon Nov 15 2021 15:44:24 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-11-11 09:14 from IGnatius T Foobar
The mice need to eat too! Or you can eat the mice, if things get
really bad.

I actually like the mice. They are very cute. I just want them to be in the barns instead of inside my house.

[#] Tue Nov 16 2021 13:53:37 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Agreed. It isn't the mice so much as it is the unsanitary mouse droppings.
Doesn't matter though; mice don't last long in my house because I have cats.

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