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[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 06:50:47 EST from darknetuser

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2021-01-10 20:36 from ParanoidDelusions
I2P... that is it. I hate researching this shit... but I think I'm
going to start researching this shit.

Uncensored is available in the I2P network. Http over i2p is the only protocol I have confirmed to work recently.

[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 06:55:33 EST from darknetuser

Subject: Re: AWS kills Parler

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Might be about time we go silent on HTTPS, Telnet, and SSH. 

I really wish the landing page redirect worked without having the
entire BBS open. I'm considering locking it back down so that you
have to register before you can read or post. It goes against
everything I believe in how a Citadel should be configured - But I'm

thinking it is time to kick the Google Crawl Bots out. 

The maintainers of other communication software packages are having this same conversation right now.

I think you can save yourself a lot of trouble by allowing only registered members in. Cutting all clearnet access is a bit excessive, though. Specially
because that seems to be the main way people is using this place now.

[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 06:56:38 EST from darknetuser

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2021-01-09 20:12 from zooer
I read that Trump is going to speak at 9pm ET tonight (Jan 9th). It
might not be covered by traditional media so if you are interested
look elsewhere.


What came out of that?

[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 06:58:25 EST from darknetuser

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2021-01-09 19:43 from ParanoidDelusions
The real root problem is that if you speak up too loudly - it is easy

to sound like a raving lunatic.

But if you don't speak up loudly, no one listens.

Well, lefties have been screaming like raving lunatics all the way through until enough people got used to the ramblings and started considering it normal.

[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 07:08:27 EST from zooer

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Mon Jan 11 2021 06:56:38 AM EST from darknetuser
2021-01-09 20:12 from zooer
I read that Trump is going to speak at 9pm ET tonight (Jan 9th). It
might not be covered by traditional media so if you are interested
look elsewhere.

What came out of that?

Didn't pay any attention, didn't try to look for it, I was enjoying life for a bit.

I could ask around, but I didn't see anything about it.  My guess is it never happened.

[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 08:10:51 EST from zooer

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Nixon resigned so he wouldn't be impeached.  Maybe Trump wants one last trip in Air Force One, he will use it to fly home back to NYC on inauguration day.  The plane will take off as Air Force One and land as whatever numbers are on the tail. When he lands he will no longer be president and the plane is only Air Force One while the president is on it.    


[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 08:21:49 EST from Nurb432

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( sarcasm here )

So a house i helped pa for, and owned by us citizens, i cant go into, and just walk around?  Most any other day they have tours....




Sun Jan 10 2021 22:41:41 EST from nonservator

Well, ya know, she assaulted the Capitol, which is sacred ground and not the People's House. And what she did was totally the same as the last 160 days of Burn Loot Murder and Anti-First Amendment running wild, burning shit, terrorizing citizens and causing millions of dollars in property damage, all over a leader who's such a tyrant he refused to send the army into places like Portland, and over the fact that cops of all races kill black Americans at a rate far, far lower than black Americans kill each other. So that's why Ashli Babbit totally deserved to get shot in the neck and bleed out.


[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 08:23:53 EST from Nurb432

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Wrong in only the severity. this is the tip of the iceburg. And everything they try that works, they do again, only larger. So ya, a sea of hats setting up a joe-job of the century.  They will be used as examples in the hearings. 

I heard NG is at several state capitals today. 

Sun Jan 10 2021 23:24:51 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Looks like this week's Reichstag is being g put together.  Pelosi has announced that impeachment is tomorrow.  National Guard is already assembling around the capitol.  I believe this means the busloads of Antifa with MAGA hats are on the way.  I hope I'm wrong.


[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 08:27:25 EST from Nurb432

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Not an expert here, never needed to be. Never even thought of this nonsense until now.

If he resigns just before the vote, can they still procedural impeach, convict and keep him from running again? Or does he have to be in office for the restriction to stick? Does resigning also prevent a 2nd run? Could he run as VP in either case? 

Sun Jan 10 2021 23:44:01 EST from ParanoidDelusions
On the other hand, it seems like if you knew this was coming - one way to defeat the Democrats and neuter their escalation would be to resign - to peacefully step down and put Pence in charge for the remaining few days. I think if Trump didn't think there was a winning scenario, he is smart enough to play this hand. So, he is standing firm, which raises the escalation.



[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 08:28:24 EST from Nurb432

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Hey, when you get the time making running, i have a couple of items id like you to grab back in the 80s that i lost track of.


Mon Jan 11 2021 06:14:55 EST from zooer


Sun Jan 10 2021 07:20:23 PM EST from Nurb432

2946? They wont have to worry about repealing anything. We wont exist.

Until 2946 my prediction still stands.  If on Jan 1st 2946 my prediction doesn't turn out to be true I will glady admit I am wrong.


[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 08:30:57 EST from Nurb432

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All we have to do is look at Venezuela. From my understanding of history ( which is limited with these countries i admit ), that is worst case scenario for us, as a similar path is being taken.


Sun Jan 10 2021 23:44:41 EST from ParanoidDelusions

But also, we may have yet to envision the worst case scenario that is a possible result of this game our politicians are playing with our nation.



[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 09:28:59 EST from nonservator

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And now they want to impeach him after he's no longer president?


[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 10:15:49 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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They do seem to want a civil war. Possibly the idea is that a destabilized US is a threat to the entire world, and it would justify a peace keeping force from a country that could contain and stabilize the US to come in and take "temporary control," until a new order could be established.

Seems there is only one nation in the world up to that task. How convenient.

But, I think the idea that Trump is "too pig-headed to step down" is a media fabrication. I doubt it is ego and megalomania that prevents him from stepping down. I'm sure that the politicians at the executive level all know exactly what is at stake - and the actual reasons for decisions being made at that level.

It is kind of like assuming that your CEO is being honest with the staff in the company meeting about the acquisition or merger that is taking place, or that the opposition to the merger is being honest about their claims on what the CEO and board of trustees is really up to.

You're only being told what they want you to believe.

Mon Jan 11 2021 06:19:24 EST from zooer


The powers that be want a civil war.

Trump is too pig-headed to step down.


[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 10:55:49 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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It is kind of like assuming that your CEO is being honest with the
staff in the company meeting about the acquisition or merger that is
taking place, or that the opposition to the merger is being honest
about their claims on what the CEO and board of trustees is really up

That's a pretty good analogy. In a lot of industries you hear about people who are repeatedly told "don't worry, your job is safe" right up until the day they get downsized.

Listen, I hope we're wrong. I hope we're completely wrong. The screeching left was certain that President Trump was going to round up dissidents and stuff them into concentration camps. Our screeching this year mirrors theirs from four years ago. We can say that ours is more credible, as we can point to actual evidence of the other side making plans to destroy us, but the problem with cognitive dissonance is that it is effective even when you know it's happening.

[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 11:05:19 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Also, a quick web search shows that the fake news is working REALLY REALLY HARD to tell us that Jake Angeli (buffalo guy) is not an Antifa masquerading as a MAGA. Therefore the opposite is probably true.

[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 11:44:09 EST from zooer

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So.... why is Biden not saying a thing?

A) He has class.
B) He knows they are going to get rid of him soon.
C) He has no idea what is going on.
D) both B and C
E) Other: (explain)

[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 12:03:01 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Biden says what his masters tell him to. When he goes autonomous he says stupid things. Our new Chinese government is being as careful as they can in orchestrating everything. Right now they want everyone focused on their boss battle with Bad Orange Man.

[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 13:04:34 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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My wife described it like this... 

"It reminds me of a modern action movie where they keep ratcheting up the tension until you're fatigued by the extension of suspense and it starts to conflict with the suspension of disbelief."

This is a technique that is huge in Hollywood Popcorn Blockbuster summer releases now. You're told, "Luke has to blow up the Death Star," and when he does, a dozen other things go wrong, dragging on the conclusion of the story and moving it away from a resolution when Luke flies off and the big space station explodes. The first time I complained about this was way back with "Armageddon" - and it probably is Michael Bay, and J.J. Abrams who did a lot to drive this kind of story telling narrative. 

"We'll make them think it is the conclusion... but WAIT! It is like a roller coaster ride where just when you think it is over, you realize there are still 3 more turns and 2 more loops to go through!" 

But like a James Bond movie's implausible stunts, like the obligatory saber battle that has to outdo the LAST saber battle in the previous Star Wars release - they overdid it. 

Now she is more attuned to it than I am. She sees it in pro-sports... "It always goes the maximum number of games in whatever the playoffs and championships are. It is always suspense until the last minute - the underdog COULD pull it off!" 

She isn't wrong. It does feel like this. Every event has to be an edge-of-your-seat nail-biter down-to-the-buzzer 3 point cross court throw... 

It all has to be "epic". And it defies plausibility that it ALL is, *always*. At some point, you start to go, "it is ALL scripted - it is ALL exhibition. None of it is real." 


Mon Jan 11 2021 06:20:12 EST from zooer


Sun Jan 10 2021 11:44:41 PM EST from ParanoidDelusions

But also, we may have yet to envision the worst case scenario that is a possible result of this game our politicians are playing with our nation.


Yes, I believe that we are all being played. 


[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 13:53:10 EST from Nurb432

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If not, he will run again in 2024. Its their only way to stop him.

And to humiliate him out the door. "Look, he was a failed president"  And to open the possibility of jail time. They want nothing more than to see him behind bars, ruined.


Mon Jan 11 2021 09:28:59 EST from nonservator

And now they want to impeach him after he's no longer president?



[#] Mon Jan 11 2021 13:55:10 EST from Nurb432

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Hes a politician at his core and knows that he needs to keep his mouth shut.  And i'm sure is being coached too.


Mon Jan 11 2021 11:44:09 EST from zooer

So.... why is Biden not saying a thing?

A) He has class.
B) He knows they are going to get rid of him soon.
C) He has no idea what is going on.
D) both B and C
E) Other: (explain)


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