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[#] Sun Apr 18 2021 22:53:53 UTC from zooer

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Kent Rollins Best pizza dough, and cooking pizza in cast iron Dutch oven.

Upside down pizza, cooked in a cast iron pan

[#] Sun Apr 18 2021 22:57:03 UTC from zooer

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You do have to be careful with tomatoes or any acidity food in cast iron.

[#] Sun Apr 18 2021 23:09:49 UTC from Nurb432

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For dough ( bread, pizza, whatever )  i always use butter instead of oil. And substitute some water with milk ( either fill D, or actual cream.  it needs milk fat to matter so no 2% )

Pizza gets a small amount of corn meal. Regular bread does not.

[#] Sun Apr 18 2021 23:10:45 UTC from Nurb432

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Agreed, however its all 'contained' within the dough, so its pretty safe, in my case.

Sun Apr 18 2021 18:57:03 EDT from zooer

You do have to be careful with tomatoes or any acidity food in cast iron.


[#] Mon Apr 19 2021 14:06:09 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Once again, it seems that zooer and I continue to watch all the same youtubers.
We watch every one of Kent Rollins videos.

For the record, I am happy to eat deep dish; I just don't consider it to be pizza.

When I cook something in cast iron that needs to be "turned out" like a deep dish non-pizza, or a cornbread, or the perennial favorite around here, a cookie skillet ... I have no problem cheating by using my enameled cast iron pan.
And of course, lots of non-stick spray.

[#] Mon Apr 19 2021 22:16:39 UTC from Nurb432

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If its not pizza, what is it then? ( not being a smart ass. just curious )

Mon Apr 19 2021 10:06:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Once again, it seems that zooer and I continue to watch all the same youtubers.
We watch every one of Kent Rollins videos.

For the record, I am happy to eat deep dish; I just don't consider it to be pizza.

When I cook something in cast iron that needs to be "turned out" like a deep dish non-pizza, or a cornbread, or the perennial favorite around here, a cookie skillet ... I have no problem cheating by using my enameled cast iron pan.
And of course, lots of non-stick spray.


[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 01:38:32 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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An actual PIE? A meat, cheese and dough pie. 

Mon Apr 19 2021 18:16:39 EDT from Nurb432

If its not pizza, what is it then? ( not being a smart ass. just curious )

Mon Apr 19 2021 10:06:09 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Once again, it seems that zooer and I continue to watch all the same youtubers.
We watch every one of Kent Rollins videos.

For the record, I am happy to eat deep dish; I just don't consider it to be pizza.

When I cook something in cast iron that needs to be "turned out" like a deep dish non-pizza, or a cornbread, or the perennial favorite around here, a cookie skillet ... I have no problem cheating by using my enameled cast iron pan.
And of course, lots of non-stick spray.



[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 10:11:08 UTC from zooer

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Tomato pie is a snack, I suppose some people could eat it as a meal.  Just don't call it cold pizza, it isn't.

There are no toppings on it either. dough, pizza sauce and some sprinkle cheese.


[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 10:11:28 UTC from zooer

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The dough/crust is very thick.

[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 11:04:05 UTC from Nurb432

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Deep dish = tomato pie?  Or the thin stuff?

No toppings? You haven't seen mine :)   ( or some commercial places around here )

Tue Apr 20 2021 06:11:08 EDT from zooer

Tomato pie is a snack, I suppose some people could eat it as a meal.  Just don't call it cold pizza, it isn't.

There are no toppings on it either. dough, pizza sauce and some sprinkle cheese.



[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 13:39:37 UTC from zooer

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No, you are not making Tomato Pie.  Tomato pie is not a deep dish "pizza", it does have a thicker dough and is of Sicilian style. 

It is unique to central NY.  There are others that call their creation "tomato pie" but in the same way that deep dish pizza is not pizza, other variants of tomato pie are not tomato pie.


[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 14:48:59 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Oh wait... 

Elementary School LUNCH pizza! 

Tue Apr 20 2021 09:39:37 EDT from zooer

No, you are not making Tomato Pie.  Tomato pie is not a deep dish "pizza", it does have a thicker dough and is of Sicilian style. 

It is unique to central NY.  There are others that call their creation "tomato pie" but in the same way that deep dish pizza is not pizza, other variants of tomato pie are not tomato pie.



[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 14:55:14 UTC from zooer

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yes!  Now you have it.

I never ate Tomato Pie until I was an adult.  I was in a local store, I saw a single serving of it and for the first time I tried it.  I thought it was pretty good.

I am sure I had school pizza, but I don't remember it.


[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 15:08:44 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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It looked just like that... but maybe with more cheese and less tomato sauce. 


Tue Apr 20 2021 10:55:14 EDT from zooer

yes!  Now you have it.

I never ate Tomato Pie until I was an adult.  I was in a local store, I saw a single serving of it and for the first time I tried it.  I thought it was pretty good.

I am sure I had school pizza, but I don't remember it.



[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 15:37:26 UTC from Nurb432

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Oddly enough i was never a fan of that stuff.



Tue Apr 20 2021 10:48:59 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Oh wait... 

Elementary School LUNCH pizza! 

Tue Apr 20 2021 09:39:37 EDT from zooer

No, you are not making Tomato Pie.  Tomato pie is not a deep dish "pizza", it does have a thicker dough and is of Sicilian style. 

It is unique to central NY.  There are others that call their creation "tomato pie" but in the same way that deep dish pizza is not pizza, other variants of tomato pie are not tomato pie.




[#] Tue Apr 20 2021 16:13:55 UTC from Nurb432

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