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[#] Fri Jul 11 2014 23:03:04 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Sadly, they've been falling for it for over 50 years....

[#] Sat Jul 12 2014 23:43:00 UTC from triLcat

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The depressing thing is that people are buying the David and Goliath crap.

We're all sitting in our bomb shelters (including my family, who went in twice tonight.) because the most important thing to us is keeping life as safe and normal as possible.

Meanwhile, Hamas is telling their people not to evacuate buildings that have been leafleted with warnings that the building is going to be destroyed.

Oddly enough, the body count is uneven when your policies are so radically different.

From everything I know, the IAF/IDF is very carefully targeting locations from which rockets have been fired.
Hamas is firing rockets with the express intent of hitting civilian populations.

The fact that we've been more successful at hitting our targets than they have really shouldn't be held against us.


[#] Sat Jul 12 2014 23:56:29 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Don't forget that Israel tends not to fire missiles from the middle of schools and hospitals.

[#] Sun Jul 13 2014 23:50:36 UTC from Ladyhawke

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but, but, but.....Hamas is *defenseless* and their people are oppressed and denied any human rights at all.  Don't you know that??

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 06:02:08 UTC from dothebart

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well, it seemed as if hamas was slowly loosing traction in their society. So this aggression is them jumping the shark to keep people "angry against common enemy"; also their financial backing seems to fade.

Meanwhile Iran also found other interests - IS / ISIS / ISIL seems to have become a common thread in the area which everyone is fearing. It seems as if they behave very nasty about everything not in their direct interest - thus they quickly collect counter players in the area...

"interesting times" - one could say.

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 15:01:55 UTC from LoanShark

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Gee, I wish I could say that Iraq becoming destabilized and carved up by its neighbors (Iran and/or ISIS - it is plausible, although unlikely, that Iran could ally with Iraq's Shi'a to push back against ISIS) was not a predictable consequence of that stupidass invasion...

But, Iraq becoming destabilized and carved up by its neighbors was a predictable consequence of that stupidass invasion.

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 15:06:06 UTC from fleeb

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Between that... person... and some other folks with whome I've had unfortunate dealings, my impression of Texans has diminished considerably.

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 15:21:55 UTC from LoanShark

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"In the three years after the withdrawal from Gaza, 11 Israelis were killed by [Qassam] rocket fire. On the other hand, in 2005-7 alone, the IDF killed 1,290 Palestinians in Gaza, including 222 children."

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 20:10:29 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Looks like this thing just went nuclear.

[ ]

Hamas admitted that it fired three rockets at the Dimona nuclear reactor in Israel. Thankfully, one rocket was shot down and the other two missed.
However, under the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, targeting a terrestrial nuclear facility counts as nuclear terrorism.

In other words, by UN standards, Hamas attempted to nuke Israel.

Listen, world: enough is enough. If the USA wanted to fix this problem instead of allowing well known Jew-haters like Barack Oballah and Hitlery Clinton to continue arming terrorists, we could permanently fix this problem in a fairly short time.

And therefore, as the leader of the Just Use Some Common Sense Already Party, I present to you the ultimate solution to bring about peace (in a sense) in the middle east:

1. Build nuclear reactors. Build them as fast as is possible to do safely. Anyone who opposes them should be force-fed nuclear waste. These reactors should be built in a way that also produces weapons-grade plutonium.

2. Convert the US to a mainly nuclear/electric energy economy. Raise taxes on the Top 1 (not 1% ; specifically the Top 1) to buy everyone a new Tesla roadster.

3. Build bombs using all of that yummy new plutonium.

4. Relocate the Jewish holy land to a place not claimed by some other religion.
I suggest Utah.

5. Bomb the fuck out of the entire middle east. Leave nothing but a glass parking lot.

As a representative of Christianity as a whole, I hereby declare that as long as the Jews are fine, we Christians will be fine as well to; God's kingdom does not require the existence of Jerusalem.

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 23:12:31 UTC from vince-q

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I heard a representative of the Israeli government on the radio earlier today. He put it like this:

We use our missiles to protect our civilian population.
Hamas uses their civilian population to protect their missiles.

[#] Mon Jul 14 2014 23:35:34 UTC from zooer

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And therefore, as the leader of the Just Use Some Common Sense Already
Party, I present to you the ultimate solution to bring about peace (in

The JUSSAP! for short. Your plan sounds resonable and well thought out, I see no problems with that kind of thinking.

[#] Tue Jul 15 2014 17:54:21 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Mon Jul 14 2014 04:10:29 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored

Looks like this thing just went nuclear.

[ ]

Hamas admitted that it fired three rockets at the Dimona nuclear reactor in Israel. Thankfully, one rocket was shot down and the other two missed.
However, under the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism, targeting a terrestrial nuclear facility counts as nuclear terrorism.

In other words, by UN standards, Hamas attempted to nuke Israel.

Accordingly, for what I think may be the first time, the UN has actually "affirmed" Israel's right to defend itself without simultaneously saying that Israel sucks and should stop bullying poor Palestinians.  Not that Israel required it or such a statement stops the firebombing of Parisian synagogues or bombing of Israeli towns, but nice to see.

Nonetheless - what do you think the US would do if Hamas attacked one of *our* reactors?  Or Britain or anywhere else for that matter.....

[#] Tue Jul 15 2014 18:56:52 UTC from Ladyhawke

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And in related news, how bizarre is this?

"Hamas is texting me"

[#] Tue Jul 15 2014 19:01:09 UTC from LoanShark

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ISIS is texting threats to Iraqi soldiers as well.

[#] Tue Jul 15 2014 19:22:12 UTC from LoanShark

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Re: Dimona

Israel should just shut it down and remove radioactive elements to the most secure location they can find

It is not used for civilian power purposes, and has already fulfilled its weapons mission (estimates are that enough plutonium was produced for 100-200 warheads by year 2000)

[#] Thu Jul 17 2014 01:08:24 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Wed Jul 16 2014 09:04:28 AM EDT from the_mgt @ Uncensored

Good find, Mgmt. 


Typical misinformed claims about what's happening in the Middle East, sadly.  But did you see the comments from that guy "Eddie" about half way down?

What interested me about them is that this one particular commenter actually took the time to respond to a supporter of the author with chapter and verse from the Hamas Charter.  And he did it in a way that very directly addressed one of the major fallacy traps popular today in which certain folks so strongly believe that *their* concerns for the people living in these territories is what drives the people actually involved in the disputes that they become completely blind to the real drivers (and facts).  Which are actually very, very different - and much more frightening.


[#] Thu Jul 17 2014 05:33:00 UTC from dothebart

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hm, in general the reactions of the right wings made me think of monty python once more - sorry only know the german version -

Ist hier etwa Weibsfolk anwesend?

[#] Thu Jul 17 2014 15:24:48 UTC from LoanShark

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Not as funny as all that, I'm afraid. Israel's starting a new experimental programme of refugee-creation and extremist breeding. Didn't work so well last time.

Meh, should have gone straight to boots-on-the-ground and skipped the aerial bombardment.

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