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[#] Mon Feb 07 2022 11:45:26 EST from Nurb432

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wow.  myspace still exists.. i thought it was long dead.


[#] Mon Feb 07 2022 15:16:13 EST from Nurb432

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Has anyone else noticed a *drastic* decline in spam the last couple of days?

Since Saturday i have not got a single scam or unsolicited spam message. ( i dont include stuff i have done business with who have my email address, like menards or amazon. i may not 'want' it but its sort of solicited. i agreed by doing business there )


its weird... 

[#] Tue Feb 08 2022 23:06:26 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Yup... the ability to plug in a pathway or route that I can travel... kind of a virtual pub crawl. 


Mon Feb 07 2022 09:29:36 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Like the old shared room thing?

Effectively yes, but more than just Citadels, and at the granularity of each individual user's curation instead of site operators. Basically an expanded version of the nascent "fediverse". It's coming eventually -- too many people want it now, and it's just a matter of someone eventually landing on a formula that works. Once that happens, the genie won't go back in the bottle.


[#] Wed Feb 09 2022 17:22:52 EST from Nurb432

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Well that is new.  Email Spam received. *here*.. 

[#] Sun Feb 13 2022 13:15:51 EST from Nurb432

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I suppose this could go in hardware, but its scummy...


So, companies like Intel and NVIDIA ( and im sure AMD ) for a little while now have been selling crippled hardware " you can pay more to use all that you bought " ( f-ers ) but i guess Intel is planning on extending this scumbag behavior. Calling it "pay as you go" program:

  • From what i hear automatically adding the features in real time and i assume billing you somehow.  Its still new.. no one is sure how this stuff is going to work, is it like you hit 100% and they magically add another core and deduct it from your bank account? Or that fancy new program tries to use one of the 'paid instruction set extensions; and poof, you get a bill?
Supposedly support for this nonsense goes into the Linux kernel in 5.18, so instead of stopping it, people are supporting it.. WTF .. wake the hell up!

I wonder how long before these 'extensions' are leased. not purchased.  And at what point does even powering up the CPU ( or GPU ) require an active lease.. ( and of course internet connection and your credit card on file )


Going backwards, we are.



[#] Sun Feb 13 2022 15:48:24 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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There is a lot of high end hardware which can be purchased that way: they provide the hardware at cost or at a minimal markup, and then they sell you the "capacity" as a recurring operating expense. Networking hardware can be notorious for that -- for example, you can license the number of ports, or the amount of bandwidth it can carry.

Bringing it all the way down to the CPU level seems like a great way to hasten the demise of legacy CPU vendors, not to mention hastening the development of alternative software that doesn't honor the restrictions.

[#] Sun Feb 13 2022 19:30:48 EST from Nurb432

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Right, high end network hardware.  Large scale data center server resources..  Mainframes, etc.  But not commodity workstation stuff..

Between stuff like this and destroying the ARM buyout, i see RISC-V silicon coming to age mush faster.   And as FPGA speeds increase more options there too. Or i\m just a nut case and most people will gladly bend over and say "thank you may i have another, and the money is in the left pocket, take what you want so I can watch my cat videos"

I'm so glad my IT career is about over and retirement is not far now.  If this crap gets to my house and i'm forced, its when i unplug and say f-it. 

Sun Feb 13 2022 03:48:24 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
There is a lot of high end hardware which can be purchased that way: they provide the hardware at cost or at a minimal markup, and then they sell you the "capacity" as a recurring operating expense. Networking hardware can be notorious for that -- for example, you can license the number of ports, or the amount of bandwidth it can carry.

Bringing it all the way down to the CPU level seems like a great way to hasten the demise of legacy CPU vendors, not to mention hastening the development of alternative software that doesn't honor the restrictions.


[#] Tue Feb 15 2022 00:04:18 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Cisco pioneered this with their switches a long time ago - and I was raising the alarm back then - but CIOs loved it. 

"I can buy just what I need, and as we expand, I don't have to replace the equipment, I just enable more of what they sent me..." 

Yeah - you dumbass - because it is always THERE. They could sell you the fully enabled version for the price you're paying for the crippled version - because - that is EXACTLY what they're doing... you're getting the fully loaded hardware - so they're making enough no matter what to cover the cost. They're just charging you MORE to turn on what you've ALREADY PAID THEM FOR. 

I saw that Intel was doing this. Glad I'm into retro computing. 


[#] Tue Feb 15 2022 19:03:49 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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It's probably safe to say that there will always be a tier of computing that is unencumbered. Look at how much you can do with an ARM or RISC-V rig. And it's only improving. Maybe you'll be forced to run Linux but that's a feature, not a problem. Look around -- entire ecosystems are springing up to bypass the establishment.

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 12:18:26 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Don't you just LOVE when web sites suddenly decide to "helpfully" change your subscription preferences? This has happened to me twice in the last couple of days.

Over the years I've had dozens of accounts on Disqus, so that I can comment anonymously on political sites without people trying to cancel me. Often they get banned and I create another one. I use SpamGourmet for disposable addresses. This week, Disqus decided to activate "news digests" on EVERY ACCOUNT so I got dozens of these, all to different disposable addresses, which fortunately will stop soon because each of those addresses stops working after 3 messages.

And just this morning, my inbox was filled with "breaking news updates" from Faux News, with footer messages on each one saying that I indicated in my subscription preferences that I wanted to receive them. Really? I haven't been on Fucks News web site in months. When did I change my preferences? So I deleted the account.

I guess a lot of people just keep a second email account around somewhere for noisy stuff. Maybe I'm doing it the hard way.

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 18:50:21 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Watching Arrested Development GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Tue Feb 15 2022 19:03:49 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
. Maybe you'll be forced to run Linux but that's a feature, not a problem. 

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 07:33:47 EST from darknetuser

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I guess a lot of people just keep a second email account around
somewhere for noisy stuff. Maybe I'm doing it the hard way.

If I sing up for a "crap service" I just use a disposable email adress, of the sort that does not survive more than 24 hours.

If I sign up for a not-so-crappy service I use my main email address. If it generates a lot of traffic, some of which I want to see and some of which I don't, I set a filter for it so the bad traffic goes to /dev/null

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 09:14:54 EST from Nurb432

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Same here for the most part.  Filters are my friend. 

[#] Wed Mar 02 2022 19:35:31 EST from Nurb432

Subject: F- Intel

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So not only are they going down the path of 'you only bought a base CPU, you want more features, pay us more "  they are also permanently removing features you bought because they changed their minds that you should have it or not, unless you buy a new more expensive chip.

[#] Thu Mar 03 2022 12:52:17 EST from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: F- Intel

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I mean... so - this is a feature that only enterprise class applications leverage, right? 

I'm trying to figure out how to say this... 

These aren't consumer features they're crippling. To leverage this hardware feature, you've already paid for an expensive enterprise class license on the software that leverages the feature. It is industrial/professional use intention. 

It is kind of like business class and consumer class ISP bandwidth are the same thing - but you're paying more for a business class subscription based on the fact that it is mission critical to you making money - so it costs more. 

They're trying to discourage rinky-dink, fly-by-night shops from using DIY grade servers and pirated copies of enterprise license apps... and then to expect enterprise class support from the whole supply chain when something goes wrong. 

I mean... Intel isn't alone in this approach... a lot of software companies have different licensing levels for the exact same software depending on the scope, scale and revenue of your organization. 

It is kinda shitty, sure... but... I don't think it actually effects legitimate end users or corporate users... it is people who are trying to get over who are hurt by this. 




Wed Mar 02 2022 19:35:31 EST from Nurb432 Subject: F- Intel


[#] Thu Mar 03 2022 17:18:32 EST from Nurb432

Subject: Re: F- Intel

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I dont care who you are or what the target market is.  If i buy something and then you decide i should not have it and remove it, you suck and should burn in hell. And you can be damned sure ill be demanding a refund, or expect a suit. 

[#] Thu Mar 03 2022 18:37:37 EST from zelgomer

Subject: Re: F- Intel

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2022-03-03 22:18 from Nurb432 <>
Subject: Re: F- Intel
I dont care who you are or what the target market is.  If i buy
something and then you decide i should not have it and remove it, you
suck and should burn in hell. And you can be damned sure ill be
demanding a refund, or expect a suit. 

Sony lost or settled (don't remember which) a class action over this with their OtherOS feature on the PS3.

[#] Thu Mar 03 2022 19:02:46 EST from Nurb432

Subject: Re: F- Intel

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ya i remember that now.  And i do hope people who had their chips crippled sue Intel. 

[#] Thu Mar 03 2022 19:04:17 EST from Nurb432

Subject: Re: F- Intel

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And that statement was not meant toward anyone here.   Just a general statement where who=company 


( just re-read what i said and it might have been misinterpreted )

Thu Mar 03 2022 05:18:32 PM EST from Nurb432 Subject: Re: F- Intel

I dont care who you are or what the target market is.  If i buy something and then you decide i should not have it and remove it, you suck and should burn in hell. And you can be damned sure ill be demanding a refund, or expect a suit. 


[#] Sat Mar 05 2022 01:30:44 EST from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re: F- Intel

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Intel will face down the class action suit. You'll get a coupon for $5 off on your next Intel chipset motherboard - the trial lawyers will make $50,000,000 dollars. Intel will write it off. 


Thu Mar 03 2022 17:18:32 EST from Nurb432 Subject: Re: F- Intel

I dont care who you are or what the target market is.  If i buy something and then you decide i should not have it and remove it, you suck and should burn in hell. And you can be damned sure ill be demanding a refund, or expect a suit. 


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