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[#] Fri Feb 03 2017 20:53:24 EST from zooer

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Trump is not Hitler  (From Scott Adam's blog)

[#] Sat Feb 04 2017 08:34:07 EST from the_mgt

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But everyone who does not agree with him is, as we are reminded here on a day basis.

[#] Sat Feb 04 2017 08:34:42 EST from the_mgt

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[#] Mon Feb 06 2017 11:01:50 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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One important aspect of the Godwin's Lounge concept (aside from the fact that it's really fucking funny) is that we're pointing out the absurdity of Hitler comparisons by simply taking it over-the-top and overdoing it so much that it takes all of the power out of the comparison. We're very much getting there, I think.

As I've said before, it's important not to give undue power to words.

Think about it. Words like "fuck" or "shit" will get you some unapproving glances in polite company, but "nigger" will get you dragged into the HR office.
Why? Because someone decided to create a taboo, and it gave the word undue power. "Hitler" (and "fascist") are not there yet, and people have been using those words forever to try to make some sort of shock-attention point.

That's why I'm proud to use Hitler comparisons in such a ridiculously frivolous way. Desensitize everyone to it, and it loses its oomph, loses its power. Anyone who disagrees with me on this is 100% Hitler Equvalent (tm) and I can say so with the support of Mike Godwin himself.

[#] Mon Feb 06 2017 11:02:33 EST from Mike Godwin

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I'm Mike Godwin and I approve this message.

[#] Mon Feb 06 2017 11:20:28 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Richard Pryor and others tried to do that with nigger in the '78s. Unfortunately, it just became another racial dividing line. Who is ALLOWED to use a word like nigger. (Or worse, trying to differentiate between nigger and nigga.)

[#] Mon Feb 06 2017 11:36:30 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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But it can be done. The gay community defused "queer" and even took ownership of it. I think that to a certain extent there are people who *want* certain words to have that kind of power. And as long as they do, we're not on the road to unity.

We can go in one of two directions with "Hitler" (and "fascist") ... we can give those words power, or we can desensitize everyone to them.

Oh, and I fully support the removal of Antifa from the streets using Tiananmen Square style tactics.

[#] Mon Feb 20 2017 11:12:22 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Speaking of people who are almost as evil as Mark Zuckerberg:

[ ]

Apparently the telephone set which sat on Adolf Hitler's desk and which he used during the last two years of World War II has gone on auction, and Ben Affleck bought it for $240,000.

I wonder what operating system it runs.

[#] Mon Feb 20 2017 13:56:01 EST from fleeb

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Windows ME, backported from VMS.

[#] Mon Feb 20 2017 16:10:47 EST from zooer

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To see all the phone calls can you check the ana.log file?

[#] Mon Feb 20 2017 17:57:00 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Something like that. The "analog analogue" (damn I'm clever) to Godwin's Law states that in any analog telephone conversation, the probability that the telephone handset is owned by Hitler approaches 1.

[#] Fri Sep 22 2017 10:00:12 EDT from zooer

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[#] Thu Mar 15 2018 15:40:34 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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The supremacy of Der Führer as the universal target of Internet analogies is threatened.

In flame wars around the depths of the intertubes, it's less customary than it used to be to compare people to Hitler.

Seems now the game is "accuse your opponent of being a Russian bot before they accuse you of being a Russian bot."

[#] Thu Mar 15 2018 18:07:45 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Funny - someone said to me last week that I was a Russian bot, and was to be reported to the appropraite authorities.

[#] Fri Mar 16 2018 16:23:08 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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(conversation from some time in the early 2000's)

IG: "I hope the Russians love their children too."
Ragnar: "I heard the Russians eat their children."

[#] Mon Mar 19 2018 14:11:11 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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With relish.

[#] Mon Mar 19 2018 14:15:55 EDT from fleeb <>

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How... Darwinian.

[#] Thu Mar 22 2018 14:46:52 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Speaking of Hitler:

* Bill Gates, who was almost as bad as Hitler, never graduated from Harvard University.
* Mark Zuckerberg, who is several orders of magnitude worse than Hitler, never graduated from Harvard University.
* You know who else never graduated from Harvard? HITLER HIMSELF!

Therefore, Harvard University == Hitlervard University, and the entire campus should be bombed out of existence, preferably during a time when the buildings are jam-packed full of socialists.

[#] Thu Mar 22 2018 15:59:12 EDT from wizard of aahz

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Wait. The logic has me confused. So anyone who did not graduate from Harvard University is Hitler?

[#] Thu Mar 22 2018 18:10:27 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Stop doing that. Gates is mega-Hitler, Zuckerberg is ultra-Hitler, and Harvard produces thousands of new Hitlers each year. The place is a nazi factory.

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