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[#] Thu Jan 25 2024 14:26:08 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The blue flame character in the dungeon is Lumalee, a minor character in some of the games who basically just holds up signs and stuff. The cute but nihilistic personality in the movie is hysterical.

Funny thing about the princesses riding motorcycles ... when I play the games I keep them off motorcycles because I think they're cuter in their dresses.

[#] Tue Jan 30 2024 17:50:33 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-01-25 09:26 from IGnatius T Foobar
The blue flame character in the dungeon is Lumalee, a minor character

in some of the games who basically just holds up signs and stuff. The

cute but nihilistic personality in the movie is hysterical.

According to my friends, the blue flame character is darknetuser, who somehow infiltrated the movie.

[#] Tue Jan 30 2024 23:27:41 UTC from zelgomer

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According to my friends, the blue flame character is darknetuser, who

somehow infiltrated the movie.

Ah-ha, that explains why it was my favorite character.

[#] Sun Mar 10 2024 17:22:15 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The sequel has been announced to be released in April 2026.  Hopefully it will have Yoshi ... and Princess Daisy.

At this point though, they'd better put the nihilistic Lumalee in the second movie too ... he was obviously a fan favorite.

[#] Tue Apr 30 2024 23:36:17 UTC from Nurb432

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Arrrgh  "Tron 3"... noooooooooo dont destroy yet another classic franchise.....

[#] Wed May 01 2024 10:29:51 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-04-30 19:36 from Nurb432
Arrrgh  "Tron 3"... noooooooooo dont destroy yet another classic

Don't watch it! Don't watch it! It's a trap!

[#] Wed May 01 2024 10:31:51 UTC from darknetuser

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Anybody here knows anything about the Civil War movie? Is it woke? Will it turn you into a brainless NPC if you watch it? Anybody has any opinion?

I recently watched The Blue and the Gray. I hated the bad guys won, but they killed the leader of the bad guys so it was not a total loss.

[#] Wed May 01 2024 11:03:30 UTC from Nurb432

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I have not watched, nor know anyone personally, but i heard that while it wasn't 'bad' it insults the viewer.  ( whatever that means )

Wed May 01 2024 06:31:51 EDT from darknetuser
Anybody here knows anything about the Civil War movie? Is it woke? Will it turn you into a brainless NPC if you watch it? Anybody has any opinion?

I recently watched The Blue and the Gray. I hated the bad guys won, but they killed the leader of the bad guys so it was not a total loss.


[#] Thu May 02 2024 10:46:09 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-05-01 07:03 from Nurb432
I have not watched, nor know anyone personally, but i heard that
while it wasn't 'bad' it insults the viewer.  ( whatever that means

I ask because I am willing to give a chance at the theatre to any non-woke movie. I suspect my friends will suggest we go watch it bcause it will look very "American" to them. I need be prepard and know wheteher it is woke or not :P

[#] Thu May 02 2024 11:16:25 UTC from nonservator

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Rather than being Full Woke, it wears a fig leaf of "fair and balanced" while sporting an open and unashamed "progressive" bias.

[#] Thu May 02 2024 18:25:42 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-05-02 07:16 from nonservator
Rather than being Full Woke, it wears a fig leaf of "fair and
balanced" while sporting an open and unashamed "progressive" bias.

Noticed. Thanks for saving me the price of the ticket and a couple of hours.

[#] Sat May 04 2024 16:16:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hey, it's May 4. Star Wars Day.

May the Fourth be with you.

Han shot first.

And of course any Star Wars made after 1983 is not canon.

[#] Sun May 05 2024 00:42:27 UTC from zelgomer

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And of course any Star Wars made after 1983 is not canon.

Agree, and neither is any spinoff media made since 1999. I actually had a big rant on irc2p not long ago about that.

The only exception I would accept is the RedLetterMedia Mr. Plinkett Star Wars Prequel Review. I consider that canon.

[#] Wed May 22 2024 11:19:08 UTC from darknetuser

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So I just watched The Black Stallion returns. At the end, the boy-main-character decides to let his stallion go and live with the other horses because he feels he will be happy that way. So much cry. I think I haven't cried that much with a movie since Stablemates.

[#] Mon May 27 2024 14:48:49 UTC from Nurb432

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Made it thru 1/2 of Atlas, before the power went out.   Netflix production. Its 'eh', not bad not great. Nothing id pay extra for or go out of my way, but id not turn it off if it was on sort of thing.

Learned this morning they spent 100 million on it.   Idiots. 

[#] Wed May 29 2024 20:56:02 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-05-27 10:48 from Nurb432
Made it thru 1/2 of Atlas, before the power went out.   Netflix
production. Its 'eh', not bad not great. Nothing id pay extra for or

go out of my way, but id not turn it off if it was on sort of thing.

Learned this morning they spent 100 million on it.   Idiots. 

I am not familiar with that movie at all.

I never had a Netflix account and I rarely bothered to pirate/warez their stuff . Nowadays it is not worth the effort of getting it in some Internet black alley.

I must say I am happy I finally started a trend among my friends. I have noticed they are following my example (after years of watching me!) and outright rejecting to watch any new movie unless there are indicators it is not a woke fest.

[#] Wed May 29 2024 21:01:30 UTC from Nurb432

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Its not often i watch anything new.

I make it a point now to spend at least 2 hours in the evening just sitting with my cats and dogs doing nothing.  TV is there just as a distraction, or to put up videos of mice for cats to watch.    Cat had moved on earlier and was just out of boredom flipping around for older stuff and saw it."lets see what this is like".  

And ya, anything i like that is old i already have, but i do often let it stream in the background, in order to keep things like Tubi or Pluto alive, so when i'm bored with what i have i can look around.  ( yes, this was Netflix but same idea )



[#] Wed Jul 03 2024 20:25:55 UTC from darknetuser

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I want to share with you the Snow White movie should have made and we never got until the 21st Century. The language is a heathen pagan forbidden one, but the story tells itself.

[#] Wed Jul 03 2024 21:10:15 UTC from Nurb432

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Gonna make me look aren't you.

Is it long?

Wed Jul 03 2024 16:25:55 EDT from darknetuser
I want to share with you the Snow White movie should have made and we never got until the 21st Century. The language is a heathen pagan forbidden one, but the story tells itself.


[#] Wed Jul 03 2024 21:11:01 UTC from darknetuser

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2024-07-03 17:10 from Nurb432
Gonna make me look aren't you.

Is it long?

4 minutes or so. I promise Snow White is hot.

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