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[#] Mon Dec 10 2018 20:13:13 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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If I self-identify as ten million people, can I vote ten million times?

[#] Fri Dec 14 2018 23:38:36 UTC from zooer

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You might need to vote ten million times in order to save the duh-mock-racy. 

[#] Tue Dec 18 2018 21:47:17 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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That's the idea. If I self-identify as ten million people, then I deserve ten million votes. I could then overturn the misguided will of communist socialist America-hating New York City and turn my state red.

[#] Wed Dec 19 2018 02:53:54 UTC from zooer

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Many years ago there was talk about the state seceding from the city.  

As you know Florida is no longer a swing state, Florida voted to allow felons to vote, it will be a solid blue state.

They did not vote to return a felon's second amendment rights. 

[#] Wed Dec 19 2018 05:52:03 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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If we don't build THE WALL soon, every state will be solid blue. The globalists are committed to replacing American citizens with global citizens.

[#] Wed Dec 19 2018 16:17:44 UTC from zooer

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Do you really think a wall would do anything to stop one world government?

[#] Thu Dec 20 2018 16:09:12 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Long term? No, we're still riding the Tytler Train. There's no getting off.
We slowed it down a lot by electing President Trump but that's only a temporary situation.

A completed Wall will assure a 2020 victory for President Trump. Right now that's what I care about.

[#] Thu Dec 20 2018 20:46:24 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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It seems that the reports that President Awesome "caved on the border wall" might be fake news.  Either that or he's been brought up to speed on what's going to happen if he lets that happen, and has wisely changed his mind.

[ Rush Limbaugh: Donald Trump ‘Got Word to Me’ About Shutdown Fight Plan ]

According to this story, the President contacted Rush Limbaugh directly to tell him about the plan. “The president got word to me 20 minutes ago that if it comes back to him without money, if whatever happens in the House and Senate comes back to him with no allocation of $5 billion for the wall then he’s going to veto it,” he said on today's show.

And I love this part: “Veto this thing and then head down to Mar-a-Lago.  I will meet you on the first tee wherever you want to play golf, whenever, and this will end up being resolved in your favor.”

The idea of Rush directly conveying strategy to the President is a good one.  They have different kinds of insight which are complementary.

(Photo credit: Jim Watson/AFP/Getty Images. Story credit: Breitbart)

[#] Fri Dec 21 2018 13:59:01 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Not happy seeing Jim Mattis leaving though..... Trump needs to find people who he's ideologically aligned with.

I offer my services.

[#] Fri Dec 21 2018 17:58:16 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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All that means is that some subordinates in the administration are

trying to influence Trump to go with the flow. It doesn't mean a damn

thing with regards to the President's policy or what his actual
decision will be. And given that "Mad Poodle" Mattis actually
resigned in a hissy fit over Trump's decision to stop fighting an
unwinnable perma-war in the Middle East that is of no benefit
whatsoever to Americans - that's what the neocon hysteria is really

about - it's clear that the President has been under incredible
lobbying pressure from Congress, from his advisers, and from the
financial industry.

-- Vox Day (on his blog this morning)

I was thinking about the situation in the middle east yesterday. Bottom line, there will never be peace in the middle east, and we're fools for trying to change that. We should pull out 100% and use both the troops and the money at our own borders.

Yes, isolationism. It works, bitches. And if anyone dares to mess with us, we bomb them into oblivion.

Remember, there are only three types of people in the middle east.

[#] Fri Dec 21 2018 18:03:27 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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Remember, there are only three types of people in the middle east.

Terrorists, women who breed terrorists and children who grow up to be terrorists.

For those who didn't know.

[#] Mon Jan 07 2019 20:23:49 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Quote of the day:

"I'm going to make the Electoral College tuition-free!"
-- Racist Piece Of Shit, aka Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

[#] Mon Jan 07 2019 21:14:02 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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AOC said during her 60 Minutes interview that it's more important to be morally correct than factually correct.


[#] Tue Jan 08 2019 00:48:31 UTC from zooer

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She is neither. 

[#] Wed Jan 09 2019 15:03:34 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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No surprises from the communist socialist America-hating demoKKKrats after the President's tempered and well-reasoned address last night. He didn't have to go hyperbolic (as much as I love that) because the case for a strong border wall makes itself. Nevertheless, the usual crowd of demoKKKrat clowns trotted out their tired old accusations of racism and divisiveness.

[#] Wed Jan 09 2019 17:03:24 UTC from Ragnar Danneskjold

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It's hard to imagine that Democrats hate America so much. But the border wall stalemate shows just how far they've moved away from the mainstream.

[#] Wed Jan 09 2019 22:53:28 UTC from triLcat

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(and Israel)

Fri Dec 21 2018 13:03:27 EST from Ragnar Danneskjold

Remember, there are only three types of people in the middle east.

Terrorists, women who breed terrorists and children who grow up to be terrorists.

For those who didn't know.


[#] Thu Jan 10 2019 05:35:30 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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(and Israel)

Right. I think it's implied that Israel doesn't count.

Except for that part of Israel that they gave to the philistines...

[#] Thu Jan 10 2019 07:05:43 UTC from triLcat

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and all the various minorities who keep getting murdered in droves. 

[#] Sat Jan 12 2019 21:11:43 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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So I heard that Jeff Bezos and his wife are getting a divorce.

Normally I have a lot of sympathy for people that are suffering through broken relationships, but in this case I will make an exception. I hope he is in excruciating emotional pain. He deserves it.

The Washington Compost has published a hyper-whitewashed version of the story, claiming that it was an amicable breakup and they plan to continue their adventures in life as friends, blah blah blah. The true story seems to be that the Nation's Biggest Job Killer was cheating on his wife -- in a big way -- and the National Enquirer was about to break the true story.

Oh well. I guess every Whole Foods store will now become two Half Foods stores.

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