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[#] Mon Jul 11 2016 19:22:38 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It could use some love, but not right now. There are pieces I'd like to change.
I think it's safe to assume that every terminal now has at least some measure of ANSI compatibility, don't you think? Anyone still using a vintage Wyse or Televideo at this point is probably running "screen" to translate vt100/ansi style terminal control into their native language.

That being the case, it seems as if we could do a few *simple* tricks, such as moving the cursor up a line when the user backspaces over a line break.

Almost 35 years ago, one dude arbitrarily made the decision that a hard line break consisted of a newline followed by a space. I want to get rid of that, as well as the proprietary format it generates inside of Citadel. I'd like to replace it with "Content-type: text/plain; format=flowed" which is standardized, understood by lots of third party client agents, and degrades flawlessly to plain text with a fixed column width.

Jeff Prothero and Hue White are not deities and their design decisions are not set in stone forever. Citadel is 100% ours now and we do what we want with it.

[#] Thu Jul 28 2016 15:00:58 UTC from zooer

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 zooer@-Desktop:~$ citadel
 Attaching to server...
 Can't connect: No such file or directory

 zooer@Desktop:~$ citadel
 Attaching to server...
 Can't connect: Connection refused


What am I doing wrong with the text client?

[#] Mon Aug 01 2016 19:54:00 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Nothing ... for some reason we're not listening on 504 right now, and I don't have time to take a maintenance window to troubleshoot it.

[#] Sat Feb 18 2017 16:45:09 UTC from mo

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I don't want to clutter the development board, so i will clutter up this one.


Feature request: can we have a year view for the new webcit?

Also i see you are thinking of using the w3schools template thingey, funny i was looking at that the otherday and was thinking of using one of their css templates for a home hosted site.

So as a complete new user can i be of any assistance to whoever is doing the css thingey, maybe calendar thingey ?? I can break it for sure but i am certain i can do something to help given a few pointers.


[#] Sat Feb 18 2017 19:32:47 UTC from mo

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This isn't so bad. Good functionality using a year view. I have yet to find any kind of web calendar with a really good year view, which is suprising.

[#] Sat Feb 18 2017 20:57:56 UTC from the_mgt

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Hm, what kind of year view do you have in mind? Can you give me an example image? Or sketch up something? Even a pencil sketch is ok, so that I get to see what you need.

I wonder how much detail you want to see.

[#] Wed Feb 22 2017 07:29:51 UTC from mo

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Sure, just made a few sketches for you. I can send you an email with the relevant stuff, or can post here.

Sat Feb 18 2017 15:57:56 EST from the_mgt @ Uncensored

Hm, what kind of year view do you have in mind? Can you give me an example image? Or sketch up something? Even a pencil sketch is ok, so that I get to see what you need.

I wonder how much detail you want to see.


[#] Wed Feb 22 2017 12:48:34 UTC from mo

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Just sent you a zip archive with some quick sketches and notes. Let me know what you think.

Wed Feb 22 2017 02:29:51 EST from mo @ Uncensored

Sure, just made a few sketches for you. I can send you an email with the relevant stuff, or can post here.

Sat Feb 18 2017 15:57:56 EST from the_mgt @ Uncensored

Hm, what kind of year view do you have in mind? Can you give me an example image? Or sketch up something? Even a pencil sketch is ok, so that I get to see what you need.

I wonder how much detail you want to see.



[#] Sat Feb 25 2017 16:29:19 UTC from mo

Subject: not logged in?

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[#] Sat Feb 25 2017 16:32:22 UTC from mo

Subject: not logged in?

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Changing the subject: i logged in today, to find my ISP/hostname was the top of the "not logged in" user/s (there were 19 not logged in, so that is 19 people/or bots viewing the web or text clients to this system?)

Strange! Or is this normal?


[#] Sat Feb 25 2017 16:57:53 UTC from zooer

Subject: Re: not logged in?

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Many bots but I always see a lot of users not logged in.

[#] Sat Feb 25 2017 17:02:09 UTC from zooer

Subject: Re: not logged in?

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This belongs in WhoList shenanigans but
(not logged in) [13]

[#] Tue Feb 28 2017 21:39:20 UTC from mo

Subject: Re: not logged in?

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Where do we post about contactlist chaos? I cannot add a contact to my addressbook it just changes my own email contact details. :)

[#] Wed Mar 01 2017 14:24:31 UTC from mo

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... but when it is the right time in the universe to rewrite, can we have a command line calendar and task management functionality? :D

Fri Jul 08 2016 11:42:01 EDT from LoanShark @ Uncensored
But it isn't worth rewriting, not at this moment in the universe

Sure. It exists for nostalia's sake anyway, so it might as well remain as a shrine to itself.

(I still use webcit only about twice a year, to view some very important image upload.)


[#] Sun Mar 12 2017 06:12:12 UTC from nonservator

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I love my text client. You won't pry it from my cold dead hands, they'll be locked in rigor mortis. I've deleted four online accounts in the last week after giving them half a chance and finding them irredeemably riddled with cancer of the web, hell, cancer of the cancer. "Get off my lawn" doesn't begin to cover it, and I'm more sympathetic to Ted Nelson. Every damn page on the cancerweb wants to bash cancerAIDS up my ginger before they'll so much as deign to let me read their precious words, and they can go fellatin' Satan in a half-cocked bolero if they think that has a chance of ever happening before the heat-death of the universe.

[#] Sun Mar 12 2017 19:26:02 UTC from kc5tja

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That. That is the BEST pro-text-client rant I've ever seen in my life. I'm awed. And in total, unequivocal agreement.

[#] Thu Mar 16 2017 22:58:45 UTC from kc5tja

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Something I found humorous: text client cannot render Markdown. :D

[#] Fri Mar 17 2017 01:13:32 UTC from nonservator

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I actually asked about NNTP support because I'm going through another round of the same game I play every few years, where I swear I can consolidate most if not all of my net.usage in a single application. lynx, tin and mutt are the holy trinity, and yet there's always some exceptions that won't play nice. (Hell, I'm amazed RSS is still being used/hasn't been killed off.)

[#] Fri Mar 17 2017 18:07:14 UTC from kc5tja

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Now THAT is an idea I hadn't thought of. I had wanted to use Citadel BBS as my integration hub, but was planning on building native Twitter->Citadel gateways. I'd never thought of using NNTP for that purpose. I'll need to think about this some more.

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