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[#] Wed Aug 31 2016 15:26:14 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Cruz is ideologically indistinguishable from Clinton. Both oppose Trump and therefore hate America. Both were in favor of TPP until they pretended to back out of it. Both stole delegates during the nomination process. Both took a LOT of money from Wall Street.

Bottom line: Trump wants to make America great again. Clinton and Cruz are garden variety political establishment. But I've got to give Hillary credit, she's a lot better at succeeding as a douchebag than Cruz is. Everyone hates Cruz. He's the Senate's counterpart to Glenn Beck.

[#] Wed Aug 31 2016 15:45:22 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Of course, it might also be appropriate to compare Cruz to Obama. The following phrase describes both of them:

"Despite being ineligible for the office due to his NOT being a natural born citizen, and despite having very little political experience, Ted Barack Cruz Obama began a campaign to run for the Presidency without even completing two years of service in the Senate."

[#] Thu Sep 01 2016 03:38:30 EDT from the_mgt

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What is the problem with "without even completing two years of service in the Senate"?

[#] Thu Sep 01 2016 08:02:31 EDT from Hitler

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I'm Hitler, and it's a problem because I say so.

[#] Thu Sep 01 2016 09:03:14 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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What is the problem with "without even completing two years of service in the Senate"?

Inherently, nothing special.  Just pointing out yet another similarity between Cruz and Obama.  Busting the myth that Cruz is somehow "different"

[#] Thu Sep 01 2016 10:20:41 EDT from Hitler

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In Soviet Russia, I compare MYSELF to CRUZ!!1

[#] Fri Sep 02 2016 02:16:07 EDT from the_mgt

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How many years has Trump been in the Senate?

[#] Fri Sep 02 2016 09:21:20 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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How many years has Trump been in the Senate?

Trump was courteous enough not to carelessly use half of a Senate term as nothing more than a stepping stone to the Presidency, like those liberal democrats Obama and Cruz did.

[#] Fri Sep 02 2016 09:23:16 EDT from Ted Cruise

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And my plan was foiled by that do-gooder Donald Trump! I wanted to forcibly convert the entire world to Scientology!!!1

[#] Fri Sep 02 2016 10:25:55 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I think I'm going to change all of my build scripts so that to compile the project you have to type "make america great again"

In the meantime, enjoy this video. ]

[#] Fri Sep 02 2016 14:54:43 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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[#] Sat Sep 03 2016 18:43:50 EDT from wizard of aahz

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I don't know why you insist on linking Cruz and Clinton, when Trump's

This is easy.. It annoys you.

[#] Sat Sep 03 2016 21:47:51 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Also, I think someone needs to be held responsible for the murder of JFK.  Might as well blame Cruz because, after all, he's the one who did it.  I don't believe those left-wing "birthers" who claim that Ted Cruz was born seven years after JFK was assassinated.

I wonder why Goldman Sachs needed JFK out of their way.

[#] Mon Sep 05 2016 18:34:16 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ted Cruz actively campaigning for Hillary Clinton in swing states

[ ]

(Yes, Ted Cruz himself. Unless he openly denounces this activity, he himself is directly responsible.)

[#] Tue Sep 06 2016 11:13:56 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Oh. An op-ed in the New York Slimes that's against Trump. Was it written by Ted Hitler Cruz?

[#] Tue Sep 06 2016 21:43:48 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Aaaaaaaaaaaand here's a pretty good writeup of why I abandoned the "Libertarian" Party ... they're not libertarians.


Gary Hitler Johnson is as much of an America-hating ultra-liberal democrat as Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, and George W Bush.  Watch the video and be amazed.  As I've been pointing out since 2012, LP are not libertarians, they're just liberal democrats who want to legalize drugs.  (I'm ok with legalizing drugs, but there's more to libertarianism than that.)

[#] Wed Sep 07 2016 15:26:50 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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2016-09-03 18:43 from wizard of aahz @uncnsrd
I don't know why you insist on linking Cruz and Clinton, when Trump's

This is easy.. It annoys you.

Doesn't really. I think it makes IG look silly and uninformed. But then again, I think the blind following of Trump does the same.

[#] Wed Sep 07 2016 16:37:12 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Blind following of Ted Cruz results in spewing all of the liberal democrat talking points (which you're doing faithfully). But that's expected; since Cruz and Clinton are indentured to the same masters and ideologically identical, it makes sense to use a unified set of talking points against their common enemy of America/Trump.

Mark Levin announced that he's voting for Trump. He needs to be a bit more enthusiastic about it though. Simply taking a tiptoe step out of the #NeverTrump (which equals #ImWithHer) doesn't excuse the rabid communist behavior he has been exhibiting during this election cycle. I think he realized he was going down the same road as Glenn Cruz Clinton Obama Beck.

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