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[#] Thu Oct 03 2024 11:16:43 EDT from BlkPanther

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I running Citadel under docker:

sudo docker run -d --restart=unless-stopped ==network host --volume=/home/citadel:/citadel-data citadeldotorg/citadel


Trying to add an SSL cert to citadel, but it not working as I do not know what the web-root path is.

sudo certbot certonly --agree-tos --non-interactive --test --rsa-key-size 4096 --email admin@domain.local --webroot-path /home/citadel -d mail.domain.local



Type:     unauthorized

Detail:  IP.Address: Invalid response form http://mail.domain.local/.well-knownd/acme-challenge/xyz_abc: 404


So need to know what to put down as the webroot to get this to work.

[#] Fri Oct 04 2024 10:27:26 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: webroot for Citadel under docker

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So need to know what to put down as the webroot to get this to

This is kind of a hack, but you could try installing and running certbot inside the container to expose /usr/local/webcit to it.

You've kind of pointed out a real issue that we need to address, so thank you for that.

[#] Mon Oct 07 2024 11:59:26 EDT from deependofmac

Subject: Keycloak integration

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Is there a resource or recommended starting point for integrating Citadel and Keycloak?

[#] Fri Oct 18 2024 13:29:44 EDT from MisterC

Subject: Cannot upload login/logoff images

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HI all

New to running Citadel but it was always my favorite BBS software back in the late 80s/early 90s.


I have a docker installation running and things seem to be working well for the most part.

I am having an issue when I attempt to upload either a login or logout logo.


I get the following (this example is for the logout, the login is the same except images/hello):

Cannot open images/uimg 1: No such file or directory

There is no "images" directory in my citadel-data directory.  I tried making files/images and that didn't help.

Any pointers would be great .


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