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[#] Fri Oct 24 2014 14:52:45 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Unless that means more than 40 mpg, and NOT a hybrid, keep looking.

You do know that not buying a hybrid makes you a racist, right? I learned that on MSNBC.

[#] Fri Oct 24 2014 14:52:58 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Watched someone else get bought... again.

It only hurt a little.

[#] Fri Oct 24 2014 15:11:28 EDT from fleeb

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pfft... sell-out...

[#] Wed Oct 29 2014 22:40:21 EDT from Animal

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Sled ready?

No. Still waiting on rails, and I may do a top-end this year.

[#] Fri Oct 31 2014 19:07:52 EDT from Sig

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About 8 years after I first wrote it, I finally made an ending for a short story that I don't hate.

[#] Wed Nov 05 2014 11:43:38 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Let me guess:

"The End"

[#] Wed Nov 05 2014 16:09:39 EST from vince-q

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That works. Just ask any hobbit...

[#] Tue Dec 02 2014 12:46:00 EST from mo

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Fri Oct 31 2014 19:07:52 EDT from Sig
About 8 years after I first wrote it, I finally made an ending for a short story that I don't hate.

Well done Sig!  Was it a happy ending ?

I got a story i wrote maybe3 years ago, that was meant to be finished  by December(3 years ago), my main character is still stuck in a pub :) .

I'll pull him outta there soon, the drunkard!


[#] Tue Dec 02 2014 20:02:42 EST from Sig

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You may judge for yourself. The story in question is the third one, "Athena's Last Child." It will make a little more sense if you read the first one first.

[#] Wed Dec 03 2014 18:06:35 EST from mo

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Yes,i'm sure reading the previous stories helps. It all reads as one story.   I cannot put into words how much i enjoyed reading it, only that i think it's awsome!


[#] Thu Dec 04 2014 00:57:05 EST from ax25

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“Chapter 1: An Unexpected Party.”  - Chapter 1: Down the rabbit hole :-)

I fell down :-(

[#] Thu Dec 04 2014 15:31:01 EST from LoanShark

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You awaken to find yourself in a maze of twisty passages, all alike.

.Goto XYZZY, and watch out for the pedophile.

[#] Thu Dec 04 2014 19:02:09 EST from Sig

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Glad you liked them. They scratched an itch.

[#] Wed Feb 11 2015 16:21:45 EST from the_mgt

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Installed a Hardlock dongle with Aladdin's HL-Server on a virtual Win7 in a kvm/qemu vm. As easy as a mouse click: "Add USB Host device".

I thought this would be way harder or even impossible.

[#] Thu Apr 02 2015 07:22:19 EDT from dothebart

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saw a raven (no - really not a crow...)  out in the wild for the first time yesterday.

It was having supper on some roadkill.

The size is enormous - like a chicken and all black - compared to the a bit more than dove size crows...

There are about 60 pairs of them living in NRW, around 3 pairs near cologne - so not something you see on a daily basis at all.

[#] Thu Apr 02 2015 08:30:20 EDT from vince-q

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2015-04-02 07:22 from dothebart
saw a raven (no - really not a crow...)  out in the wild for the
first time yesterday.

You missed the chance of a lifetime to pick up a firebrand and sing:

Flieg' heim, irh Raben.
Nach Walhalls prangende Burg....

Oh well, guess Wagner isn't the first thing in most folks' mind....

[#] Sun Apr 19 2015 20:35:44 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Survived a marathon weekend of activities with the Girl Scouts. (Yup, my daughter is a scout ... so ... who out there wants to buy some cookies!)

Saturday morning, trash pickup day at the park (evidently the whole town has this thing where all the local civic associations do trash pickup on the same day). But we weren't in the fieldy grassy parts of the park, no no no, that would be far too mundane for Troop 2920 ... we went into the woods where people *actually* litter. It felt like the beginning of a really bad episode of Law and Order ... I was sure someone was going to come across a dead body at some point.

Saturday afternoon -- the Powder Puff Derby! (That's the girls version of the Pinewood Derby, dontcha know ... and the cars have *much* more bling.)
Out of all the entries for the half-dozen troops competing together, Sammi placed second with her shiny gold car with blue wheels, expertly crafted and weighted with a little help from Dad. One of her best friends, who had originally encouraged her to join the troop, placed first. They both came home with trophies. It was awesome.

Saturday evening ... camping trip! Who the heck was responsible for planning all these activities on the same weekend?!! Actually it was the Boy Scout Jamboree and a lot of families have kids in both Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, so they do a lot of these activities together. Got there late, set up the tent in the dark and in the wind, which was all sorts of fun. Much festiveness and s'mores making. Woke up extremely sore from sleeping in a weird position due to having a little girl wrapped around me in a death grip all night to stay warm.

These girls are awesome. Like I've been saying ever since we moved, it's great to actually be part of a real community. The old town didn't give us much more than just the water bill.

[#] Mon Apr 20 2015 12:24:12 EDT from vince-q

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"The old town didn't give us much more than just the water bill."

That, of course, is precisely what you DO want, and nothing MORE, from your "local municipality" if you just happen to be a ham radio operator with antennas on your mind.... <evil grin>

[#] Fri Apr 24 2015 01:04:26 EDT from ax25

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Glad to hear you are having fun IG.  I am doing the same with the boy on the Boy Scout side of things.  I can commiserate and find joy in the small things that make it fun for the youngsters as I find some fun it it as well.

[#] Fri May 01 2015 09:25:49 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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with antennas on your mind.... <evil grin>

"Antennas on your mind" sounds like you have designs on becoming a wireless cyborg. I'll stick with my screen and keyboard, thankyouverymuch.

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