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[#] Wed Jan 17 2024 12:20:18 EST from Nurb432

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I would agree only total obliteration will work, but, its not dumb when you consider the actual agenda that is driving the actions: Perpetual war, perpetual money laundering, increased power over citizens. 

These people are not stupid, they just dont have our best interest in mind, so sometimes it looks like stupidity, but never lose sight of the reality...

Wed Jan 17 2024 12:00:48 EST from LoanShark
Dumb is milquetoast half-measures that won't deter the Houthis and will hand them a political victory in the region.


[#] Wed Jan 17 2024 13:39:43 EST from Nurb432

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I doubt this will end well.  But at least its between themselves and wont directly involve us.


"Pakistan recalled its ambassador from Iran and the Iranian ambassador to Pakistan, currently visiting Iran, will not be allowed to come back, a spokeswoman for Pakistan's foreign ministry spokesperson said on Wednesday (January 17) after Iran violated its airspace.

"Pakistan reserves the right to respond to this illegal act. The responsibility for the consequences will lie squarely with Iran", spokesperson Zahra Baloch said in a statement read out on state-owned broadcaster PTV.

Pakistan said the airspace violation on Tuesday (January 16), which Iranian state media said came as Iranian missiles targeted two bases of the militant group Jaish al Adl, had resulted in the deaths of two children.

Iran's Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian said it hit militants in "missile and drone" strikes, saying no Pakistani national was targeted. Pakistan has not confirmed the nature of the violation, or the location of the strikes.

Pakistan and Iran have in the past had rocky relations, but the strikes are the highest-profile cross-border intrusion in recent years."

[#] Sun Jan 21 2024 08:50:34 EST from Nurb432

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Some local TV station/news thing. I Did not read it fully, nor watch the full video, as the point was there, and i guess i was right, just no one is talking about it at a national level ( tho i wish i had been wrong )

"....surge in illegal border crossings.. northern border... " 


Invasion from all sides. We are F-ed.

[#] Tue Jan 23 2024 10:42:05 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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More third world holers who crossed half a dozen national borders until they got here and then cried "asylum". Fucking hell.

[#] Tue Jan 23 2024 18:08:42 EST from Nurb432

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So Texas just flipped DC the bird after SCOUTS shredded the 10th amendment.

"This isn't over, and we have not changed our policy or plans".



[#] Thu Jan 25 2024 17:41:51 EST from Nurb432

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Lines are being drawn.  Several states ( i heard 16 so far, may not mot be accurate but i did see at least 4 myself . ) and several members in congress have declared support for Texas. 

Rumor is BIden may federalize the national guard, so the states cant use them for protection.  WH refused to comment when directly asked... so you know what that means

[#] Thu Jan 25 2024 20:39:48 EST from Nurb432

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Sigh freaking auto correct. 

Tue Jan 23 2024 18:08:42 EST from Nurb432




[#] Fri Jan 26 2024 12:38:02 EST from msgrhys

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State Guard > National Guard

Thu Jan 25 2024 17:41:51 EST from Nurb432

Lines are being drawn.  Several states ( i heard 16 so far, may not mot be accurate but i did see at least 4 myself . ) and several members in congress have declared support for Texas. 

Rumor is BIden may federalize the national guard, so the states cant use them for protection.  WH refused to comment when directly asked... so you know what that means


[#] Fri Jan 26 2024 17:16:40 EST from Nurb432

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Is there such a thing? 

I only know of the national guard, which is 'owned' by the feds but 'managed' by the states, i guess.   Still not sure i fully understand how it works, it seems like a convoluted mess.  But then again, its government, what isn't? 

But either way, pulling rank or whatever to remove their use by the states is still a bad move.

Fri Jan 26 2024 12:38:02 EST from msgrhys

State Guard > National Guard



[#] Fri Jan 26 2024 17:19:32 EST from nonservator

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Last night I heard it was up to 25 states. If any of them pussy out now, they're worse than useless.

[#] Fri Jan 26 2024 17:23:42 EST from Nurb432

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Ya i read that today too. 1/2 the country.

There was a picture of the map, my state is included. As it should be.

Fri Jan 26 2024 17:19:32 EST from nonservator

Last night I heard it was up to 25 states. If any of them pussy out now, they're worse than useless.


[#] Fri Jan 26 2024 18:21:40 EST from Nurb432

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No real proof, just some people saying that its what happened ( and mostly they are right about things )

But i guess recently we had a illegal threaten a reporter on camera, and brag 'you will know me soon'. People using the video determined he was a convicted terrorist in some country, served 12 years.  Came here after release.


One more: We are screwed no matter what happens this fall. If we even make it that long.

[#] Tue Jan 30 2024 19:45:50 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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This *is* a war, and we *should* be opening fire on people trying to cross the border. And the people in our government who are supporting the enemy have committed treason and absolutely deserve to be executed.

But that's Civil War II. We were supposed to be talking about World War III, which is still in the middle east, right?

[#] Tue Jan 30 2024 20:02:23 EST from Nurb432

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I dont know. Since we are being invaded as part of the civil war, i say it qualifies as being part of the larger world war:  Everyone fighting each other...

Tue Jan 30 2024 19:45:50 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
This *is* a war, and we *should* be opening fire on people trying to cross the border. And the people in our government who are supporting the enemy have committed treason and absolutely deserve to be executed.

But that's Civil War II. We were supposed to be talking about World War III, which is still in the middle east, right?


[#] Wed Jan 31 2024 19:40:18 EST from zelgomer

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Civil World War 23

[#] Fri Feb 02 2024 19:22:57 EST from Nurb432

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So we went and bombed some stuff related to Iran.   We left transponders on, and told them we are coming..    This is treasonous behavior. 

[#] Fri Feb 09 2024 20:25:32 EST from Nurb432

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Cool. our governor is getting ready to send troops to Texas.  Glad it wasn't just hot air.

[#] Sat Feb 10 2024 11:55:55 EST from Nurb432

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Thanks in large part to Biden's payments to them:

  • As of now, Iran has enough enriched uranium now to make 6 bombs. And this amount is increasing rapidly.
  • Has ballistic missile hardware capable of reaching the EU, and Israel.  
  • Could easily control 30%  ( or more ) of the world energy supply if they put their thumb down on places like Saudi Arabia. "comply or we kill you all"
  • Starting up several nuclear power plants, to become less reliant on Saudi energy.
  • They hate all of us... want us all dead....



Yep, the war is just beginning. And we are F-ed.

[#] Sat Feb 10 2024 17:52:00 EST from msgrhys

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The forces located electrical infrastructure inside the tunnel connected to UNRWA’s main headquarters, under which the underground tunnel was located, indicating that UNRWA’s facilities supplied the tunnel with electricity.


We need to defund the whole U.N. ASAP!

[#] Sat Feb 10 2024 18:02:59 EST from Nurb432

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And declare them a terrorist org, and jail their operational leaders.

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