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[#] Mon Jul 21 2014 16:13:32 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Actually if you're smelling furniture polish it's probably someone drinking lemon tea. Absolutely indistinguishable.

[#] Mon Jul 21 2014 16:44:16 UTC from fleeb

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So many things are just like the other thing.

[#] Mon Jul 21 2014 22:18:06 UTC from dothebart

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[#] Thu Jul 24 2014 15:47:06 UTC from fleeb

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You can never have too many compilers.


I needed to compile GCC 3.4.6 to compile GCC 4.7.3. Which might, perhaps, compiler GCC 4.8.1. Then, maybe, I can compile GCC 5.1.4, which doesn't exist yet, but it's a good idea to prepare.

[#] Mon Jul 28 2014 12:19:36 UTC from fleeb

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Looks like a smoke alarm is warning us that it needs its batteries replaced or something. It occasionally sounds like a bird is chirping inside the building.

Which is becoming hyper-annoying.

I should remember this, in case I want to pull a practical joke around here.

[#] Wed Jul 30 2014 20:10:25 UTC from fleeb

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I wrote some time ago that I enhance my craft through constant but controlled failure, as an engineer.

I'm experiencing a heck of a lot more failure recently than usual. Heh.

[#] Thu Jul 31 2014 14:35:43 UTC from Ladyhawke

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so then transitively, this should make you a much more enhanced engineer, then...

[#] Thu Jul 31 2014 15:55:53 UTC from fleeb

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Yes. It should. We'll see if that's true.

[#] Thu Jul 31 2014 16:13:45 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Enhanced??? So many interpretations there.

[#] Thu Jul 31 2014 16:37:26 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Yes, it comes bundled in a little blue capsule.

[#] Thu Jul 31 2014 17:32:28 UTC from fleeb

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I'm sure *I*'ll be bundled in a bit.

Heh... added a few more puns for you guys.

[#] Thu Jul 31 2014 18:37:03 UTC from Ladyhawke

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<groan>  That one bytes, fleeb

[#] Thu Jul 31 2014 22:59:29 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Bundled in a white coat with extra long sleeves I would think.

[#] Fri Aug 01 2014 12:34:10 UTC from fleeb

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Anytime you're forced to use a very old, obscolete OS, you want to make a sad face.

[#] Fri Aug 01 2014 18:48:54 UTC from fleeb

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Something creepy to consider at the workplace...

Every guy whips their dick out at work at some point in the work day.

[#] Fri Aug 01 2014 19:19:17 UTC from dothebart

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So, I had a warm welcome over at - looking forward to the next workday. Only problem: way back home by roadbike took only 13 minutes - thats way to short. I'll have to find a longer way.

[#] Fri Aug 01 2014 19:39:04 UTC from fleeb

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Start bicycling in the opposite direction of where you live, and see if you can get to China?

[#] Fri Aug 01 2014 21:06:28 UTC from wizard of aahz

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fleeb - it is not always within 8 hours.

bart - time to discover some alternate ways to go to work.

[#] Fri Aug 01 2014 23:52:17 UTC from anonymous

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If everyone on Earth were to simultaneously bicycle from west to east would it slow down the rotation of the planet?

[#] Sun Aug 03 2014 04:33:44 UTC from ax25

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Wed Jul 30 2014 04:10:25 PM EDT from fleeb @ Uncensored

I wrote some time ago that I enhance my craft through constant but controlled failure, as an engineer.

I'm experiencing a heck of a lot more failure recently than usual. Heh.

Jeri says:

fail, and fail often.

Watch the full 5 minutes to get it.  Not what you put in to any effort, but what you learn along the way.  If you give up, you give up on quite a bit.  Simplistic, but eye opening all at the same time.  Learn from failure at the same time as playing it out to the end (if you can).

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