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[#] Sat Jan 16 2021 06:43:54 UTC from arabella

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"No real brains on board" describes more than 70% of the people I am forced, by convention, to interact with

Mon Jan 11 2021 06:21:09 PM EST from Nurb432

That would be my assumption. Basically a cloud terminal. No real brains on board. 

Sun Jan 10 2021 23:33:55 EST from ParanoidDelusions

So, what is in the box? Is that some sort of recognizable IoT thing?

I know that at one DefCon, they discussed how easy it is to hack Crossing Light systems of a particular sort - that are widely deployed in Phoenix.



[#] Sat Jan 16 2021 14:34:20 UTC from Nurb432

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I'm picturing a take of 'intel inside'   'brain inside' 

Sat Jan 16 2021 01:43:54 EST from arabella

"No real brains on board" describes more than 70% of the people I am forced, by convention, to interact with


[#] Sat Jan 16 2021 15:05:56 UTC from zooer

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Sat Jan 16 2021 09:34:20 AM EST from Nurb432

I'm picturing a take of 'intel inside'   'brain inside'

[#] Sat Jan 16 2021 21:37:32 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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When I worked at the Folsom campus, out at the smoking area I took a stone and carved an "Anarchy Inside" logo onto the backpad concrete. Someone sent me a picture years later, and it was still there. 

As far as I know, I'm the only person who has successfully done graffiti on an Intel campus. 


Sat Jan 16 2021 09:34:20 EST from Nurb432

I'm picturing a take of 'intel inside'   'brain inside' 

Sat Jan 16 2021 01:43:54 EST from arabella

"No real brains on board" describes more than 70% of the people I am forced, by convention, to interact with



[#] Sat Jan 16 2021 22:15:08 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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Oh... that is gold. 


Sat Jan 16 2021 16:52:14 EST from zooer


[#] Tue Jan 19 2021 13:47:00 UTC from Nurb432

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[#] Mon Jan 25 2021 01:29:18 UTC from zooer

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Now that flash is dead....

What was the name of that website that was a repeating animation of where the subject was all powerful, all knowing

I don't remember if it was "I am xxxxxx" or "This is xxxxxx" zeeboo or something.

Every time I remember I am not near a computer to look at the site again.

[#] Mon Jan 25 2021 17:22:05 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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You're thinking of ZOMBO.COM (and welcome to ZOMBO.COM)

The site still works. They updated it to not use Flash. The spinner looks a little different.

[#] Mon Jan 25 2021 18:29:27 UTC from zooer

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Yes, that was it.  I thought it began with a Z, and Mombo kept entering my mind, but I didn't put the two together.  That is good that it still exists, it is important for the new generation. 

[#] Tue Feb 02 2021 13:56:21 UTC from zooer

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I don't have a Reddit account and I rarely visit.  The other day in  a YouTube channel that I revisited someone said there is a Reddit thread on the channel's videos.  I visited Reddit to look around.  I did this several times.  Something I noticed while the page was idle was that the number of up votes and the comment count numbers seem to rise.  This is odd because no matter what topic you scroll down to the numbers rise.  If you click on the topic the number of likes do not match the numbers on the landing page.  You scroll through the messages and they are old messages.  You just watched the message count increase, yet the messages are all several days old.  If you leave reddit, return at a later time, the numbers are back down and start increasing again.

What the fuck is the point of doing this?

[#] Tue Feb 02 2021 15:56:34 UTC from nonservator

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Reddit, like El Goog, follows the new math. Sometimes two plus two is four. But sometimes it's three, or five.

Inaccurate numbers? I'd rather have no numbers at all.

[#] Sat Feb 06 2021 12:26:19 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-02-02 08:56 from zooer
I don't have a Reddit account and I rarely visit.  The other day

I was in Reddit only for visiting a sub that was, let's say, socially unaceptable. When it was forcefully closed, I simply ceased to log in.

Then they made Javascript mandatory so I would not bother to browse their threads as a guest at all anymore. Before that, if I was duckduckgoing for some piece of info and Reddit had a thread about it, I would check it, but not now.

[#] Sat Feb 06 2021 12:45:35 UTC from zooer

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What is the point of having a script that falsely increases the number of up votes or comment counts?

[#] Sat Feb 06 2021 15:43:19 UTC from nonservator

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To gaslight you into no longer caring about pesky things like facts and numbers, and to get you to quit believing your lying eyes.

[#] Sun Feb 07 2021 16:16:06 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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This. The things that get buried and promoted in the "Libertarian" threads makes it obvious the numbers aren't right. 

People attacking cops and burning down Seattle? Libertarians! 

People attacking cops and threatening the Senate? "Dangerous insurgents attempting a rebellion and threatening the sacred institutions of the US Democracy!" 


Sat Feb 06 2021 10:43:19 EST from nonservator

To gaslight you into no longer caring about pesky things like facts and numbers, and to get you to quit believing your lying eyes.


[#] Mon Feb 08 2021 13:55:55 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Reddit ... never been active there, but it looks closer to "a real BBS" than any of the big sites. Gotta give them credit for that.

[#] Fri Feb 12 2021 14:16:20 UTC from ParanoidDelusions

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It is a trick. They're another "Front Page of the Internet" site that uses "user weighting" to create top articles and bury bottom ones. 

But it is all rigged, and all biased. 

It is a cesspool. 


Mon Feb 08 2021 08:55:55 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Reddit ... never been active there, but it looks closer to "a real BBS" than any of the big sites. Gotta give them credit for that.


[#] Sat Feb 13 2021 10:29:54 UTC from darknetuser

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2021-02-08 08:55 from IGnatius T Foobar
Reddit ... never been active there, but it looks closer to "a real BBS"

than any of the big sites. Gotta give them credit for that.

It probably counted as that back in the day.

It certainly was a great place where you could talk about the really dark stuff in your life that you could not discus elsewhere.

As anything popular, it was moron ridden, but overall they had it very well managed. Until they yielded to pressure and turned it into useless trash.

[#] Sun Feb 14 2021 23:04:44 UTC from ax25

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Just browsed Reddit using lynx, but did use the hostname.  Seems to work without JavaScript (for reading at least) not sure about posting.

I read r/syadmin and mainly to watch for people stubbing their toes on the monthly updates as it gets stickied every month and is a good first check on botched MS updates.  Not so much on reading other stuff on Reddit, but the counts of posts seem to match on threads on that subreddit.

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