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[#] Mon Sep 16 2019 10:31:49 EDT from fleeb

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Good to be back.

Shockingly, I experienced no significant weight gain over that week, despite a lack of access to a scale to monitor it. I effectively kept my weight down without using a scale.

That's at least three times I've done that. It still makes me nervous, though, to go too long without weighing myself.

[#] Mon Sep 16 2019 11:31:51 EDT from wizard of aahz

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I first wanted to say that there's an app for that.. But couldn't figure out how to make it work. Then I had the idea of suggesting some sort of crane with a built in scale that you could travel with. Then I thought about a fishing scale and had an image of you with the hook in your mouth and trying to hold the unit above your head. That was actually a really funny thought.

Finally, I decided to go with this. g=UTF8&refRID=28BD26M52YFE0ARW9PHJ&th=1

[#] Wed Sep 18 2019 11:15:03 EDT from fleeb

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That's neat, but the hook-in-the-mouth approach might require less packing.

[#] Thu Sep 19 2019 12:05:32 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Just walk down to the nearest pond and have someone compare your weight to that of a duck.

[#] Fri Sep 20 2019 14:01:07 EDT from fleeb

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The simplest solutions...

[#] Sun Sep 29 2019 16:00:00 EDT from arabella

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I sincerely hope, the duck, and the fleeb do not have the same weight.

[#] Mon Sep 30 2019 11:36:49 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Really though, you need to be concerned about mass, not weight. Otherwise you might have to deal with factors such as the fleeb or the duck being more massive but also carrying some helium.

[#] Wed Oct 09 2019 00:16:38 EDT from ax25

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Wood, cherries, or lead would garner the same result.

[#] Wed Oct 09 2019 00:16:55 EDT from ax25

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Or gravy.

[#] Wed Oct 09 2019 09:48:47 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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mmm ... zombie braised in gravy

[#] Wed Oct 09 2019 09:50:51 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Quick announcement: I'm in the process of moving to a different domain registrar. Hopefully everything goes smoothly and there is no disruption of service, but if you happen to come by in the next few days and get no response from the site, or a domain parking page, or something like that, just come on back the next day and we'll be back online. I am not expecting this to happen but you never know.

[#] Wed Oct 09 2019 12:24:22 EDT from darknetuser

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I am curious. Why the switch?

[#] Wed Oct 09 2019 13:33:31 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I'm moving the domain to Epik, a registrar that is known for their resistance to cancel culture. My domains were due for renewal anyway and I want to support their strong stance in favor of free speech.

[#] Wed Oct 09 2019 14:16:54 EDT from darknetuser

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Good to know, thanks for sharing this info!

[#] Sat Oct 12 2019 03:48:18 EDT from arabella

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Wed Oct 09 2019 09:48:47 AM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
mmm ... zombie braised in gravy

Om, nom, NOM

[#] Sun Oct 20 2019 19:32:52 EDT from Jackson

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loa LMAO HELlo

[#] Mon Oct 21 2019 11:40:28 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Well hello there! Automotive incendiary greetings to you and all of our newest friends.

[#] Mon Oct 21 2019 23:18:07 EDT from ax25

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Agreed.  DIACF.  Hope you have may returns over the years!  Great place to be a part of.

[#] Mon Oct 21 2019 23:38:52 EDT from ax25

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This has probably been posted before, but REPOST:

Please note the "available alternatives" section for a contact server - yep Citadel.  Nice job in taking the ball on that guys!

[#] Tue Oct 22 2019 16:35:06 EDT from athos-mn

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I'm shocked and rather appalled that the DAP didn't get me. 

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