2019-02-21 13:37 from Ragnar Danneskjold
I'm thinking that Cortez is going to be forced out of the party and
will be a Democratic spolier......
Don't get your hopes up. She's basically the same animal as Bernie Sanders.
I suppose I like her slightly better than Sanders though - she's sensible on drug policy as well as internet censorship. Whereas Sanders voted with the wrongheaded bipartisan consensus to weaken Section 230
Just posted elsewhere off the cuff, I feel the need to repeat it where a tad more sanity might prevail.
Re: Gentleman Republicans
Conservative, Inc. have been standing athwart history, yelling "Not in the face!", for generations, infecting fresh young minds with suicidal defeatism and appeasement. They have unfailingly played the role of the Washington Generals, determined to stick to their precious principles and lose with dignity. Being controlled opposition has been a cushy gig, as long as they could keep those donations flowing in from the upper classes who go on cruises and listen to speakers and pretend that all this accomplishes a damn thing other than fattening some huckster's wallets. But when someone came along and pointed out to everyone how full of feces these people are -- someone who isn't a libertarian sperg, but just a moderate Democrat who remembers a time when Republicans viewed capitalism as a means to an end, not a religion -- well, as Harlan Ellison said, they got cranky, man. And their breeding and education only differentiates them from the point-and-shriek SJW crowd in terms of the literacy of their insults -- in every other respect they're just as nasty, venal and willing to discard their supposedly ironclad principles at the drop of a hat. Anything to cleanse the precious fluids of the body politic; anything to rid us once and for all of this meddlesome Trump. I'll take a shrieking, bike-locking SJW any day over the willing and eager cuckolds of Conservative Inc. Because they don't pretend to be my ally while they're selling me out and stabbing me in the back.
Q: what's the difference between A. O. Cortez and a braying donkey?
A: the donkey *knows* it's an ass.
Have they no shame? (No, they don't.)
This isn't investigation anymore. It's harassment. They'll do anything to sabotage our great President. Every single person involved in this sabotage should be convicted of sedition.
Hillary has said she isn't running in 2020, how soon will it be before she puts her campaign into full action?
2019-03-06 13:04 from IGnatius T Foobar
Forget about the White House for now. What I want to know is, why
haven't those two ultra-racist anti-Semites been removed from Congress
You'd pretty much have to remove the entire Democratic party at that point.
2019-03-07 12:38 from Ragnar Danneskjold
She's lost control of House Democrats......
Not really. The events of this week (Omar, Tlaib) are just a sideshow.
Let me say this clearly: Omar is a fucking troll. Just a very crude person. But she's only one person.
(And I have no knowledge of Tlaib. Haven't been keeping up on things...)
Here's the thing: most of the new House members are moderates. That's just a fact. The reason the Dems won the House is that they poached a lot of GOP swing district. All those new members from those district are center left moderates. There are very few AOC types--the press they're getting is disproportionate to their numbers and their influence. Just to pick one example, 23 of these new centre-left members supported the GOP motion to recommit on illegal immigrants. You could say that's Pelosi losing control, but not really. That vote was an irrelevant sideshow. You're going to see party unity where it really matters.
Damn, saved the post before I was done writing.
I do think it's kinda funny how the Omar thing belew up in Pelosi's face this week. But that's Pelosi's misstep. Several members are rightly rebelling because, seriously, the GOP under Trump is ten times as racist.
I do think it's kinda funny how the Omar thing belew up in Pelosi's
face this week. But that's Pelosi's misstep. Several members are
rightly rebelling because, seriously, the GOP under Trump is ten times
as racist.
Don't be an idiot. It's all right in front of your fucking face. You just choose not to see it.
There is a whole litany, but we are not going to have this discussion. I do not owe you an explanation for this viewpoint, and you are truely smoking something if you think I'm going to fall into that particular troll trap.
If you do not wish to prove it, then I don't have to prove that Barack Obama is a muslim and was born in Kenya. After all, there is a litany of proof; you just choose not to see it.
You make a bold statement about the President's racism. I haven't seen the same. As a matter of fact, judging from the his move of the US presence in Israel to Jerusalem, record low black and Latino unempolyment and his efforts on prison reform, I'd say he's not racist.
And if you think protecting our country from illegal aliens is racist.....
Well, you get the picture.