What has Gates? The Gates of Hell and Bill Gates.
What shares the Mark of the Devil? Mark Zuckerberg.
Both Hitler and hell contain the letters 'H', 'E' and 'L'
So the Venn diagram goes something like this. You start with two circles that look like one circle because one is directly superimposed over the other.
One is "people who disagree with me about anything" and the other is "people who are Hitler."
Inside those circles are another circle called "People who attended Harvard" and inside that circle is a smaller one called "People who didn't graduate from Harvard". Well inside that circle is a small circle called "ultra-super-mega-Hitler tech barons who need to die slowly and painfully, but immediately."
2018-03-22 15:59 from wizard of aahz
Wait. The logic has me confused. So anyone who did not graduate from
Harvard University is Hitler?
Yes and therefore, bomb Harvard. Makes perfect sense.'
Oof. A famous nazi named Jorge Mario Bergoglio (you might recognize him by his nazi name, "Pope Francis") is actually comparing his political enemies to Hitler now.
I'm Mike Godwin and I do NOT approve of this message.
(Or do you mean the *old* Hitler, the one actually named Hitler?)
It is a common trope that "if you gain access to a time machine, the first thing you do is go back in time and kill Hitler."
Would you? I can think of a few historical figures who, if their ascension could have been prevented through the judicious use of a time machine, would be better targets than Hitler. I think I messed up the grammar in that previous sentence, but you get the idea -- who would *you* eliminate from history to make history even better than it would be by preventing Hitler?
I have a few in mind but I'll let others go first.
Without Hitler would we have the V2 rocket which led to the Saturn 5 and then to the moon?
If you change history your going to change a lot more than the event you eliminate.
If you kill a person from the past will you be killed or jailed for the crime? Will you ever return to the current time to see the results of your action?
Go back to kill Yeshua of Nazareth.
The priests that molested all those children?
I would say I would go back to 1933 to kill the driver of the car that killed my grandfather, or at least prevent the accident. Chances are if that happened my father would had a different life growing up, wouldn't have met my mother and I wouldn't be born. I will pick the driver of the car that killed my grandfather to kill off.
There are so many to choose from ... Stalin, Mao, Muhammad, Zuckerberg ... to just default to Hitler seems so uncreative.