Now they're calling for another week delay. Doesn't anyone realize that the demoKKKrats know this whole thing is a sham and they're just trying to run out the clock?
Yes people know this. By stating "run out the clock" do you believe the republicans are going to lose a lot of seats in the mid-terms?
What sort of a girl would do that? She not only didn't warn her friend... she didn't call the police to check on her... she didn't run to a neighbors house... she didn't even do the very least that ANYONE would do which is to call the friend's house until she got home just to ask her if she was okay. Blasé Ford just fled from the danger and abandoned Leland Ingham Keyser, failing to even ask her the next day if she was okay.
I asked my wife about this. "Would you have done that to your friend?" I asked.
"No way," she said. No matter how scared I was, I'd have found someone to go back and get her.
To the rest of us she's a lying scumbag.
Fri Sep 28 2018 08:21:57 PM EDT from Decomposed
She is a hero to them because she tried to "save" the supreme court. The truth doesn't matter. She isn't a hero for what may or may not happened, she is a hero because she is trying to save the democrats.
The ends justify the means.
I believe something happened to her at some time.
What "happened" was that she was a filthy slut as a teenager. Now she's a demoKKKrat operative helping out with a smear campaign.
She's as much of a lying scumbag as DiFi and they both should receive multiple consecutive death penalties for sedition.
She's collecting a half million dollars through GoFundMe. Then there will be book deals and speaking fees she'll collect for decades. Christine Blasé Ford will be a wealthy woman.
So she's basically a lying scumbag, just like all demoKKKrats.