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[#] Mon Mar 04 2024 19:35:21 EST from Nurb432

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That is the biggest problem with government now. One of the things i think our founders left out. Mistakes, difference of opinion, sure, strike them down, and let the voters decide when its election time. But clear intent, should be penalties. Severe.

 And remember too they have unlimited funds to keep trying it and keep trying it until we fold..   Us serfs have to fund both sides of the bench during these legal fights...

Mon Mar 04 2024 19:18:13 EST from zelgomer
, if there is no repurcussion?


[#] Mon Mar 04 2024 20:05:51 EST from Nurb432

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In some speech he just did "AG Garland vows to fight voter ID laws"

Welp, the cheat is already being planned. i guess they are losing hope they can keep Trump out of the race. 

[#] Tue Mar 05 2024 07:13:36 EST from Nurb432

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Read just now :  

"According to a report published in Axios Monday, Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., a former member of the Jan. 6 select committee, said he is already crafting federal legislation that would force Trump off the ballot."

Sometimes i really hate when im right. 

Mon Mar 04 2024 19:30:35 EST from Nurb432

And of course most of the media is painting it as "SCOTUS sides with Trump", to get people pissed that them like they are out of control and bought and paid for by the Don...  i smell court packing soon.

No, not really, and in this case they are siding on the side of law.. 

Only thing i disagree with them on is that they only made it solely a "federal issue and in the purview of congress, not the states".  So they still left the door wide open to do this before November. In reality they also needed to state that "you cant kick people off, even at a federal level, for something they have never been tried of convicted of..  How you 'feel' is irrelevant"   but they didnt. So its not really over, and i bet will see it again.


[#] Tue Mar 05 2024 19:00:23 EST from zelgomer

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2024-03-05 12:13 from Nurb432 <>
Read just now :  

"According to a report published in Axios Monday, Rep. Jamie Raskin,
D-Md., a former member of the Jan. 6 select committee, said he is
already crafting federal legislation that would force Trump off the

Sometimes i really hate when im right. 

The good news is that Raskin is a basket case and it'll go nowhere.

[#] Tue Mar 05 2024 19:06:54 EST from Nurb432

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Yes but others will pick up on it..  "hey, that is a great idea" 

Tue Mar 05 2024 19:00:23 EST from zelgomer
The good news is that Raskin is a basket case and it'll go nowhere.


[#] Tue Mar 05 2024 23:22:58 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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The good news is that Raskin is a basket case and it'll go nowhere.

The bad news is that TDS does not kill its host. I wish it did.

[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 07:29:11 EST from Nurb432

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When the war starts, it might be.

Tue Mar 05 2024 23:22:58 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
The bad news is that TDS does not kill its host. I wish it did.


[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 07:52:11 EST from Nurb432

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Lol. So miss "get in their face" ( AOC ) finally had someone get in her face, and wasn't happy about it.

Should have been a fist .. but just pissing that socialist air-head off is still good.  And that it was filmed, even better.

[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 08:30:02 EST from Nurb432

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Might be propaganda, but rumor is Haley is stepping aside. 

One source - >

[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 14:43:22 EST from Nurb432

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Yep shes out. And sealed her fate for not getting a job in Trump's cabinet after all the bad mouthing she did. 


"i simply think i can do a better job" might have gone better for her than nearly calling him evil incarnate.. 

[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 18:01:03 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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niKKi George Bush Haley is a hardcore swamp monster. That's why she won the DC primary. Perhaps there is a job for her at MSNBC, where they occasionally hire far-left America-hating "republican" pundits who love war and global warming.

Personally, I think she should be sent to the front lines of the Ukraine war she loves so much.

Lawfare is failing, RINO challengers have all failed, and Big Orange is riding high in the polls. May all who continue to fight against the will of the people experience not only failure but excruciating pain.

[#] Wed Mar 06 2024 18:06:01 EST from Nurb432

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They still have one last card to pull. Its risky, but if all else fails...

Wed Mar 06 2024 18:01:03 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Lawfare is failing, RINO challengers have all failed, and Big Orange is riding high in the polls. 


[#] Thu Mar 07 2024 19:16:23 EST from Nurb432

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So Destroyer in Chief has his STFU address tonight?  

Does anyone really care what he has to say? Really.. does either side care?

[#] Thu Mar 07 2024 23:32:00 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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"I be a winner, not really."
-- Squinty McShuffleDead aka former vice president Biden

[#] Fri Mar 08 2024 16:54:19 EST from Nurb432

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" How dare you protest our president.  " I guess Steven Nikoui protested during that address ( i did not watch or listen to. i have no interest at all ) and was arrested for it.

The party that encourages, no, demands, protests against their enemies, arrests protesters at their own events.   All on display for the american public to witness the hypocrisy. 


And i guess the Democrat run government in NYC now has national guard in subways and on the streets, searching citizens and demanding their papers..  ( but not changing the lax laws letting the criminals back on the street, or the illegals to be there.... a show of force for daring to cross them )

[#] Mon Mar 11 2024 19:04:13 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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" How dare you protest our president.  "  

He's not the president. Presidents are elected. Joebama Biden is the illegitimate occupant of the Oval Office.

Respect the office, not the scumbag Obama and his puppet Biden who stole it.

[#] Mon Mar 11 2024 19:36:30 EDT from Nurb432

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While i agree in principle as he did not win, he was still sworn in.. so legally hes president. But even if you want to go there and say hes not:  For 'them' he is.. which are the ones i was talking about anyway.


And unfortunately, we will see this again come January. The cheat is already being setup.   


[#] Mon Mar 11 2024 19:36:53 EDT from Nurb432

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i meant November. .bleh, im tired. 

[#] Mon Mar 11 2024 19:56:21 EDT from zelgomer

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2024-03-11 23:04 from IGnatius T Foobar <>
" How dare you protest our president. "

He's not the president. Presidents are elected. Joebama Biden is the

illegitimate occupant of the Oval Office.

Presidents are elected by the electoral college. Sorry, he is actually president. And that's how you want it to be. You don't want to make the argument that Trump has already been elected twice.

[#] Mon Mar 11 2024 20:17:40 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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I am rather shocked Biden hasn't died yet.

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