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[#] Tue Sep 03 2024 00:24:16 UTC from zelgomer

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"First of all, its Japanese, second of all you are a racist *****",
flipped him off as well. He ran the light ( no turn on red there )
and left. 

Third, Chinese women are hot

[#] Tue Sep 03 2024 00:29:30 UTC from Nurb432

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Mon Sep 02 2024 20:24:16 EDT from zelgomer
Third, Chinese women are hot


[#] Tue Sep 03 2024 00:34:35 UTC from zelgomer

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2024-09-03 00:29 from Nurb432 <>

They have really good food, too. Now that I think of it, this gives me a good idea. Since the US is going to shit, let's go liberate China of the filthy commie scum and turn that place into a free utopia.

[#] Fri Sep 06 2024 11:44:40 UTC from darknetuser

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Third, Chinese women are hot

If you are gonna fall in the trap and get a woman, get one who likes working. Eastern Europe ones still know how to produce sauerkraut. Chinese women are all Party agents and are manipulatning you into leaking info for the CCP.

[#] Fri Sep 13 2024 18:29:57 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Wait ... there are still European people in Europe?

I thought the whole continent had already fallen to the jihadists.

[#] Fri Sep 13 2024 18:31:42 UTC from Nurb432

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There are still holdouts. 

But their numbers are dwindling fast. 

Fri Sep 13 2024 14:29:57 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Wait ... there are still European people in Europe?

I thought the whole continent had already fallen to the jihadists.


[#] Sat Sep 14 2024 20:42:39 UTC from Nurb432

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If you are recording a 60 hour python/AI seminar so you can watch it off-line, check the playback speed before you hit go and walk away....  Else you might realize after about 10 hours in, that you had it at 2x for some reason. ( fat finger im sure )  "wow, he's moving rather fast thru that example... arrrgh.  dammit "

Grrr. Dumb***

[#] Mon Sep 16 2024 16:58:32 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-09-14 16:42 from Nurb432
If you are recording a 60 hour python/AI seminar so you can
watch it off-line, check the playback speed before you hit go
and walk away....  Else you might realize after about 10 hours
in, that you had it at 2x for some reason. ( fat finger im sure
)  "wow, he's moving rather fast thru that example... arrrgh. 
dammit "

Grrr. Dumb***

The good news is you can set your player for half speed and watch the video normally.

[#] Mon Sep 16 2024 17:29:15 UTC from Nurb432

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True, but i do see a degradation in quality.  But... after the next 10 hour 'batch' found it had stopped casting about 4 hours in. so 6 hours of a 'stuck screen'.  arrrgh.   I managed to find it online somewhere else so forget doing the rest this way.

Wish they would do like Netflix and let you download locally. I don't care if its encrypted, i wasn't going to sell or trade it and i DO have a license to watch as much as i want.  I just want it off line.

Mon Sep 16 2024 12:58:32 EDT from darknetuser

The good news is you can set your player for half speed and watch the video normally.


[#] Tue Sep 17 2024 14:38:56 UTC from Nurb432

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MC4 Connectors.   Evil encapsulated in plastic.  They LOOK innocent but are a pain ( literally ) when you need to pull them apart.        


Oh and do NOT get plastic wrenches. While it sounds like a good idea, they wont last. Get metal. 

[#] Sun Oct 27 2024 21:25:00 UTC from Nurb432

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Sent to the river with the dogs today. 

boat dock was closed this weekend. As we left guy pulled up beside the sign, looked at it, backed up a couple of feet, moved over ran over the sign and went and put his boat in the water. ( had to pass 2 other signs too )

i really dislike people some days.

[#] Wed Nov 06 2024 22:18:41 UTC from Nurb432

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Proprietary walled gardens should be illegal and punishable by being taken out back.

Ran across a "intelligent external power supply" which is keyed to the model ...  Plug in a replacement of the correct power and pin-out.... beep beep beep..

[#] Fri Nov 15 2024 14:46:48 UTC from Nurb432

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So this "feel good/everyone gets a point because they exist" woke nonsense mentality has now made it into 3D printing.

Did an upgrade on my printer stuff ( been at least a year since i bothered, why f- with what works? )  and now every time you touch the freaking thing "achievement unlocked"  popups.  The first one " Starting is hard, congrats on stopping your first print" wtf....  ( had to kill the print as it  wasn't sticking properly, but still 'achievement'? no.. stop.... )

Just now, "achievement unlocked " "TGIF your first Friday print"   arrrgh... grrrrrr  


Thankfully it seems most everyone is pissed and is asking how to turn this stupid crap off.  

[#] Wed Nov 20 2024 13:27:23 UTC from Nurb432

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"we have a new release, we changed all the basic stuff in the interface so you are now lost and none of it makes any sense, have a great day"   grr  

[#] Fri Nov 22 2024 14:40:17 UTC from Nurb432

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Vigilante justice from the past needs to return to the present. These **ers need to be ****d.  The system has failed. Burn it down. All of it. 


"A New York City migrant accused of throwing a former friend’s 2-year-old dog to its death from a 14th-floor balcony has already been released from jail."

[#] Mon Jan 06 2025 15:31:51 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Grrrrr Trees

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Michigan DNR: "lets tear down 500+ acres of PUBLIC forest and turn into a solar farm".

F- these people.  Where the hell are the 'greenies' from when grew up? They would have a cow about tearing down a forest.  Bad enough when private land is ruined, but at least its private and this is a 'free' country so as much as i hate it, they do have a right to be dumb asses , but this is pubic forest..  grrr !

Anyone know of a bacteria that eats solar panels that could be accidentally attached to a drone? Asking for a friend. 

[#] Sat Jan 25 2025 19:25:26 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: Re: Grrrrr Trees

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It's ironic that an array of solar panels displacing acres of actual trees is called a "farm".

Thankfully we're starting to wake up to the fact that only nuclear energy will meet our needs, especially with everyone slurping up "AI" as if it's the solution to every problem in the world. Solar has its place but it's not even going to meet base loads. Not now, not ever.

[#] Sat Jan 25 2025 20:58:00 UTC from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Grrrrr Trees

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But it was never really about being 'green'.  It was about control and profit. But one can hope that as the commoners wake up to the reality, they will demand we go back to nuclear and make it harder to not start back down that path. 

Perhaps then too we can talk about the nuclear batteries i developed in middle school being a practical option for mobile and end-point power generation.   ( not mobile like your phone, but cars, trucks homes .. )

Sat Jan 25 2025 19:25:26 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar Subject: Re: Grrrrr Trees

It's ironic that an array of solar panels displacing acres of actual trees is called a "farm".

Thankfully we're starting to wake up to the fact that only nuclear energy will meet our needs, especially with everyone slurping up "AI" as if it's the solution to every problem in the world. Solar has its place but it's not even going to meet base loads. Not now, not ever.


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