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[#] Sat Dec 05 2020 13:28:56 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I was trolling through a local new page comment section today and saw a woman say that COVID was going to continue to be a problem because "vanilla vultures" refuse to wear masks.

It's remarkable that this type of racism is tolerated.

[#] Sat Dec 05 2020 18:31:23 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Pretty sure Candace Owens is like a white person, not the other way around. At least, that is what I’ve heard, from black people. 

Sat Dec 05 2020 13:19:24 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
White people like Candace Owens, I'm sure.


[#] Sat Dec 05 2020 20:21:08 EST from darknetuser

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If I were a conservative baker and there was a huge controversy in

town because a Christian baker refused a same sex couple, I'd open

next to them, and offer a *selection* of Bert and Ernie cakes at a

significant discount - in particular if I thought it would ATTRACT

more business than it would drive away. 

Because profits from LGBT couples spend just as well as profits from

straight couples. 

I used to think like that not long ago.

But here is the thing. When you partake in a comercial exchange, both you and the other party are taking a benefit from the exchange. Now there is this: if you exchange something with an enemy, that enemy of yours may use what you just gave to him as a weapon to destroy you. I have learnt that playing tactical games. Buy steel from Alan. Use the steel to make a war machine. Use the war machine to destroy Alan.

As long as you provide services to your declared enemies you are giving them power. In the case of extremist gay groups, setting a store for gay cakes gives them a lot of political visibility which is exactly what they want and what they need to destroy opposition. You may make a quick buck but you may get destroyed when they grow too powerful as a political force and they start discriminating against heterowhites like you.

[#] Sun Dec 06 2020 07:30:05 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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It depends. The Left has crawled into a position of cultural dominance by doing business with the enemy over the last 60 years. They started in entertainment, and proceeded to education, and manufacturing, and retail, and technology - and now, it is nearly impossible to consume anything in society without directly or indirectly funding the machine of the political Left. 

Instead of isolating themselves and their economy from society, they manipulated their way into being the dominant force in economy by being involved in all of it. 

This extrapolates to the US Left, the Global Left, and the Chinese Left. It is difficult to determine if it was a conscious conspiracy that goes all the way back to the Red Scare, or just an organic adoption of a technique that naturally expands the reach and effectiveness of the agendas of Leftists in general - but it doesn't really matter either way. 

If the exchange is that we get THEIR money and they get our cake with their Bert and Ernie topper - let them eat cake. 

Our policies isolate ourselves economically in many cases - and that is why the policies of the Left have made them generally stronger than us. The good ol' boys club still exists in Silicon Valley - but being a white male isn't what gets you in (it helps, make no mistake) - being Left is what gets you in. Straight white males are an endangered species in technology. Intel loves to hire Indian female H1b Visa workers so that it can claim to be "a leader in hiring women and minorities in technology!" The trick is, if you go to an Intel campus, black women are still as underrepresented at ALL levels of Intel as they ever were. Most women are underrepresented at Intel, including white women. So how are they a leader in hiring women and minorities? 

Because Indian women are *over* represented at Intel now. If anyone would bother to look at the numbers, this would stick out like a sore thumb. But, because the Left is the one doing all the counting - these numbers are never studied, never published, never get any media attention. The same people who bury stories about Hunter Biden are burying stories about Intel's hiring practices and their claims about being a progressive hiring company. 

At one time, Intel was a very conservative company. Andy Grove has been silenced about his *personal* opinions on political issues several times, and later changed his position to align with Intel's position overall. But since at least Craig Barrett - the executive leadership has been almost entirely a Good Ol' White Boy's club of Bay Area liberals. Doug Busch is one. They got into this position by doing business with the enemy until they were the ones doing the business. 

As an 80s punk, when I started working for Intel in the early 2000s, a lot of my friends called me a sellout for working for a business that large. 

I told them I was a corporate anarchist. I could do more damage to the machine from the inside... growing wealthy - than protesting it from the outside, being a poor, disempowered punk. 

That basic ideology remains the same today. It is what the Left has done against the Right. They've infiltrated the economics, politics, education, media, and every other cornerstone of the Capitalist Democratic Republic and gradually warped the very perception of that Capitalist Democrat Republic among its citizens. 

And we sit here wondering how a generation could hold the concept of Socialism in higher regard than the free market capitalist democratic society. 

The Right is terrible at the science of winning minds. 

Sat Dec 05 2020 20:21:08 EST from darknetuser
If I were a conservative baker and there was a huge controversy in

town because a Christian baker refused a same sex couple, I'd open

next to them, and offer a *selection* of Bert and Ernie cakes at a

significant discount - in particular if I thought it would ATTRACT

more business than it would drive away. 

Because profits from LGBT couples spend just as well as profits from

straight couples. 

I used to think like that not long ago.

But here is the thing. When you partake in a comercial exchange, both you and the other party are taking a benefit from the exchange. Now there is this: if you exchange something with an enemy, that enemy of yours may use what you just gave to him as a weapon to destroy you. I have learnt that playing tactical games. Buy steel from Alan. Use the steel to make a war machine. Use the war machine to destroy Alan.

As long as you provide services to your declared enemies you are giving them power. In the case of extremist gay groups, setting a store for gay cakes gives them a lot of political visibility which is exactly what they want and what they need to destroy opposition. You may make a quick buck but you may get destroyed when they grow too powerful as a political force and they start discriminating against heterowhites like you.


[#] Sun Dec 06 2020 07:37:16 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I mean, look at us here, hiding out in dirty, smoky back rooms on isolated dirt roads and back alleys way out on the edge of the Information Cities fed by the Information Superhighway. 

We're out here at the dive bar near Ted Kazcinski's shack talking about this stuff, isolating ourselves from the Megacities like Twitter and Facebook... 

I've done it too. I've made the conscious decision to become a digital hermit. 

But we're not going to WIN the fight doing this. We're just surrounding ourselves with a dwindling circle of people who agree and mostly think like us. 

And eventually, they'll have enough power to come and shut us down even here... ensuring that there is no one thinking about strategies to fight back and maybe start winning. 

It is like a far less exciting William Gibson dystopian future, with a heavy dose of Ayn Rand thrown in for good measure. 


[#] Sun Dec 06 2020 13:53:05 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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As an 80s punk, when I started working for Intel in the early 2000s,
a lot of my friends called me a sellout for working for a business
that large. 

In the late 1960s, the communists lobbied for free speech because they wanted to spread the word about communism. Now that they're in charge, they are against free speech because they want to suppress criticism of communism.

Extrapolate that to a higher level for it to make even more sense. They wanted to make sure it was cool to "Stick It To The Man." But those people now *ARE* "The Man." And that, my friends, is the great hope. Norman Vincent Peale once observed that "Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution."
Peale, if you don't recognize the name, was the author of "The Power of Positive Thinking." He was also the pastor of the church President Trump (PBUH) attended while growing up and for a good portion of his early life. And those seeds are the same culture of "Stick It To The Man" which, inevitably, turn against the authoritarians who have now taken over the institutions.

My son's girlfriend just got suspended from Facebook and she doesn't even know why. She doesn't really do politics. The gestapo is getting more and more out of control, and they *will* eventually drive the majority of people away.

[#] Mon Dec 07 2020 00:00:00 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Yes, but they're entrenched, have deep pockets, and will not give up the power they have gained without a fight. 

And the Right isn't *discontent* enough to actually start creating martyrs. The kid in Wisconsin was a rare example. 

We are in a difficult and even untenable position on the Right, currently. They're taking away our 1st amendment rights at the moment. They'll pick us off one by one, until those of us who haven't been hit yet shut down before we get hit. 

Then, they'll come after the 2nd amendment, the same way. A few people may go out in hails of ammunition - but most folks, as individuals, are simply going to hand 'em over. Especially after they see what happens to the individuals who resist. 

If we had the kind of network where the feds came into a suburban neighborhood with the local PD as backup to confiscate a single person's firearm and were met with the entire subdivision armed and saying, "you won't take his guns until you get through OUR guns," that would change the equation. 

But that isn't going to happen. By the time we realize the box canyon we've been driven into - it'll be too late for that - and we'll be like East German citizens. Hiding like mice and hoping we don't get noticed - maybe some insurgents running underground resistance that is futile. The Proud Boys gets labeled a racist organization - but really, they're patriots who think it is already LATE to enter the fight. And they simply don't have the numbers. Not enough people are willing to assume the kind of risk their organization entails. We're too comfortable. 

We're slipping into an autocratic dystopian nightmare. 


Sun Dec 06 2020 13:53:05 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
As an 80s punk, when I started working for Intel in the early 2000s,
a lot of my friends called me a sellout for working for a business
that large. 

In the late 1960s, the communists lobbied for free speech because they wanted to spread the word about communism. Now that they're in charge, they are against free speech because they want to suppress criticism of communism.

Extrapolate that to a higher level for it to make even more sense. They wanted to make sure it was cool to "Stick It To The Man." But those people now *ARE* "The Man." And that, my friends, is the great hope. Norman Vincent Peale once observed that "Every problem has in it the seeds of its own solution."
Peale, if you don't recognize the name, was the author of "The Power of Positive Thinking." He was also the pastor of the church President Trump (PBUH) attended while growing up and for a good portion of his early life. And those seeds are the same culture of "Stick It To The Man" which, inevitably, turn against the authoritarians who have now taken over the institutions.

My son's girlfriend just got suspended from Facebook and she doesn't even know why. She doesn't really do politics. The gestapo is getting more and more out of control, and they *will* eventually drive the majority of people away.


[#] Mon Dec 07 2020 08:00:48 EST from zooer

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Mon Dec 07 2020 12:00:00 AM EST from ParanoidDelusions

And the Right isn't *discontent* enough to actually start creating martyrs. The kid in Wisconsin was a rare example. 

For twenty years I have been listening to the right tell everyone that if the left does anything more they are going to start fighting back, yet the right never fights back.


[#] Mon Dec 07 2020 09:15:55 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Well, I think every time the Right starts fighting back - most times it doesn't go like the Nevada BLM standoff... 

It goes like Waco, or some compound up in Idaho full of skinheads that ends up raided by the FBI for selling meth and having illegal firearm caches. 

For a *long* time I've been uncomfortable with "Amber Alerts" and other "Rat this person out," notification systems. I've been uncomfortable with the media narrative we get about White Supremacist/White Nationalist/Separatist compounds, or with Pedophiles on the run across the country with their high school student, or twin toddlers kidnapped by their abusive parent. I've wonder if maybe Timothy McVeigh and Ted Kazcinski were being painted by the media as madmen loner mass killers when there was more to the story. In places like London, and increasingly, the US, the "see something suspicious, report it," mantra has always struck me as dystopian, Orwellian, and ripe for abuse by any authoritarian Government. 

The last 4 years have established that we can't trust "The Deep State" or the "media" and they work together tirelessly to push a consistent narrative to anything they perceive as a threat.  

So... the inertia against fighting back is huge. In the first place - what if they're telling the TRUTH about all, or even some of these things? We can't really know. But, it sure seems like we've got an object lesson in that they'll twist their narratives and the media will promote those messages if they feel it is necessary - so we can't know they're telling the truth, that these programs and these responses aren't exactly what we've been told they are. 

But we can't really know that they *are*, either. 

I feel like this would be safer done on a deep-web website under a far less traceable pseudonym. I'm sure there are many people who would consider the things I'm saying here troublingly subversive. 

It is the first time in my life I'm afraid to suggest "what if" scenarios - and part of it is the culture of "red flag" laws that has arisen, which is part of what I am discussing above. 

I'm fat, content and happy, and if the system doesn't change for me significantly, I don't really *care*. I'm 50. My primary goal is to continue to live the life of upward mobility and stability I've lived since 1987 - even if the freedom and liberty part of it is increasingly an illusion. I have no agenda on becoming a revolutionary. 

But it seems were entering an era where if you say things that might encourage OTHER people to become revolutionary - you might as well be a revolutionary yourself. Which is, of course, an erosion of the 1st amendment. 

All of these concepts circle back onto themselves. 

Mon Dec 07 2020 08:00:48 EST from zooer


Mon Dec 07 2020 12:00:00 AM EST from ParanoidDelusions

And the Right isn't *discontent* enough to actually start creating martyrs. The kid in Wisconsin was a rare example. 

For twenty years I have been listening to the right tell everyone that if the left does anything more they are going to start fighting back, yet the right never fights back.



[#] Mon Dec 07 2020 10:10:49 EST from zooer

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You make it sound like meth and firearm cache are a bad thing.

The turn in your neighbors for crimes against the state has been going on for a while.  It is just getting more popular and easier to do. 

[#] Mon Dec 07 2020 12:56:18 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I think the problem is that there are legitimately meth-head gun nuts on compounds pursuing white Nationalist agendas. I don't think they're very effective at it - and most of them end up getting their 16 year old strung-out runaway girlfriend pregnant and then getting busted and spending 10 years in Folsom. They're not the ideal revolutionary insurgency organization. 

But they've gotten so much media attention, the public assumes that ANY right leaning resistance group is like this. 

Yeah... as far as the increase of "rat your neighbor/parents/family/stranger out" policies - 9/11 seems like a major turning point for pushing that kind of policy. 

Almost as if it were just a part of a much larger and grander overall... conspiracy. 

Mon Dec 07 2020 10:10:49 EST from zooer

The turn in your neighbors for crimes against the state has been going on for a while.  It is just getting more popular and easier to do. 


[#] Tue Dec 08 2020 14:19:37 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I am outraged that the party of Satan (who sits at the top of the leftist org chart) stole the election, and I do think that some nasty shit is coming down the pike soon. But I refuse to live in fear of dystopia. We do what we can, we get involved where we can, and we shout down the people who are in the wrong. The left's platform is so bad that even with control of close to 100% of the institutions they can only get, at most, 50% of the people to agree with it.

Satan's minion may be headed for the white house but the King is still on his throne and He is not up for re-election.

[#] Wed Dec 09 2020 08:20:23 EST from nonservator

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2020 is peak gaslighting and DARVO. But I will not bend the knee. I will not hang the sign in the window. I will go out with a joke on my lips, rather than with my hands bloody and raw from applauding that which I despise. I was raised on Schoolhouse Rock, and I will go to my grave as a color blind civic nationalist, which will be sooner than it would be otherwise if I keep believing in stupidly suicidal shit like color blind civic nationalism. As pointless as it is, I will continue to call out hypocrisy, double standards and false equivalence until my dying breath.


To paraphrase Sir Thomas More: The left have cut down every law in the land, and will be among the first to topple when the winds begin to blow.

[#] Wed Dec 09 2020 11:58:41 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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“‘I wish it need not have happened in my time,’ said Frodo.


‘So do I,’ said Gandalf, ‘and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
– Fellowship of the Ring, Book 1, Chapter 2

Wed Dec 09 2020 08:20:23 EST from nonservator


To paraphrase Sir Thomas More: The left have cut down every law in the land, and will be among the first to topple when the winds begin to blow.


[#] Wed Dec 09 2020 18:47:40 EST from zooer

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Hunter Biden said in a statement, “I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs.”

Apparently Hunter gets his news from Facebook and Twitter.



[#] Thu Dec 10 2020 07:32:02 EST from nonservator

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Michigan Republicans rebuked Rep Cynthia Johnson (D) for making the following statement in a Twitter video:


"So this is just a warning to you Trumpers. Be careful. Walk lightly. We ain't playin' with you. Enough of the shenanigans. Enough is enough. And for those of you who are soldiers, you know how to do it. Do it right. Be in order. Make them pay."


Johnson "has been removed from her committee assignments, and we are looking into further disciplinary action..."


Big fat hairy deal. And where is the rebuke from Johnson's own side? So far, nothing but *crickets*.


"Behavior like this will not be tolerated" my hairy white ass. You do tolerate it, you stinking, worthless cuck. You get what you tolerate. And you get what you deserve.

[#] Thu Dec 10 2020 10:56:15 EST from darknetuser

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2020-12-06 07:30 from ParanoidDelusions
It depends. The Left has crawled into a position of cultural
dominance by doing business with the enemy over the last 60 years.

They started in entertainment, and proceeded to education, and

manufacturing, and retail, and technology - and now, it is nearly

impossible to consume anything in society without directly or

indirectly funding the machine of the political Left. 

Instead of isolating themselves and their economy from society, they

manipulated their way into being the dominant force in economy by

being involved in all of it. 

The difference is that when a normal person makes business with today's lefties, he does not use the resources he got from the in order to smash the lefties. It is the other way around.

ANd now they have the upper-hand culturally, they are actively trying to isolate their oposition nevertheless.

Buy steel from Alan anymore and build war machines. Destroy Alan when Alan is not needed anymore.

We keep giving the left steel in exchange for meaningless treats like superhero movies. Then they are gonna use that steel to fund the machine that will destroy you. Meanwhile when Jack needs a bit of steel for building his house, they deny it to him because he is not one of them.

This can only end in bloodshed. Provide your enemies with steel at your own peril.

[#] Thu Dec 10 2020 12:54:50 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I was talking to my wife about this. I don't want to go down as a lone insane gunman. 

But I never understood why people would volunteer for war before. There has never been a conflict I felt so strongly about in my life that I would volunteer to serve. 

But the idea of being part of the force that storms Facebook or Twitter in San Jose, and pulling those people out of the offices after the conflict, lining them up on their knees facing away from a row of our victorious solders? 

Yeah - even if I didn't make it that far - there are some people in the world who have done such terrible things to my liberty - directly and indirectly - I'd volunteer to attempt to hold them accountable. Especially when the alternative is continuing to be abused by them. 

But it has to START first.  But I understand signing up. If an actual civil war starts - at this point - I'm willing to fight for my side. 

So this bitch better be careful what she calls for - because if she ignites it, and we win - I'd love to hear the snap and watch her legs twitching when we hold her accountable for words like this. I don't think she understands this doesn't make our side afraid. 

It makes us *angry*. 



Thu Dec 10 2020 07:32:02 EST from nonservator

 You do tolerate it, you stinking, worthless cuck. You get what you tolerate. And you get what you deserve.


[#] Thu Dec 10 2020 13:00:54 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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This is the problem. They made movies for US, and made money from making those movies, and reinvested it, and invested it in other things, until they could stop making super hero movies for US... 

And now they're making super hero movies that are AGAINST us - and not only are they buying those movies themselves - they're also telling us, "if you don't like it, tough shit. You're a dinosaur." 

The answer is simple. We have to do the same thing. Start out where they started out. Take OUR things and make them seem to cater to them, and reinvest the profits in making more stuff for them, and in other things - until we've gained enough cultural dominance to STOP. When the smart ones see that is what we are doing, we'll go, "You're insane. That is a slippery slope. We would NEVER do *that*..." which is what they did to us. 

We need to use the same underhanded, deceptive, disingenuous tactics they used. They're fighting dirty and we're not - and we're losing the fight because of that. 

We need to become as good at them at their own game. 

Or they'll win. 


Thu Dec 10 2020 10:56:15 EST from darknetuser
The difference is that when a normal person makes business with today's lefties, he does not use the resources he got from the in order to smash the lefties. It is the other way around.

ANd now they have the upper-hand culturally, they are actively trying to isolate their oposition nevertheless.

Buy steel from Alan anymore and build war machines. Destroy Alan when Alan is not needed anymore.

We keep giving the left steel in exchange for meaningless treats like superhero movies. Then they are gonna use that steel to fund the machine that will destroy you. Meanwhile when Jack needs a bit of steel for building his house, they deny it to him because he is not one of them.

This can only end in bloodshed. Provide your enemies with steel at your own peril.


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