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[#] Thu Mar 14 2024 13:16:03 EDT from Nurb432

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Not had problems like that, losing files. Thankfully.   I do weekly backups, so not end of world event but ya, would be damned annoying. 


Like i mentioned i also have heard that KDE is better than it was, but for me, no reason to go back. Unless im using KDE apps too, its still a waste of resources. And i have found noobies do ok with LXDE "and down here is the menu, with all your stuff... sort of like windows 95 was".

And as much as i hate Microsoft, a start menu of some sort wasn't a bad thing to have.

[#] Thu Mar 21 2024 11:13:49 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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KDE is my daily driver. It's not bloated anymore, and I use it because it can reliably do the "One True Desktop Style" -- a single bar at the bottom of the screen containing both the dock and the panel. The classic "Windows 95" (aka RISC OS, from which it was copied) desktop. I want my computer to look like a computer, not like a phone or a Mac.

For my new machine I was considering one of the smaller ones, but LXDE is being changed to LXQT, and XFCE isn't considered "slim" anymore.

[#] Thu Mar 21 2024 12:49:04 EDT from Nurb432

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Been hearing that for years now.  Sort of like "mainframes are going away"

But, it still installs .. so i dont care ( yet ) 

Thu Mar 21 2024 11:13:49 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
 LXDE is being changed to LXQT, 


[#] Tue Mar 26 2024 07:54:49 EDT from Nurb432

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"stop the world! the eclipse is coming!"

Yawn.  So it gets dark for a few mins during the day.  Unless you are a scientist monitoring the corona, bleh.    You want to see dark, go outside at night. 

Around here, they expect it to be so full of tourists they are shutting down schools and many people are being sent home for the day. And all cops are going to be on duty, etc. We just had our monthly manager tech meeting canceled that was on the 8th.  Not that i was going to go, screw the traffic.  "stock up with food for a couple of days, and gas, due to the influx lines will be horrendous and you dont want to be out at a store"



[#] Sun Apr 07 2024 19:38:51 EDT from zelgomer

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Can we please start blasting socialists? I'm so fed up with these people. I actually don't even know a single one anymore that I would miss or feel remorse for. They just want my stuff, and they try to justify it with "I don't want my children to live in the anarchist dystopia you want!" So your answer to that is that you're entitled to my things and you get complete authority over what I can do or what I can own? If that's your position, then you have chosen to be my enemy and I should get to shoot you as a looter.

[#] Thu Apr 18 2024 17:06:03 EDT from Nurb432

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The more see/hear/bla of this crapshow of servicenow, the more i hate it.  It needs to die in a fire.  Literally. 

[#] Thu Apr 18 2024 23:12:50 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeah, we use it too ... it does so many things that it does nothing well.
And you have to mangle your data to match their data model, turning everything into "configuration items" and everything is five screens deep ... yecch.

[#] Fri Apr 19 2024 07:38:17 EDT from Nurb432

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Not saying what we have now is perfect, nothing is. But its far easier to use, does everything snow does ( WE dont use it fully... and mgt blames the system ) they actually encourage adapting it to your business needs not the other way around.. Even to the point we can add stored procedures to the database if we want..    its TONS cheaper... and i have the cell phone number to their owner if i need it.  ( hes a good guy actually )

And this planning team, its a good thing its remote... they cant see me. Entire process is frustrating beyond words. The other day i did an AI image of a bulldozer running over a crowd of people, with their logo on the blade. Sent it to my team.   It was well received. :) 

Thu Apr 18 2024 23:12:50 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
Yeah, we use it too ... it does so many things that it does nothing well.
And you have to mangle your data to match their data model, turning everything into "configuration items" and everything is five screens deep ... yecch.


[#] Fri Apr 19 2024 07:38:31 EDT from Nurb432

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Need i say more? 

[#] Mon Apr 22 2024 10:58:52 EDT from Nurb432

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Is it my imagination, in service now 2/3 of what i would consider standard functions now require JS coding?

[#] Sat Apr 27 2024 10:35:59 EDT from Nurb432

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Town Sponsored Parades.     Dont do this annoying crap on my tax dollars. 

[#] Mon Apr 29 2024 16:03:26 EDT from Nurb432

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I think modern cell phones has been the worst thing for mankind in all of history.  I should start carrying a jammer around with me.   

[#] Tue Apr 30 2024 04:04:39 EDT from darknetuser

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2024-04-29 16:03 from Nurb432
I think modern cell phones has been the worst thing for mankind in
all of history.  I should start carrying a jammer around with me. 

I actually thought about building one myself and carrying it to my board-game and RPG parties. I don't have much leissure time, so when I organize a gathering with friends and they spend their time with their cellphone instead of with me, I feel robbed of my time. I didn't reserve an afternoon to watch them play mobile games, I reserved it to share my time with friends.

[#] Tue Apr 30 2024 04:06:02 EDT from darknetuser

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I am kind of pissed that the woke crowd cannot respect even the tomb of General Lee's horse. removed/

[#] Tue Apr 30 2024 07:44:45 EDT from Nurb432

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Respect is not in their vocabulary. The entire concept is beyond them.

Tue Apr 30 2024 04:06:02 EDT from darknetuser
I am kind of pissed that the woke crowd cannot respect 


[#] Tue Apr 30 2024 08:05:47 EDT from darknetuser

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2024-04-30 07:44 from Nurb432
Respect is not in their vocabulary. The entire concept is beyond


Pretty much.

It brings memories of a military commander who had a graveyard built so both his men and his enemies could rest in the same sacred grounds, in the shadow of the same temple.

Years later, he died and his own tomb was raided and desecrated by the same enemies.

I guess the moral of the story is show no mercy because none you will get.

[#] Tue Apr 30 2024 08:48:52 EDT from Nurb432

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Unless you are Obi Wan, the high road only gets you killed, or dis-respected.

Tue Apr 30 2024 08:05:47 EDT from darknetuser
I guess the moral of the story is show no mercy because none you will get.


[#] Wed May 01 2024 08:53:26 EDT from Nurb432

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Getting tired of rioters being called protesters.  And patriots being called domestic terrorists.

[#] Sat May 04 2024 12:42:19 EDT from Nurb432

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And no. American students standing up for America is NOT a counter protest. 

[#] Sat May 04 2024 19:30:25 EDT from msgrhys

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You should not do what is right in order to receive praise from the world; the world will often hate you for doing what is right.

You should do what is right BECAUSE it is right.


Tue Apr 30 2024 08:48:52 EDT from Nurb432

Unless you are Obi Wan, the high road only gets you killed, or dis-respected.

Tue Apr 30 2024 08:05:47 EDT from darknetuser
I guess the moral of the story is show no mercy because none you will get.



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