So i really liked the last joker film. Thought it was really great. Was looking forward to the followup.
Its out.
Harley Quinn is played by Lada Gaga.. I'm almost not wanting to even try ...
Ok i tried. watched bits and pieces. Wasn't too impressed. Seems the reviews out there corroborate my first impression.
Not due to her, just in general it was 'bleh', disappointing and not worthy of existing.
Sat Oct 05 2024 10:41:39 EDT from Nurb432So i really liked the last joker film. Thought it was really great. Was looking forward to the followup.
Its out.
Harley Quinn is played by Lada Gaga.. I'm almost not wanting to even try ...
2024-10-05 10:41 from Nurb432
So i really liked the last joker film. Thought it was really
great. Was looking forward to the followup.
Its out.
Harley Quinn is played by Lada Gaga.. I'm almost not wanting to
even try ...
I didn't like the original Joker film all that much. Phoenix' performance was actually quite good, but the movie itself was a political leaflet.
Everybody I know who has watched the second one recommends avoiding it at any cost.
With what little i saw, count me in on that.
Everybody I know who has watched the second one recommends avoiding it at any cost.
Gay Bond will go over about as well as the feminazi ghostbusters did.
...and about as well as the new transgender stormtrooper Disney Star Wars just introduced. Its name is "Sister". Not even joking. It has the "special" colors on its armor.
There's politically correct and then there's absolutely ridiculous. It is obvious that in the Clone Wars canon, any stormtrooper that malfunctioned in that way would be considered broken and immediately destroyed.
If the goal of the "pride" people is acceptance, they're doing a poor job making themselves likeable. This is why a lot of people, including some who have darkened the door of this room from time to time, refuse to participate in the "pride" movement even though they qualify.
Everybody I know who has watched the second one recommends avoiding it
at any cost.
It's being widely panned. Hollywood doesn't know how to make movies anymore.
There is a part in which Harry is being introduced to a newbie cop. A cop at the station tells him that Harry is an egalitarian because he hates everybody, including niggers, jews, mexicans, muslims...
My friend opened his mouth right then and explaimed "I fucking like this movie!"
Not a fan of the Alien franchise ( tho unlike most i guess i thought Prometheus was ok. not great, not bad, but watchable for me ) but they have a new one coming out. On VHS.. of all things.
Its not on betamax, i should sue them for being an oppressed minority or something. I want my millions in reparations ! Beta was better quality ( and yes, i know why it failed.. Sony is stupid.. )
me ) but they have a new one coming out. On VHS.. of all things.
Something about an 'anniversary' ( all releases are anniversaries of the original if you get down to it ) and the first release was on VHS ( i assume ).
Boils down to marketing to get attention. No 'real' value. *hey look at us buy our crap*
No disagreement from me on that one. People who collect vinyl records often claim that the sound is purer than digital because a CD has quantization effects, or that they love collecting the album art on those big 12" sleeves. People who run amplifiers with vacuum tubes in them like the warm and slightly fuzzy sound they add. No such claim can be made for analog videotape, especially a system as low-end as VHS. The image is unstable, the color reproduction is awful, there's absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever.
Subject: Is 'Die Hard' a Christmas movie?
Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.
*puts on bulletproof vest*
2024-12-15 14:00 from SouthernComputerGeek
Subject: Is 'Die Hard' a Christmas movie?
Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.
*puts on bulletproof vest*
I'd rather watch Die Hard than most cringeworthy Christmas stuff people seems to be watching.
2024-12-15 14:00 from SouthernComputerGeek
Subject: Is 'Die Hard' a Christmas movie?
Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.
*puts on bulletproof vest*
them's fightin' words!!!!!1
Subject: Re: Is 'Die Hard' a Christmas movie?
Die Hard is not a Christmas movie.
No, it's THE Christmas movie.