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[#] Wed Nov 09 2022 17:48:43 UTC from LadySerenaKitty

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The guy I voted for Texas Governor won.  Yay!

[#] Wed Nov 09 2022 19:13:23 UTC from darknetuser

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2022-11-09 12:48 from LadySerenaKitty
The guy I voted for Texas Governor won.  Yay!

Congratulations! But only if he is a hat wearing gun totting cowboy. Otherwise he isn't a true Texan.

[#] Wed Nov 09 2022 19:57:33 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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since it looks like no major shift in DC., any bets on if Trump
bothers to run or not?

A shift in DC is less important than a shift in the state governments, from the point of view of making election results actually reflect the choices of the voters.

Pennsylvania maintained its reputation as the worst of the worst in terms of cheating cheating cheating, as its election outcomes clearly showed.

Arizona remains fucked up. The democrat/hitler party knew it couldn't stuff ballot boxes in broad daylight this year so they sabotaged the ballot printing machines in the hours/locations when Republicans were most likely to vote.

Election integrity must be fixed. And I don't mean "fixed" in the way that the Hitler-equivalent Democrats want it fixed, I mean actually fixed. If the 100% Hitler Equivalent Democrats don't cheat, they don't win.

Also, all big media, big tech, and teachers union people must be painfully and immediately executed for treason.

[#] Wed Nov 09 2022 23:01:23 UTC from Nurb432

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Anyone tampering, at all, should be tried for treason.  Unless they are foreign entities, then as enemies of the state instead.

[#] Thu Nov 10 2022 13:50:57 UTC from nonservator

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Republicans are fake and gay.

[#] Thu Nov 10 2022 14:10:39 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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We've got multiple problems in Arizona. 

First, the McCain RINO Republicans are strongly entrenched out here. So, we lose a decent portion off the top when we run a "Trump Election denier". They're *very* conservative Republicans - very *traditional* values - and they don't like the abrasive, outspoken, confrontational "MAGA" Republicans. They believe in the integrity of journalists, especially Boomer journalists... the Ted Koppels and Dan Rather generation... and Dan Rather has gone far Left. 

Our Latino population is very Left. The Native Americans are far Left. We're a "college" State - and the youth are far Left. 

And we're a major destination for Southern Californians looking for something that looks like home who are fleeing the shithole 3rd world nation that California is quickly becoming. Our swelling population is a destination for Liberals who were FAILING in California as much as Florida became a destination for Conservatives fleeing New York. 

We're a technology hub and increasingly a military industry complex hub - and THOSE industries are clearly deep-state Left controlled.

Tucson, Flagstaff and Sedona are all Left leaning - Scottsdale is the new Palm Springs for affluent Californians. 


And the Californians are actively trying to flip this state and Nevada. They've got a surplus of liberals to export. 

Along with the obvious corruption it is nearly insurmountable. It is taking us *DAYS* to count our ballot and the person that is likely to win as Governor is the one responsible for election counts in our State, and did not recurs herself from that obligation even when Democrats had suggested it was the only way to avoid tainting the legitimacy of her election. 

My hope is that a couple of years with Democrat representation here and we see tent cities start popping up, taxes and cost of living increase - that the Dems move to quickly on making Arizona the same kind of shithole State that California already is - and that enough of the RINO boomers have died off that we can shift this thing back. 

It is really our only hope at this point. 

Wed Nov 09 2022 14:57:33 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
since it looks like no major shift in DC., any bets on if Trump
bothers to run or not?

A shift in DC is less important than a shift in the state governments, from the point of view of making election results actually reflect the choices of the voters.

Pennsylvania maintained its reputation as the worst of the worst in terms of cheating cheating cheating, as its election outcomes clearly showed.

Arizona remains fucked up. The democrat/hitler party knew it couldn't stuff ballot boxes in broad daylight this year so they sabotaged the ballot printing machines in the hours/locations when Republicans were most likely to vote.

Election integrity must be fixed. And I don't mean "fixed" in the way that the Hitler-equivalent Democrats want it fixed, I mean actually fixed. If the 100% Hitler Equivalent Democrats don't cheat, they don't win.

Also, all big media, big tech, and teachers union people must be painfully and immediately executed for treason.


[#] Thu Nov 10 2022 15:31:02 UTC from zelgomer

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2022-11-10 13:50 from nonservator <>

Republicans are fake and gay.

Can't argue with that.

[#] Thu Nov 10 2022 16:56:43 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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[#] Thu Nov 10 2022 16:58:02 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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If you agree with or find anything in the previous post amusing, you are an election denier and a threat to democracy. 


[#] Thu Nov 10 2022 22:23:35 UTC from Nurb432

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Amusing in a sad way. 

That this stuff goes on and no one stops it, just tells me overall we are f-ed. 

[#] Fri Nov 11 2022 15:14:04 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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[#] Fri Nov 11 2022 16:47:52 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Right now would be a good time to declare open season on RINOs. With the GOP now controlling enough of the House to make Obama (via puppet Biden) a lame duck, true conservatives aka the MAGA crowd need to work hard for the next year or two to take complete control of the Republican party. McConnell, McCarthy, and McDaniel need to go the way of McCain, as soon as possible.

Pay even a little bit of attention and you'll see that this election WAS a big swing towards the Rs, just not quite as wide as we hoped. And it's the RINOs who are helping the demoKKKrats paint it as a failure, the RINOs who are helping the demoKKKrats blame President Trump (PBUH) for the reduction in scope of our win -- even though Trump-endorsed candidates consistently outperformed RINO candidates.

All patriots need to work hard to help improve the ground game, and to help take more and more institutions away from communistdemocrat control.

I refuse to be blackpilled.

[#] Fri Nov 11 2022 18:32:43 UTC from Nurb432

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While i agree, i think the damage has been done and our fate is sealed. 

Its why they turned the dial up to 11 on day 1, knowing they would get kicked out, seeing the threat of maga, but also realizing this was their last chance for a generation or 2 to burn the place down so they had to get it done. now.  ( I bet they expected worse this election, and are also surprised at the results, which really is more dis-heartening than anything the party is doing )


And if you think we saw a lot of executive orders so far, we have not seen anything yet. This admin will pave the roads with them.

Fri Nov 11 2022 11:47:52 AM EST from IGnatius T Foobar

With the GOP now controlling enough of the House to make Obama (via puppet Biden) a lame duck, 


[#] Tue Nov 15 2022 16:06:57 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Thought this might be of interest here: