IG prepares to listen to Obama's State of the Union Address.
NASA fuming as government awards contract for Manned Mars mission to lowest bidder!
A spokesman is reported to have said: "it just sucks!"
During Apollo 11's earth-moon transit in July 1969, one of the astronauts
said, during one of the TV transmissions, "just imagine - here we are on this
historic voyage, in this craft with several hundred thousand parts, most of
which are mission critical, and all of them provided by the low bidder!" (paraphrased
- not verbatim quote)
You know, now that you mentioned this, it may just have been Apollo 8. I'm
fairly sure it was "11" but at my age, second-guessing yourself becomes a
hobby.... ;)
Why Jeb? Why not? He's multi-racial! His family is half Mexican, his hands are half African, his brain is half missing!
[ If you can't see the photo go to http://uncensored.citadel.org/readfwd?go=Caption%20This!?start_reading_at=3972207#3972207 ]
"Mommy, look! I can fix your slipped disk with my pink Barbie scalpel and some scotch tape!"
"That's a photo of your daughter? Yeah, send her over to my room around 10pm, the hildabeest will be out campaigning tonight."