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[#] Mon Apr 04 2016 21:17:16 EDT from zooer

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How does a user that isn't logged in get to a hidden room, and how does a bot get to a hidden room?

[#] Thu Apr 07 2016 09:48:25 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Because it's not hidden anymore.

[#] Fri Aug 26 2016 11:04:43 EDT from zooer

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I see Ted has started to visit.  Not the presidential candidate but Tom Cruise's brother.
Ted Cruise81979Network User(4)Fri Aug 19 17:45:48 201622


I thought this new user was interesting... especially because they have 48 unseen posts without ever logging in.  (And the name is mysterious) 

SYS_CitNetSpool81976Network User(4)Thu Aug 18 01:16:33 2016048

[#] Sat Sep 03 2016 23:32:30 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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All of the sys_ users are Citadel logging into itself, which I'm pretty sure will make it go blind.  Must do something about that.

[#] Tue Jan 10 2017 02:30:04 EST from zooer

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But admin does really exist so how can admin be admin if admin isn't really admin? 

[#] Tue Jan 10 2017 02:34:07 EST from zooer

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So is the original admin named "Gilbert Bell"?

[#] Tue Jan 10 2017 10:57:26 EST from Ladyhawke

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Sat Sep 03 2016 11:32:30 PM EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

All of the sys_ users are Citadel logging into itself, which I'm pretty sure will make it go blind.  Must do something about that.

What?  That's blasphemy!  Don't you know that this just makes Citadel a Special Needs User?  Special Needs Users that have driven themselves blind have a lot to offer and you should accommodate their needs better. 

[#] Sun Jan 15 2017 13:45:24 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Yeah yeah, file a complaint, fill out this form, press hard you are making three copies.

[#] Mon Jan 16 2017 18:31:23 EST from Ladyhawke

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Hehe...  Where'd you put that circular inbox again?

[#] Mon Jan 16 2017 19:19:49 EST from LoanShark

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Return To Sender's Ass.

[#] Tue Feb 28 2017 16:36:23 EST from mo

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I just saw my first wholist ghost. :/ Actually it was me. I logged in via webcit and after a few minutes noticed my hostname/IP was the top of the not logged in pile. 


[#] Wed Apr 26 2017 14:57:25 EDT from fleeb

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. bjerke Citadel Support 0d17


[#] Wed May 31 2017 11:16:34 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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"Be a jerk, be a jerk, make the nasty comments work..."
(eat your heart out, disney)

[#] Fri Oct 26 2018 13:27:11 EDT from fleeb <>

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. CrazyEddy Lobby

Are your prices still insane?

[#] Fri Oct 26 2018 14:12:47 EDT from CrazyEddy <>

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I get that from every American I meet. :-P

[#] Fri Nov 02 2018 14:52:55 EDT from fleeb <>

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Have you seen any of the commercials that cause an American to think this?

[#] Fri Nov 02 2018 22:50:23 EDT from CrazyEddy <>

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I have. He went to jail for fraud or something.

The name actually comes from a sci-fi novel called Mote in Gods Eye. It's a reference to mad scientists.

[#] Sat Nov 03 2018 13:50:02 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Heh. And the TV personality most Americans over a certain age are familiar with isn't actually Eddie Antar. It was Jerry Carroll, a radio DJ who did a live read for a commercial in that familiar wacky manner, and Antar liked it so much that he made Carroll the face of the company.

But, our CrazyEddy doesn't have any connection with a defunct American electronics store. So Eddy, tell us about yourself :)

[#] Sun Nov 04 2018 06:17:21 EST from zooer

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I believe the Crazy Eddie character that was on TV was a DJ who did the spots, he wasn't the owner of the chain. 

[#] Mon Nov 05 2018 13:31:08 EST from CrazyEddy <>

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But, our CrazyEddy doesn't have any connection with a defunct American electronics store. So Eddy, tell us about yourself :)

Oh wow, well I started with BBS's in about 1987 and ended up getting a job in telecommunications on that basis. Much of the old gang keep up through facebook these days. Every so often someone from the group will get the desire to put up a BBS for
old times sake and it's my turn again. So that's where I'm at.

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