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[#] Tue Jun 22 2021 14:30:52 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'd be satisfied if his rocket simply exploded on the pad. Or exploded at any time during the flight, actually. We need the drama. We need the spectacle.
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feeeeeel it....

[#] Tue Jun 22 2021 14:51:13 UTC from Nurb432

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id hate for innocents to be hurt tho. 

Tue Jun 22 2021 10:30:52 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
I'd be satisfied if his rocket simply exploded on the pad. Or exploded at any time during the flight, actually. We need the drama. We need the spectacle.
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feeeeeel it....


[#] Tue Jun 22 2021 18:05:25 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-06-22 10:30 from IGnatius T Foobar
I'd be satisfied if his rocket simply exploded on the pad. Or exploded

at any time during the flight, actually. We need the drama. We need

the spectacle.
Can you feel it, can you feel it, can you feeeeeel it....

If you want drama, requets it to be big.

Have the rocket malfuction and fall in Facebooks headquarters, catching Shitterberg.

[#] Tue Jun 22 2021 18:16:47 UTC from zooer

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Tue Jun 22 2021 10:51:13 AM EDT from Nurb432

id hate for innocents to be hurt tho. 


As Johnny Rotten said, "No one is innocent."

The three people on the spacecraft will be Bozos, his brother, and some guy who could afford the twenty-three million dollar flight ticket.

Two bozos and a billionaire.


[#] Tue Jun 22 2021 18:54:58 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Too bad we couldn't fill the rocket up with poor people with class envy. I'm sure poor people cause way more problems for humanity than Jeff Bezos, his brother, and some other multi-millionaire. 

Or at least, they're less convenient for me. 


Tue Jun 22 2021 14:16:47 EDT from zooer


Tue Jun 22 2021 10:51:13 AM EDT from Nurb432

id hate for innocents to be hurt tho. 


As Johnny Rotten said, "No one is innocent."

The three people on the spacecraft will be Bozos, his brother, and some guy who could afford the twenty-three million dollar flight ticket.

Two bozos and a billionaire.



[#] Tue Jun 22 2021 19:01:38 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I mean that is, I agree with Johnny Rotten, no one is innocent. If we're going to watch non-innocent people be blown up in rocket, I'd rather get away of people who don't contribute much or are a drag on the economy. Why get rid of the people making jobs when we can get rid of the freeloaders that are just cashing checks for doing nothing, instead? 



Tue Jun 22 2021 14:54:58 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

Too bad we couldn't fill the rocket up with poor people with class envy. I'm sure poor people cause way more problems for humanity than Jeff Bezos, his brother, and some other multi-millionaire. 

Or at least, they're less convenient for me. 



[#] Tue Jun 22 2021 20:46:58 UTC from Nurb432

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Like he is ever there.  Need to aim for his island. 

Tue Jun 22 2021 02:05:25 PM EDT from darknetuser
Have the rocket malfuction and fall in Facebooks headquarters, catching Shitterberg.


[#] Thu Jun 24 2021 18:10:53 UTC from LoanShark

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reason #1,984 that twitter is a toxic hellsite,

[#] Thu Jun 24 2021 20:53:46 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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This isn't "Twitter" - it is the toxic Left. 

This guy is self described as center-Left - but the reason he can't speak up, the reason he has to leave the band, is clearly not TWITTER... 

It is the polarizing Left. 

Thu Jun 24 2021 14:10:53 EDT from LoanShark


[#] Thu Jun 24 2021 22:49:45 UTC from LoanShark

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You didn't fully read the article (including the part about how he got piled on "for the sin of apologizing", which must have come from the Toxic Twitter Right-Wing)

Nor, clearly, have you spent much time on Twitter, where plenty of right-wing toxicity absolutely abounds.


[#] Fri Jun 25 2021 00:33:58 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I did read the whole article. Your partisan bias caused you cognitive dissonance when you read it that filtered out the root responsibility for the current situation to avoid confronting that it was the side that you associate closest with that initiated the events leading to his current decision to part ways with the band. 

To be fair, he engages in some of this too, and it isn't unusual. 

Before you feel attacked or accused - take a deep breath, and try to read on with an open mind. 

Scott Addams would claim this is a great example of the danger of cognitive dissonance and how easily it happens, regardless of what side you're on. He constantly questions his own narratives, perceptions and opinions based on the fact that he understands he is as susceptible to this as anyone else. 

Winston Marshall writes: 

At the beginning of March I tweeted to American journalist Andy Ngo, author of the New York Times Bestseller, Unmasked. “Congratulations @MrAndyNgo. Finally had the time to read your important book. You’re a brave man”. Posting about books had been a theme of my social-media throughout the pandemic. I believed this tweet to be as innocuous as the others. How wrong I turned out to be.

Over the course of 24 hours it was trending with tens of thousands of angry retweets and comments. I failed to foresee that my commenting on a book critical of the Far-Left could be interpreted as approval of the equally abhorrent Far-Right.

This is Ground Zero. He adds: 

I’ve had plenty of abuse over the years. I’m a banjo player after all. But this was another level.

This is the LEFT attacking him - and attacking him with a level of abuse that was on another level...  for saying that he read Ngo's book and thought it was important. And they didn't just attack him for HIS tweet, they attacked his associations for associating with him, because of his tweet. 

And, owing to our association, my friends, my bandmates, were getting it too.

This kind of behavior, on Twitter, is nearly exclusive to the far left. When we talk about this kind of mob-mentality cancel culture - it is almost EXCLUSIVELY the far left engaged in it. 

He goes on to explain: 

Rather predictably another viral mob came after me, this time for the sin of apologising. Then followed libellous articles calling me “right-wing” and such. Though there’s nothing wrong with being conservative, when forced to politically label myself I flutter between “centrist”, “liberal” or the more honest “bit this, bit that”. Being labeled erroneously just goes to show how binary political discourse has become. I had criticised the “Left”, so I must be the “Right”, or so their logic goes.

Basically claiming, like most people on your side of the aisle, that he is a "centrist," feeling "a bit this and a bit that". This is the one of the few points of the article where he touches briefly on "there was a backlash from the Right when I apologized." 

I noted that when I read it, and was not surprised. The right is constantly disappointed when people take a position that is seen as Right, then "bend the knee" when the cancel mob comes after them - because, rightly I believe - they feel it emboldens the cancel culture to continue and use this method to shut down any opposition to their ideologies and philosophies. Once you get engaged with the Cancel Culture - if you bend the knee, you will surely face the Counter-Cancel Culture. But the Counter-Cancel culture is not going to notice you bending the knee unless you've said something unpopular with the CANCEL CULTURE and then backed off of that statement once they came after you with the pitchforks and torches of the Far Left. 

His PRIMARY reason for bending the knee? 

Why did I apologise?

Rub your eyes and purify your heart — and prize above all else in the world those who love you and who wish you well.” — Aleksander Solzhenitsyn once wrote. In the mania of the moment I was desperate to protect my bandmates. The hornets’ nest that I had unwittingly hit had unleashed a black-hearted swarm on them and their families. I didn’t want them to suffer for my actions, they were my priority.

Not the Counter-Cancel Culture's attacks - but the Left's Cancel Culture's attacks. This all started because he said something positive about Andy Ngo, a Right wing pundit who is completely hated by Leftist Radicals like AntiFA. It wasn't anyone on the Right attacking him for congratulating Ngo on his book, let alone attacking people ASSOCIATED with Marshall. He acknowledges the BIGGEST problem were the continued harassment by THE LEFT for him saying he read a book by someone on the Right and dared to consider it. I also, despite not exactly being a Christian, think the "a bit of this and a bit of that," Marshall mentions probably has to do with him disagreeing with the Left on a fair bit to do with Religious freedom and expression. I imagine this applies to the whole band - who probably swing Left on almost everything but THAT topic - and find themselves sleeping with strange bedfellows on that latter topic - but he basically acknowledges this several times in his essay. 

Secondly, I was sincerely open to the fact that maybe I did not know something about the author or his work. “Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak,” Churchill once said, “courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen”. And so I listened.

Through this part of the article, he is saying, in so many words, "the criticisms of my acknowledgement of Ngo's books were focused on the idea that I was giving comfort and encouragement to a Right Wing extremist. So, I listened to this, and thought about it. 

He NEVER says that he agrees with the Cancel Culture on Ngo's reputation as a member of the Extreme Right Wing, or as a "racist white supremacist". Yeah, I'm VERY active on Twitter - and in these circles - and that is the Far Left's position on Ngo - that this Asian Conservative is a Right Wing White Supremacist. Candace Owens is ALSO a Right Wing White Supremacist. ANYONE who isn't far LEFT is a Right Wing White Supremacist to this group on Twitter, no matter what their ethnicity. Jews, Muslims, women, LGBTs, Asians - if they're Right Wing, they're White Supremacists. This is what the critical race theory that is the foundation of their cultural Marxism believes. 

Instead, what Marshall says, and repeats: 

I have spent much time reflecting, reading and listening. The truth is that my commenting on a book that documents the extreme Far-Left and their activities is in no way an endorsement of the equally repugnant Far-Right. The truth is that reporting on extremism at the great risk of endangering oneself is unquestionably brave. I also feel that my previous apology in a small way participates in the lie that such extremism does not exist, or worse, is a force for good.

Which most people on the Far Right would actually agree with. No one endorses the equally repugnant FAR RIGHT - and the truth is that Ngo endangered himself reporting on the extremism of the Far Left. He DISAVOWS his previous apology, claiming it perpetuates a lie that LEFT WING extremism does not exist or worse, is a FORCE for Good. This is him BACKING OFF on bending the knee and saying, "No... I was right. The LEFT was the problem here." 

He then goes on to say, "I'm leaving the band because if I don't bend the knee, the band will suffer - and I do not intend to bend the knee." 

I hope in distancing myself from them I am able to speak my mind without them suffering the consequences. 

Maybe you should reread the article again. He acknowledges a couple of times that the Far Right is repugnant - but the entire essay is on the attacks from the FAR LEFT. 

By the way, the Twitterverse is *predominantly* the FAR LEFT. The Far Left can get away with threatening murder on Twitter - if you're on the middle Right and you suggest that death is too good for someone on the Left, you'll get a ban. There is plenty of research confirming this. 

C'mon, LoanShark - you're smarter than this. The LEFT is who caused Marshall to have to leave the band. Twitter is just one tool the Far Left to engage in this kind of tyranny. 


Thu Jun 24 2021 18:49:45 EDT from LoanShark

You didn't fully read the article (including the part about how he got piled on "for the sin of apologizing", which must have come from the Toxic Twitter Right-Wing)

Nor, clearly, have you spent much time on Twitter, where plenty of right-wing toxicity absolutely abounds.



[#] Fri Jun 25 2021 00:37:14 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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And don't get mad at me for pointing out how blatant this all is. It is right there. Don't get mad at me for pointing out for how you filtered it through your own biases to craft a message that allows you to continue to hold your belief's while being upset at this situation - that isn't MY fault... and I even acknowledge, it is human behavior we're ALL susceptible to. 

But, man I hope you're able to see I am right and admit it and own that my analysis is correct of Marshall's situation, of the root cause, and of your faulty interpretation of the causes, and the reason for those faulty interpretations. 

It doesn't mean you agree with me on my Right Leaning ideologies - it just means you can see that occasionally your biases and cognitive dissonance can lead you to see something incorrectly - like everyone else. 


[#] Fri Jun 25 2021 00:50:34 UTC from LoanShark

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PD, shut up and stop being a moron and an asshole.

[#] Fri Jun 25 2021 00:53:56 UTC from LoanShark

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2021-06-24 20:50 from LoanShark

PD, shut up and stop being a moron and an asshole.

And by the way:

YOU DO NOT DESERVE any more thoughtful response than the above.

The way you blow up molehills into mountains... jeesh.


[#] Fri Jun 25 2021 00:57:43 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Bad look, LoanShark. I'm disappointed in you. 


Thu Jun 24 2021 20:53:56 EDT from LoanShark
2021-06-24 20:50 from LoanShark

PD, shut up and stop being a moron and an asshole.

And by the way:

YOU DO NOT DESERVE any more thoughtful response than the above.

The way you blow up molehills into mountains... jeesh.



[#] Fri Jun 25 2021 00:59:11 UTC from LoanShark

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2021-06-24 20:57 from ParanoidDelusions
Bad look, LoanShark. I'm disappointed in you. 

You already made that clear before you even bothered to fucking understand... well, anything, really.

Shut the fuck up and go away.

[#] Fri Jun 25 2021 02:51:52 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I suppose if you're going to engage in toxic discourse ... do it on Twitter!

[#] Sat Jun 26 2021 13:33:18 UTC from nonservator

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Get up on your hind legs and make me, bitch.

[#] Sat Jun 26 2021 13:43:43 UTC from Nurb432

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Well. This went south pretty fast. 


[#] Sat Jun 26 2021 15:02:10 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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I suppose I'm not the only one that was drinking on Friday night. :) 

I've been managing to do a pretty good job of staying offline after imbibing, though - although I have a hazy recollection of making the rounds on Reddit last night. 


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