I liked the first max, wasn't so thrilled with the other 2.
Don't forget plant of the apes. That qualifies as post apocalyptic. So does logans run, in a way. ( since im talking 60s and 70s movies here )
Tue Dec 12 2023 02:40:37 EST from LadySerenaKittyI like to rewatch some of my favorite post-apoc movies just as refresher courses in case some fucknugget decides to do a global armageddon, which is extremely likely with Buyden in office.
Mad Max
Mad Max: Road Warrior
Mad Max: Beyond Thunderdome
2023-12-12 14:04 from Nurb432 <nurb432@uncensored.citadel.org>
I liked the first max, wasn't so thrilled with the other 2.
You might be the first person I've ever met who didn't consider Road Warrior to be by far the best one.
By the way, I consider Fury Road to be a rare modern sequel worthy of standing with the originals. It's at least better than Thunderdome. Also, the actor who plays the villain is the same actor who played Toecutter in the first one (different character, of course).
Beyond Thunderdome was my first Mad Max movie, and it introduced me to the post-apoc genre, which I love.
Wed July 10 1985 12:00:00 EST from Dr. Dealgood
Listen all! This is the truth of it. Fighting leads to killing, and killing gets to warring. And that was damn near the death of us all. Look at us now! Busted up, and everyone talking about hard rain! But we've learned, by the dust of them all... Bartertown learned. Now, when men get to fighting, it happens here! And it finishes here! Two men enter; one man leaves.
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls... Dyin' time's here.
The rules are simple:
Two men enter, one man leaves.
Bust a deal, face the wheel.
Tue Dec 12 2023 18:42:12 EST from zelgomer
You might be the first person I've ever met who didn't consider Road Warrior to be by far the best one.
By the way, I consider Fury Road to be a rare modern sequel worthy of standing with the originals. It's at least better than Thunderdome. Also, the actor who plays the villain is the same actor who played Toecutter in the first one (different character, of course).
This is exactly what I am talking about, if I undertand you rightly. I am no historian, but the idea that life is sacred to Europeans and their decendents and not to non-Europeans is rubbish. The Germans weren't alone in trying to whipe out Jews in Europe. The Belgians commited one of the worst genocides in history in the Congo (and brought back African children to keep in zoos until the 1960s). The Spanish wiped out the Aztecs (who were as "western" as it gets and who were pretty violent in their own right). Canadians and USians built their countries on "cultural genocide", forced assimilation, and outright conquest.
And the idea that life is sacred is pretty core to, say, Budhism for example.
And speaking of Africa, most of the instability and warfare there is a direct consequence of rich white Europeans drawing up borders to contain rival groups into single geopolitical entities. Similarly Hamas was bolstered by Israel (which in turn was established by the British Mandate) for politcal reasons (no doubt using some the gajillions of dollars that the US sends in support). And as far as I know Isil/Isis was created by the US for similar reasons.
My point is that almost every bit of violence I hear about from my history books or in my news feeds is either directly or indirectly caused or fed by Europeans and their descendents.
So I am still not buying it.
Tue Oct 31 2023 11:53:50 EDT from darknetuserThat's what I hear, but I'm not buying it. Sounds too... simplistic
and narrative-driven in my opinion.
The core of the matter is that life is cheap in most of the world. The idea that life is sacred and must be protected is very Western. If you go to any African hellhole they have no trouble killing 15 yo pregnant girls.
If you withdraw an standing army stationed on a region next to fundamentalist forces, I guarantee you they will take over the next day, kill everybody that does not look pure to them and ask the questions later.
Myself, I prefer to say "What's the context?" and "Who is saying that?" and "Who is that being said to?" and "To what extent do those words being said actually represent reality?"
I might be missing the point ( its early ). But i grantee you throughout history other people have been like this.
- American Indians, they fought long before Europeans arrived.
- African tribes, same thing, fought for generations before being 'discovered' by England
- Egyptian Pharaohs, pretty sure they were not influenced by the west.
- Genghis Khan, last i heard was not European.
Plenty more. Not saying the have not influenced and driven some of it in modern times, just saying they dont have a monopoly and all was was not peace and rainbows before they started branching out. Its human nature. Kill people you dont like. And then justify it however you have to.
2023-12-14 03:48 from ScottPilgrim
This is exactly what I am talking about, if I undertand you rightly.
I am no historian, but the idea that life is sacred to Europeans and
their decendents and not to non-Europeans is rubbish. The Germans
weren't alone in trying to whipe out Jews in Europe. The Belgians
commited one of the worst genocides in history in the Congo (and
brought back African children to keep in zoos until the 1960s). The
Spanish wiped out the Aztecs (who were as "western" as it gets and
who were pretty violent in their own right). Canadians and USians
built their countries on "cultural genocide", forced assimilation,
and outright conquest.
People are douchebags and that is not news.
But then there are cultures that place more emphasis in condemning acts that compromise property or life among their members, and then cultures that don't care as much if members die as long as certain parameters are fulfilled.
If you are familiar with anthropology, you will be also familiar with the concept of Shame Cultures, which are cultures and groups in which the moral compass is defined by concepts such as reputation and honor. In those cultures it is ok to kill your daughter because he wanted to marry a dude from another clan, or to have a duel to the death in the main square because somebody talked shit about your brother.
Aztecs performed human sacrifices and dealed slaves. UN's first pacification mission in Congo was a civillian massacre btw.
Forgot about them. Add them to my list :)
Thu Dec 14 2023 17:03:49 ESTfrom darknetuser
Aztecs performed human sacrifices and dealed slaves.
2023-12-14 17:18 from Nurb432
Forgot about them. Add them to my list :)
People sucks so much that I am starting to think that civilizations that cause mass destruction against other people were not that bad.
Heck, southern pre-columbus civs were only conquered because they chose to fight each other instead of fending Europeans off.
in the news this morning: "Hungary blocks €50bn of EU funding for Ukraine"
Good for them for standing up for what is right and not funding the laundering service.
2023-12-15 08:13 from Nurb432
in the news this morning: "Hungary blocks €50bn of EU funding
for Ukraine"
What was the argument they gave?
I like to rewatch some of my favorite post-apoc movies just as
refresher courses in case some fucknugget decides to do a global
armageddon, which is extremely likely with Buyden in office.
I like to think that armegeddon hasn't come because the machines from the Terminator series and the machines from the Matrix series were going to be created by rival tech companies and they couldn't agree on a standard.
Trying to find it, but not. Mostly just ranting about others supporting it. So i bet it was for a 100% good reason.
Fri Dec 15 2023 16:13:08 EST from darknetuser2023-12-15 08:13 from Nurb432
in the news this morning: "Hungary blocks €50bn of EU funding
for Ukraine"
What was the argument they gave?
isn't that 'web 4.0' ?
Sat Dec 16 2023 18:44:54 EST from IGnatius T Foobarthey couldn't agree on a standard.
Sat Dec 16 2023 18:44:54 EST from IGnatius T FoobarI like to think that armegeddon hasn't come because the machines from the Terminator series and the machines from the Matrix series were going to be created by rival tech companies and they couldn't agree on a standard.
Some of XKCD's stuff is classic. Like 'the cloud'
( or Angular Momentum which has too much meaning now :( )
Some of his videos are pretty neat. Hes been doing 'science videos' of late it seems.
I also noticed a decline in the comic and stopped looking years ago.
Tue Dec 19 2023 21:38:26 EST from IGnatius T FoobarClassic XKCD was pretty awesome. Too bad he jumped the shark quite some time ago.
Over 200,000 invaders on the southern border this month. so far.. THIS MONTH.
We will never recover from the damage this administration has caused to this country ( hell, the planet ) No one can save us now.
Apparently the number of people coming in directly from Mexico is quite small. There is a large well-funded movement to flood the United States with illegal aliens from all over the world in a deliberate attempt to dilute Americans.
And since the bad people control the media they want you to believe that opposing this is "racist". Well it isn't about race. The world is so intermixed now that in a couple hundred years we'll all look the same. No, it's about something far more nefarious. The United States is a nation founded in revolution and we still have that fighting spirit. They're working as hard as they can to breed that out of us. They want us outnumbered by people who think "well of course the government is corrupt, we have always lived with that and we always will".
It truly is time to round up the global elite and shove them all into wood chippers.