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[#] Thu Feb 24 2022 19:15:03 EST from Nurb432

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So are we taking bets on if this thing in Ukraine spins out of control and takes the rest of the planet with it, or if it remains regional?

[#] Fri Feb 25 2022 10:15:15 EST from zelgomer

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2022-02-25 00:15 from Nurb432 <>
So are we taking bets on if this thing in Ukraine spins out of
control and takes the rest of the planet with it, or if it remains

I'm confident that it's well within Putin's control. In my opinion the only question is where he wants to stop.

[#] Fri Feb 25 2022 11:52:32 EST from Nurb432

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He did threaten the rest of the world to stay out of it. 

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 10:21:04 EST from Nurb432

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So i gather that all 30 NATO members just voted to mobilize forces. ( i guess to do that it has to be unanimous )

Ukraine is not a member so the blue helmets are not heading there to fight, but Ukraine was actively working to become a member, so they are at least "friends of NATO". Not an expert, so i dont know, but IF they ask for help, what happens then?

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 16:11:35 EST from Nurb432

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Couple hours ago Germany announced they would start to send military equipment to Ukraine.

Not saying its morally wrong to do so, but that would be considered interfering. So, we get to see if Putin will follow thru on his threat to the rest of the world.  And if he attacks a NATO nation, well there we have WWIII. But if he doesn't, he has egg on his face and will look foolish for his bluff being called. 

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 16:22:11 EST from Nurb432

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And in other news:    Biden and his wife are taking the weekend off to go home to Delaware to hang out and eat ice cream.  Ya, Europe is on fire, we are about to start WWIII, and he thinks taking the weekend off is a great idea.

( and i guess he just signed off on ~600 million in military aid. So we are 'interfering' too )

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 18:42:37 EST from zelgomer

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2022-02-26 21:22 from Nurb432 <>
And in other news:    Biden and his wife are taking the weekend off
to go home to Delaware to hang out and eat ice cream.  Ya, Europe is
on fire, we are about to start WWIII, and he thinks taking the
weekend off is a great idea.

Good, probably the best thing he could do, get the fuck out of the way. Hopefully he left an adult in charge. Probably not but I'm going to remain optimistic.

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 19:08:03 EST from Nurb432

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Or he knows its all going to go to hell in the next couple of days and hes heading to the bunker, and lied about where he is going, for security reasons.

[#] Sat Feb 26 2022 21:05:11 EST from zelgomer

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2022-02-27 00:08 from Nurb432 <>
Or he knows its all going to go to hell in the next couple of days
and hes heading to the bunker, and lied about where he is going, for
security reasons.

If it were that I think they'd just do it and not tell us. But who knows???

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 06:52:36 EST from Nurb432

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Its all about optics. 

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 09:00:01 EST from Nurb432

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So looks like Elon wont be doing business in Russia any time soon.  

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 14:49:14 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Something seems "off" to me. I can't quite put my finger on it; maybe it's just because I don't trust anyone who's reporting on it. But it seems like there's more to this story than simple Russian expansionism. I have a gut feeling that there is some sort of east-west conspiracy going on to create a crisis and use it to enact global tyranny. With the china coof dwindling, this will be the next crisis. But I haven't figured out how, yet.

Oh, and of course ... Russia invaded Georgia during the Bush administration, Russia invaded Crimea during the Obama administration, Russia invaded Ukraine during the Biden (really Obama) administration ... but go ahead, media fucktards, tell me again about how it's all President Trump's fault. Tell me again about how he's supposedly a "Russian asset" when he presided over the only administration in the 21st century during which Russia didn't start any new wars.

We need to have a contest to see who can come up with the most painful blunt objects with which to bludgeon Joy Behar and Whoopi Goldberg.

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 15:14:12 EST from Nurb432

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I think its a combination of things, but a huge part is that Russia really does want them back under their umbrella. From what i have read, they are a powerhouse of natural resources, which will help insulate them, for when china makes their move in the next decade or so. Putin may be evil, but he is far from stupid, and plays the long game.

But of course, cant let a good crisis go to waste to advance the cause of control of the people. I suspect that is why "we" didnt do anything to stop it. It serves as a great distraction, and a world war = more control. And in this case with some level of deniability " um we didnt do it ", even tho they helped shape it. ( just like with *vid )

Sun Feb 27 2022 02:49:14 PM EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Something seems "off" to me. I can't quite put my finger on it; maybe it's just because I don't trust anyone who's reporting on it. But it seems like there's more to this story than simple Russian expansionism. I have a gut feeling that there is some sort of east-west conspiracy going on to create a crisis and use it to enact global tyranny. With the china coof dwindling, this will be the next crisis. But I haven't figured out how, yet.

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 19:02:48 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Evidently the Ukrainian Government is a Pro-US puppet regime that McCain installed. And... they're evidently actually fascists. 

They're bombing the fuck out of the civilian separatist regions that Russia just recognized as independent. Russia has told them repeatedly to cut it the fuck out, and they stop for a while, and then start up again. 

And, the Western Media is suppressing all of this. 

It is all in which source of news you want to believe. 


[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 19:43:01 EST from zelgomer

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It is all in which source of news you want to believe. 

Yes, and while I don't trust western leaders or media very much, I definitely don't believe that Russian garbage. I don't doubt team America has been up to some shady stuff over there, but I can't buy that Putin is just a humanitarian savior.

In my opinion based on what I've read, he wants to be ablw to export his oil through Ukraine for free, he wants some natural gas in the Black Sea, and in his mind he probably thinks he's entitled to these things because Ukraine still belongs to the USSR.

[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 20:28:41 EST from Nurb432

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They are also have a huge supply of uranium in the ground, and rare earth metals.  And of course farm land + labor.  I do agree he does not consider them independent, and this is partially punishment for them to think otherwise.  And a lesson for the future " do not disobey me again ".

While i have no doubt he will 'concur' the state in a week or two ( barring any direct 3rd party involvement, as if this spills out into NATO countries, its going to get messy, fast ). I suspect long term occupation will be much tougher than he expected. For the most part the entire country is against them, and its not likely they will flip after long term occupation starts. It will be long and costly to keep them in check, with an eventual revolt down the road anyway.


And i agree, cant trust any of the media, on any side. its all propaganda. 


Sun Feb 27 2022 07:43:01 PM EST from zelgomer
It is all in which source of news you want to believe. 

Yes, and while I don't trust western leaders or media very much, I definitely don't believe that Russian garbage. I don't doubt team America has been up to some shady stuff over there, but I can't buy that Putin is just a humanitarian savior.

In my opinion based on what I've read, he wants to be ablw to export his oil through Ukraine for free, he wants some natural gas in the Black Sea, and in his mind he probably thinks he's entitled to these things because Ukraine still belongs to the USSR.


[#] Sun Feb 27 2022 20:29:31 EST from Nurb432

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wow make that "conquer"  idiot spellcheck + no proofreading. 

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 00:04:43 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Western Media has taken such a credibility hit since 2016. 

And listen... we *were* wrong about Iraq - and it left a power vacuum that created ISIS. We were wrong about Libya and Gadhafi, and by that point, we had the Middle East looking like Mad Max's Australia - in almost every case where we've invaded, or where we have ongoing conflicts - these nations are not part of the Western centralized banking system - the tin-foil hats have that much right. We were wrong about just about *every* accusation against Trump and Russian collusion, but the evidence against Biden and Ukrainian collusion looked pretty damn credible - and the media was like, "yeah... but so what?" 

We're just not standing on very solid ground with our credibility - even in comparison to Putin and Russia. 

There is this kind of fiction that the Russian billionaires, oligarchs and politicians are the most corrupt individuals on the planet, and that the KGB and the Russian Mafia are really two names for the same thing. 

This may be true. The fiction is that this is any different in the US. I guarantee you, all of these Russian bitcoin mining, McAfee associated, pump and dump scam cartels are not only global - but at the highest levels very powerful members of the US political, corporate, military and military-industry complex are deeply involved in their operations. It isn't Putin running a global organized criminal organization making Russian billionaires. That is just one link in a global web of elite criminal activity that includes every nation on Earth. 

Listen, the Ukraine is a *major* hub of this criminal network - and it is no mistake that McAfee was in Spain at a Russian GHOST hotel operating a BitCoin mining pump and dump scam, or that Hunter Biden was involved in shady dealings with the Ukraine. 

That is *exactly* how interconnected this all is. Of course, McAfee was saying all these things and everybody believed he was just strung out and trying to act like he was important. Isn't that convenient, that if someone speaks the truth about it... how ready society is to accept the narrative that this is just someone without any connections, any power, dreaming up elaborate fantasies. 

The thing about the Russians is they've always kind of embraced their organized criminal element. The West pretends like it is just a bunch of ethnic gangs and biker gangs. 

I mean... Hollywood tells the public all the time. The real power behind Walter White's meth empire wasn't Walt, it wasn't South American drug cartels and narcos... 

It was a German Multi-national corporation and its highest ranking executives. 

That specific example is a fiction. The idea, is not. 

So... the only difference between the Russian elite organized crime networks, their control of the Russian media and the West and the West's control of their media is that the West somehow manages to convince the public that Biden, Clinton, Obama, the Bushes, 4 star generals in all of the branches of the military, CEOs, the media and others aren't all involved deeply in multiple organized criminal activities and organizations.

Otherwise, they're one and the same. The same people doing the same things for the same goals. 

Our media, our politicians, our claims, as the "West"... are no more or less credible than what we hear from Putin or, for that matter, China. In fact - I believe China probably really has principles of morality where at the level of top Government - not only are they not involved in what I'm talking about - they would punish any members of their inner circle caught participating in it, *harshly*. I think to them we're all dishonorable white people who speak out of both sides of our mouths - and that they see us as more primitive and less evolved than they are, socially, spiritually and in matters of integrity. Their sense of morality may be warped and corrupt and wrong - but it is an actual thing. Ours is based on hypocrisy.  I also think Russia and China understand one another and also understands us - but I don't think we really understand China. 

[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 07:20:48 EST from Nurb432

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I stopped believing them in the late 80s

There was a small rally downtown on the steps of the statehouse. ( i forget what it was now to be honest but it was not popular ). I was there. Well, technically i was walking past, i was downtown that day killing some time, and saw some commotion and walked over, saw it with my own 2 eyes.

Get home that evening, and saw it on TV, couple of different local news channels. it was so spun it was like we didnt go to the same thing.  Even the camera angles were setup to support their narrative. Then next morning, local "respected" news paper, same concept, just the other direction.  it was sick.  Lost all faith in media that day. *no one* was accurate. So bad you could not even piece reality together. 

Sure, spin and narrative was not new, but i was young and it was my first real experience with it..

Mon Feb 28 2022 12:04:43 AM EST from ParanoidDelusions

Western Media has taken such a credibility hit since 2016. 


[#] Mon Feb 28 2022 07:49:55 EST from darknetuser

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2022-02-26 10:21 from Nurb432
So i gather that all 30 NATO members just voted to mobilize forces. (

i guess to do that it has to be unanimous )

Ukraine is not a member so the blue helmets are not heading there to

fight, but Ukraine was actively working to become a member, so they

are at least "friends of NATO". Not an expert, so i dont know, but IF

they ask for help, what happens then?

Nothing good.

The whole drama is explicitly due to the fact Ukraine and Georgia were about to be integrated in the NATO, which is where Putin places the red line. He has been very explicit about it.

It is hard to say whether that is the actual reason or just a pretext to take the pro-russian regions of Ukraine out of European control.

I am reasonably convinced that the US has given Putin a pretext, in order to then convince the EU not to buy Russian gas and buy American fuels instead. If you check, Ukraine dramas are always related to some event involving Russian gaspipes.

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