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[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 14:42:52 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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She lives in Florida, her fiance lives in Florida, but his family is from Chicago, and they're getting married in Chicago. They're having the reception at an expensive hotel and my dad wants everyone to stay together, but I got out of that by pointing out that the hotel has no pool and that's a deal breaker for us. But staying anywhere "in town" appears to be expensive, and so is the flight if you go in July.

I've heard that the most popular thing to do in Chicago is to get murdered.
That doesn't sound like fun.

[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 20:01:47 UTC from zooer

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As long as you get some *real* pizza, the deep dish Chicago style, your trip will not be wasted.

[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 20:21:23 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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It's okay, but in no sense is that real pizza.

All real pizza comes from within a sub-50 mile radius of New York City. Everything is is just crap.

[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 20:25:08 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'm sure zooer is making a tongue-in-cheek comment. He knows that if you're not within 50 miles of the Bronx you're just not eating pizza. Pizza comes from New York City. Not Chicago, not Philadelphia, not Italy, only New York.

Oh, and "that place in [whatever crappy city] that is owned by a New York expat who imports real New York water" is about as real as "Original Ray's".

[#] Thu Feb 23 2017 20:26:08 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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By the way ... the words "Chicago Style" ... that's actually a Polish phrase which translates roughly to "What the fuck is wrong with you? You're not supposed to make food like that!"

[#] Mon Apr 10 2017 15:03:39 UTC from zooer

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I thought the layover in Chicago story would be in this room.  Hope this wasn't your flight.

A spokesperson from United Airlines confirmed to WHAS that "Flight 3411 from Chicago to Louisville was overbooked. After our team looked for volunteers, one customer refused to leave the aircraft voluntarily and law enforcement was asked to come to the gate.

He refused to voluntarily leave?  Doesn't that mean he didn't volunteer to leave?  (I don't trust journalism so that quote could be wrong)

[#] Tue Apr 11 2017 02:48:10 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Nope, that wasn't my flight ... my final destination was Dallas, not Louisville.  Regardless of what actually happened aboard the plane, the truly epic fail was that they allowed too many people to board the plane in the first place.  

[#] Tue Apr 11 2017 20:02:44 UTC from Freakdog <>

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Mon Apr 10 2017 10:48:10 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar @ Uncensored

Nope, that wasn't my flight ... my final destination was Dallas, not Louisville.  Regardless of what actually happened aboard the plane, the truly epic fail was that they allowed too many people to board the plane in the first place.  

That was my take, too...they knew, before boarding, that they were overbooked. They knew, before boarding, that they had crew that needed to be put on the flight and that they needed to request volunteers and/or bump people. This could have and should have been handled before they boarded the passengers. Period.

[#] Wed Apr 12 2017 01:23:14 UTC from zooer

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AIRLINES HATE HIM! Man turns $500 ticket purchase into 8 million dollars! FIND OUT HOW!

[#] Wed Apr 12 2017 18:55:08 UTC from LoanShark

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With one weird trick!

[#] Tue Apr 18 2017 13:21:47 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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They would have been better off unloading and reticketing the whole plane.
And that's probably what they'll do next time, because it seems they're now trying to do damage control by announcing a new policy that they will no longer ever bump a seated passenger.

They also could have chosen to unload the entire plane in response to the one passenger who wouldn't leave. Then everyone would be angry with him instead of the airline.

There you go, two great ideas. I should be in charge. :)

[#] Tue Apr 18 2017 13:52:33 UTC from zooer

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The employees of United airlines did not remove him, or harm him, the police were called in and the police smashed his face and dragged him out of the plane.  However when it comes to police abuse only some lives matter so the blame was shifted from the police to the airline.  The airline handled the entire incident poorly.

[#] Wed Apr 19 2017 14:21:26 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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But also, United breaks guitars.

[ ]

[#] Thu Apr 20 2017 20:24:32 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Is true. The airline made a mistake. But the man being dragged off the plane mighta gone a bit stubborn. And the police were absolutely ridiculous. WHile the ticket information says you may be bumped before boarding, it has nothing about after you are boarded. So overall... a whole clusterfook and I'm unimpressed with all involved.

Unloading and reticketing would've been the ticket. <GRIN>

[#] Thu Apr 20 2017 23:35:20 UTC from kc5tja

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Wife and I will be traveling to Niagra Falls pretty soon. Looking forward to that; haven't been there since I was something like 6 years old.

[#] Fri Apr 21 2017 02:01:34 UTC from zooer

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Wave to me when you go by.

[#] Fri Apr 21 2017 13:05:09 UTC from fleeb

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<insert Three Stooges routing concerning Niagara Falls>

[#] Fri Apr 21 2017 16:21:32 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I was wholly unimpressed by Niagra Falls when I arrived. I couldn't believe I had driven so far for so little.

However, the ride on the Maid of the Mist completely changed my mind.

It was awe inspriing being at the base of the falls. It almost didn't look real.

[#] Sat Apr 22 2017 04:36:29 UTC from kc5tja

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I'm actually not particularly interested in going to Niagra Falls myself; I'm more interested in just spending quality time with my wife. Plus she's never been and has wanted to see them, so that's the true motivation behind the trip. She could have gone to see Old Forge or the like, but honestly, I think that's even more unimpressive.

[#] Sat Apr 22 2017 04:57:06 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Ragnar - you're not the first person that I've heard say that.. Perspective is a good kick in the head.

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