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[#] Thu Jun 02 2022 11:29:22 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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In other news, the Internet's most notorious bossy bitch, Sheryl Hitler Sandberg has announced that she is leaving Facebook (or Meta or whatever they want to call themselves).

For those who don't know about her, she was one of the major architects of Facebook being an oppressor and censor and manipulator. Some number of years ago she tried to begin a campaign to ban the word "bossy" because she felt it was sexist, which is why she must ALWAYS be referred to as a Bossy Bitch.

So long, Sheryl. I hope the door *does* hit you on the way out. May all of your future endeavours fail miserably.

[#] Fri Jun 03 2022 13:37:28 EDT from Nurb432

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I got a email again today from VMUG ( typical stuff. I was a member back when i was the VMware guy at the office ), and decided to go ahead and unsubscribe. Should have done it years ago just was lazy..  "remove all email notice" was one option. Great. chose that.

10 mins later i get an email "you are missing out on things, do you want emails". WTF. "add to spam list" GTFO out of my face. And apparently they now have a tiered membership, with the top tier requiring "dues". Sounds like they are taking cues from Broadcomm.. 

[#] Sun Jun 05 2022 18:58:43 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Some number of years ago she tried to begin a campaign to ban the word

"bossy" because she felt it was sexist, which is why she must ALWAYS be

referred to as a Bossy Bitch.

And just like that, after being cyberbullied by a Bossy Bitch (who, for reasons too complicated to get into here, I am currently not willing to destroy) in my life, I have deleted my nascent Twitter account, and on Instagram I have made my account private and blocked Bossy Bitch and anyone even remotely connected to her.

William Steig was right: People Are No Damn Good.

We need a region of the Internet where to access it you have to agree in writing that you understand it's all just words on a screen and if you get into it in meatspace with someone you permanently lose access.

[#] Mon Jun 06 2022 13:55:29 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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A little more on this.

The people responsible are people I seriously want to destroy, because they deserve it. But the collateral damage to my family would be too significant, so I am simply withdrawing.

I've changed my mind, and instead of locking down my Instagram account I've deleted all existing posts and replaced it with one that explains that because I have been stalked, canceled, and cyberbullied, it is no longer safe for me to be there, and to protect my family I am discontinuing the account.

And really, that's the problem. I originally signed up for Instagram because it was a place for photo sharing. More and more, however, people post pictures of text, containing whatever stupid social issues they wanted to comment on.
They basically turned it into Facebook.

Eternal September fucking sucks. 95% of the people who are online have no business being online.

[#] Mon Jun 06 2022 14:17:26 EDT from Nurb432

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Sometimes taking the high road is the best answer. Not the one we want, but the best choice. 

Mon Jun 06 2022 01:55:29 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
A little more on this.

The people responsible are people I seriously want to destroy, because they deserve it. But the collateral damage to my family would be too significant, so I am simply withdrawing.

[#] Tue Jun 14 2022 02:33:32 EDT from darknetuser

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2022-05-29 11:00 from Nurb432
I also thought of that here at home ( wife uses the app ), but what
happens to the video when it tries to hit an ad, does it pause or
something? The ad blocker i have inside chrome does not do that and
the video never stops.

Spinning up a VM to do it here would be pretty simple.
Sun May 29 2022 10:24:18 AM EDT from darknetuser

For the TV, install a LAN wide adblocker. Linux Magazine even had
an issue focusing on this:

So far I have never had an issue like that. Some websites don't let you through if you use an adblocker, but then those sites have a tendency to be so bloated as to be unusable without adblocking, so they are not worth visiting.

[#] Thu Jun 16 2022 16:26:41 EDT from Nurb432

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Grrrr  on way home yesterday i get a call " your card has been canceled due to fraud transactions"


~ 2k gone.  Repeated ~40 dollar transactions from some Singapore source. Ill get a refund but now i have to change all my stuff and wait for the $ to come back.  Several thousand people got hit.

[#] Tue Jun 28 2022 06:03:30 EDT from darknetuser

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2022-06-16 16:26 from Nurb432
Grrrr  on way home yesterday i get a call " your card has been
canceled due to fraud transactions"


~ 2k gone.  Repeated ~40 dollar transactions from some Singapore
source. Ill get a refund but now i have to change all my stuff and

wait for the $ to come back.  Several thousand people got hit.

Bad guys are doing that trick of performing multiple mini-transactions, since those tipically require no PIN. Yet another reason not to enable touchless payment with the card.

Yet another reason why I don't carry my cards around and, hen I do, have them in one of those faraday containers.

Do you have any clue how they picked up your card?

[#] Tue Jun 28 2022 16:38:51 EDT from Nurb432

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it wasn't just my card it was 1000s   

I'm sure they just 'ran the numbers' and came up with a usable pattern and rotated thru all the possible valid numbers..  There is a pattern with those numbers if you look close.  Such as the first 4, are the institution..  I have talked to my bank before and they say these days rarely do they get *your* number at a personal level. Its just yours is in the list they have/created.


I suspect $50 would have been tagged being over seas. so just over 40 was it.

Tue Jun 28 2022 06:03:30 AM EDT from darknetuser
2022-06-16 16:26 from Nurb432
Grrrr  on way home yesterday i get a call " your card has been
canceled due to fraud transactions"


~ 2k gone.  Repeated ~40 dollar transactions from some Singapore
source. Ill get a refund but now i have to change all my stuff and

wait for the $ to come back.  Several thousand people got hit.

Bad guys are doing that trick of performing multiple mini-transactions, since those tipically require no PIN. Yet another reason not to enable touchless payment with the card.

Yet another reason why I don't carry my cards around and, hen I do, have them in one of those faraday containers.

Do you have any clue how they picked up your card?


[#] Wed Jun 29 2022 12:11:49 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I also thought of that here at home ( wife uses the app ), but what

happens to the video when it tries to hit an ad, does it pause or
something? The ad blocker i have inside chrome does not do that and

On youtube, if you successfully block an ad it just goes ahead and plays the video. The problem with using a network-wide adblocker like PiHole is that not all youtube ads are detectable by DNS alone; if you want complete effectiveness you have to put it through a proxy server.

[#] Fri Jul 08 2022 12:17:35 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hey, quick poll for y'all. I came up with a new sobriquet and I want to see if it's self-explanatory.

If I described someone as a "digital aboriginal" what would you think that meant?

[#] Fri Jul 08 2022 13:22:37 EDT from zelgomer

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2022-07-08 16:17 from IGnatius T Foobar <>

Hey, quick poll for y'all. I came up with a new sobriquet and I want

to see if it's self-explanatory.

If I described someone as a "digital aboriginal" what would you think

that meant?

Someone who was born in an age and culture saturated with digital consumer electronics and who doesn't know life without.

[#] Fri Jul 08 2022 13:58:59 EDT from Nurb432

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someone who is a Luddite, but not by choice as they dont have the knowledge to resist tech.

[#] Sat Jul 09 2022 06:03:06 EDT from darknetuser

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If I described someone as a "digital aboriginal" what would you think

that meant?

First picture which comes to mind is a troglodyte trying to make a computer work by hitting it with a club.

But then I think that a digital aboriginal would be kind of a "digital native" who has grown in the digital age and knows his computing fairly well...

[#] Sat Jul 09 2022 07:42:50 EDT from Nurb432

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Most of them are just button pushers and have zero clue what makes it 'go'.  Not sure id consider them "knowing it well"


"i put gas in this hole here and it goes"

Sat Jul 09 2022 06:03:06 AM EDT from darknetuser
 "digital native" who has grown in the digital age and knows his computing fairly well...


[#] Sat Jul 09 2022 12:14:11 EDT from zelgomer

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2022-07-09 11:42 from Nurb432 <>
Most of them are just button pushers and have zero clue what makes it
'go'.  Not sure id consider them "knowing it well"


"i put gas in this hole here and it goes"

I was talking to a tech recruiter one time and he was probing me for the sort of work I was looking for, trying to sell me on some position working with C# or some bullshit. I told him I was more interested in low level stuff, C, embedded space. I shit you not his response was, with 100% sincerity, "does anyone even do that stuff anymore?" I thought, no, I guess that smartphone you won't set down just came down from the heavens with drivers and firmware written in Java. Unfortunately I was too young to have said it out loud. That was during a stage of my career when I was still trying to keep good relations with morons.

[#] Sat Jul 09 2022 12:34:55 EDT from Nurb432

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When i was in school to become an EE, and it came time to discuss CPUs and ISAs. We were given a handout of the gate structure of a Z80, and we took a look at how the masking worked to build the chip  ( even toured a chip plant.. lucky enough to have one within a day trip ). We also talked about microcode and how it made the gates 'work' to do things and tried a few experiments with discrete logic on a breadboard. ( was a huge fan of microcode, and the Dec chip that exposed it.. ) After we had built a rudimentary board with a z80 some ram and some blinky lights and switches, "now, we learn assembler so you can make the lights blink".  

That is also time time had the brilliant idea " why are we doing this in discrete gates? if its always a predictable outcome, why not use eproms instead? "  "reduce parts count, wiring AND easily up-gradable later "

Guy i work with, when he went to the *same* class some 15 years later " this is a Pentium cpu, lets pass it around and oooo at it " "now that you have seen it, we will learn so program in basic on this PC over here...  "

Eventually brain drain will catch up to us "i wonder how this used to work, its broke now and wont blink"  ....


( interns are amazing too, they bring so much life experience to the table its comical at times )



Sat Jul 09 2022 12:14:11 PM EDT from zelgomer
"does anyone even do that stuff anymore?" 


[#] Sat Jul 09 2022 20:19:55 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hmm, I guess it isn't a great term then.

There's more or less a consensus that "digital native" refers to someone who was born after the Internet went mainstream and never knew the world without it.

I'm looking for a way to describe those of us who were online and immersed in online culture *before* it went mainstream. You know, the people who actually know how to be cool online, who treat it like the medium it was meant to be, before Fuck Fuckerberg killed it.

[#] Sat Jul 09 2022 20:21:11 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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(And no, I don't think Fecesbook killed the spirit of the Internet; it merely finished it off. To be a Digital Aboriginal you have to have been online before 1993 or so ... before Eternal September began.)

[#] Sat Jul 09 2022 21:34:53 EDT from Nurb432

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"Rational adults"

Sat Jul 09 2022 08:19:55 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

I'm looking for a way to describe those of us who were online and immersed in online culture *before* it went mainstream. 


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