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[#] Tue Oct 03 2023 20:23:11 EDT from msgrhys

Subject: Piracy Has Reached America

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Yet another entry on the list of reasons not to live in the Soviet Union on the west coast:

[#] Tue Oct 03 2023 20:24:59 EDT from Nurb432

Subject: Re: Piracy Has Reached America

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At least they are real pirates and not the FUD labeling of IP infringers.. 

[#] Wed Oct 04 2023 14:15:26 EDT from LadySerenaKitty

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With the SFCA police basically being non-existent, the crime expanding into piracy was bound to happen eventually.

dafuq did they think was gonna happen?

[#] Mon Dec 18 2023 18:31:53 EST from Nurb432

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From what im hearing most major international shipping companies AND oil companies have stopped all activities in the red sea over the last couple of days, due to out of control piracy ( the real kind )    i think from Yeman, and their 'commitment to Palestine' or some such nonsense/excuse. 

Going to cause shortages and even more rising prices. 

[#] Mon Jan 01 2024 12:37:19 EST from Nurb432

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Cool, we just sunk 3 pirate vessels in the Red Sea.

[#] Sun Feb 25 2024 10:19:12 EST from Nurb432

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Regarding the incorrect use of the term piracy...

Seems the bit torrent people ( at least i think its them... ) have a new project. A self-hosted DHT scraper/search engine. Finally one that is usable.  Sure they existed before now, but most were fly by night, unstable, abandoned, a real pain the neck to get to work.. etc.  ( and tried writing my own at one point but never did seem to work right )

If one is so inclined:

[#] Mon Feb 26 2024 18:26:17 EST from darknetuser

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If one is so inclined:

Thanks for the info. I will check it out. This is so much needed, since typical torrent sites suck cocks, or are managed by small groups of volunteers who can barey keep the service running at all.

It makes me wonder how does the DHT keep unwanted content out. Imagine somebody uploads, say, "misinformation" about Biden's cognitive abilities. How would the powers that be took it down?

[#] Mon Feb 26 2024 18:49:27 EST from Nurb432

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It doesn't. 

Mon Feb 26 2024 18:26:17 EST from darknetuser
It makes me wonder how does the DHT keep unwanted content out.


[#] Thu Apr 18 2024 23:35:49 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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[#] Mon May 20 2024 13:54:13 EDT from Nurb432

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Not real surprised, but sort of funny.


Been running that DHT scraper off and on for a while ( i dont NEED it.. so its more of a toy ).  its got a few hundred thousand entries now.  ( i know, there are millions of magnets out there on the network.. millions.. ) The % of porn to the rest, is just ludicrous.. 

[#] Mon May 20 2024 21:29:09 EDT from zelgomer

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network.. millions.. ) The % of porn to the rest, is just

Recommendations pls

[#] Tue May 21 2024 07:25:49 EDT from Nurb432

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Lol. I wouldn't know. Not my 'thing'.

Mon May 20 2024 21:29:09 EDT from zelgomer
Recommendations pls


[#] Wed May 22 2024 07:16:13 EDT from darknetuser

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Been running that DHT scraper off and on for a while ( i dont NEED
it.. so its more of a toy ).  its got a few hundred thousand entries
now.  ( i know, there are millions of magnets out there on the
network.. millions.. ) The % of porn to the rest, is just

You never understand how fucked up the Internet is until you search for Snow White and The Seven Dwarves or The Black Stallion.

[#] Mon May 27 2024 17:55:37 EDT from Nurb432

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slsknet might be dead.. panic ensues.. millions cry out in terror.. then silence.

Really hope this is temporary. this could be bad.  really bad.

[#] Tue May 28 2024 07:17:18 EDT from Nurb432

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Crisis averted. End of world event cancelled. This time.  But the infrastructure design of this thing is a major risk. 



[#] Tue May 28 2024 18:06:43 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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Should we nuke Somalia to get revenge?

Or just for fun?

[#] Tue May 28 2024 19:10:43 EDT from Nurb432

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Just dont kill the login server :) 

Tue May 28 2024 18:06:43 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

Should we nuke Somalia to get revenge?

Or just for fun?


[#] Mon Jul 08 2024 16:32:43 EDT from Nurb432

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Anna's Archive moved.. Not gone, but moved.

[#] Sat Jul 13 2024 08:26:11 EDT from Nurb432

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How to piss off Netflix in one easy step ( image attached )