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[#] Mon Dec 21 2020 03:25:00 EST from arabella

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My visit here today:

I laughed

I cried

I felt valued.

Uncensored, so glad I came.

Fleeb, I owe you a great debt.

[#] Wed Dec 23 2020 18:18:45 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Uncensored is acting funky. Said I was logged out, when I tried to log back in it said I was already logged in. When I tried to post it said I didn't have permissions to post. 

If you're testing in production - it seems like the beta code you are running isn't quite stable. Unless I've had my twit-list flag turned to True. 

[#] Wed Dec 23 2020 18:35:27 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Nope, you were just logged in during an upgrade. Should be fine now.

[#] Wed Dec 23 2020 22:56:44 EST from ParanoidDelusions

Subject: Re:

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I don't know why things like this always seem to happen when I am logged in, making me afraid I've broke something.

[#] Thu Dec 24 2020 12:34:00 EST from zooer

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You are just having paranoid delusions.   

[#] Thu Dec 24 2020 14:07:00 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Santa Claus is Satan
Anyone can see
He isn't phased
by the blaze
of your chimney
You took a pass
on Christmas mass
Now you're home just waitin'
for an elf
to bring you wealth,
Santa Claus is Satan.

Everyone enjoy the pagan holiday masquerading as Christmas ... and for those celebrating it, also the real Christmas.

[#] Thu Dec 24 2020 14:12:48 EST from zooer

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Wed Dec 23 2020 06:18:45 PM EST from ParanoidDelusions

Uncensored is acting funky. 

You don't have permission to author messages as ''.

[#] Sat Dec 26 2020 12:11:44 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Darn I had a wonderful long winded response and the downtime
yesterday ate it :(

Heh. Sorry about that. One of the downsides of having moved my servers back home is that I don't have data center grade power. The electric here at Awesome Acre is actually very very good compared to the Mouse House (and way cheaper!) but when it goes, it goes, and then there was the misplaced generator cable ... oops.

[#] Sun Dec 27 2020 03:11:38 EST from arabella

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Whatever happened to PooingDog?

[#] Sun Dec 27 2020 16:26:13 EST from mo

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Probably sound as a pound. :)


[#] Sun Dec 27 2020 17:20:40 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Probably sound as a pound. :)

That is a good conclusion ... FOR ME TO POOP ON

[#] Sun Dec 27 2020 17:28:01 EST from mo

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Ahhh Master creator - you missed me - i mean i missed you! 

[#] Sun Dec 27 2020 18:51:13 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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My UPS has become basically an afterthought since I moved to Arizona - I forget that I've got it hooked up. I'm sure it has saved me a couple unscheduled reboots of my NAS since I've been here - but compared to NE Ohio... I could probably get by without it. One of the nicer things about living in a place that generally has super-modern infrastructure and not a lot of natural disasters. 


Sat Dec 26 2020 12:11:44 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
The electric here at Awesome Acre is actually very very good compared to the Mouse House (and way cheaper!) but when it goes, it goes, and then there was the misplaced generator cable ... oops.


[#] Mon Dec 28 2020 18:19:31 EST from Nurb432

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My cables are tied to the generator.. Just for that reason.

Sat Dec 26 2020 12:11:44 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
Darn I had a wonderful long winded response and the downtime
yesterday ate it :(

Heh. Sorry about that. One of the downsides of having moved my servers back home is that I don't have data center grade power. The electric here at Awesome Acre is actually very very good compared to the Mouse House (and way cheaper!) but when it goes, it goes, and then there was the misplaced generator cable ... oops.


[#] Mon Dec 28 2020 19:34:30 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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Hey, can I make a small request to everyone please:

Can we all please try to lean towards "Reply" and not "Reply Quoted" unless there's really a need to establish context? It is Citadel tradition to avoid quoting unless necessary, and even then, just the minimal amount required.

I and the others who use the text mode client thank you all in advance :)

[#] Mon Dec 28 2020 22:17:51 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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Literally - something where I've misunderstood, thought I was listening and tried to adopt the culture, and still f**cked it up. 

I know a while back you were mentioning that a lot of users have a threaded view, and that it was desirable to reply quoted when responding to a running thread - but that some of the "dialup Citadel users," had a habit of just reading and then "Posting" a response. 

So... I made a conscious effort to start Replying Quoted. 

But recently I noticed you were asking for a minimum of the original response in any quotes - and I often forget that until after I've saved my post. 

Also... subjects... I continue to screw the pooch on that one. 

And - honestly - I know it may be impractical from a coding perspective - I've come to understand that Citadel is really more like a real fancy mail-client and that the messages are all just really SMTP messages, more or less... 

But the ability to open a saved message and edit it would make me SO much better of a poster here - because I tend to notice right after saving/posting the message what I've done that isn't part of the culture here - and I actually am courteous enough that I'd go back in and fix my own posts when I noticed what I had screwed up. 

It is certainly a feature that is on my wish list. 

[#] Tue Dec 29 2020 02:23:13 EST from arabella

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I reply quoted when I've been away for a bit and replay to something old, when I do I try to keep the quote minimal. 

[#] Tue Dec 29 2020 10:00:27 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

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I know a while back you were mentioning that a lot of users have a
threaded view, and that it was desirable to reply quoted when

Ok, my bad for not making it clear what I was talking about. And to be certain, I'm not trying to nitpick everyone to death, just trying to improve the flow and appearance and all that.

I remember that conversation some time ago. The habit I was hoping to get people into, particularly when using the text client, is to use <R>eply rather than <E>nter-message when continuing a conversation. This is not because it has the ability to add a pull quote, but because Citadel now preserves the thread references. I was working on a threaded-nested view and noticed that it doesn't really work well when replies aren't entered as replies.

Since then I've come to accept that old-skool Citadelians are usually going to follow the old tradition of: read all the messages, summarize in your head, enter a message with your thoughts.
Our bulletin boards are linear and people seem to like them that way.

So that's the story ... I apologize for misleading anyone who thought we were looking for more quoting.

[#] Tue Dec 29 2020 13:55:05 EST from ParanoidDelusions

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I think part of the problem is that I'm a bit of a stranger in a strange land here on Uncensored. It feels familiar in a lot of ways - but expectations and customs and habits aren't always quite what I take for granted on a Citadel. 

I'll catch on. 

Tue Dec 29 2020 10:00:27 EST from IGnatius T Foobar
So that's the story ... I apologize for misleading anyone who thought we were looking for more quoting.


[#] Thu Dec 31 2020 11:50:08 EST from IGnatius T Foobar

Subject: End of year remarks

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Well, here we are, at the close of what can only be described as a dumpster fire of a year. It's difficult to find a silver lining in this train wreck, aside perhaps from the fact that I and my family have remained both healthy and employed, but as we approach an arbitrary boundary in our calendar I feel compelled to leave everyone with at least a few remarks. Listen carefully because I am far more trustworthy than the Gartner Group.

You yutzos are one incredibly brain damaged group of people and I love you all. It is truly a pleasure serving you. Every year the makeup of the group changes a little, the vibe changes a little, but I know that no matter what else is going on I can come here and chew the fat with some familiar faces.
So ... thank you.

I normally give a message like this on March 10, the anniversary of the board's inception, but on 2021-mar-10 it will also be my daughter's 16th birthday, so I will be spending the day crying, or drinking heavily, or killing myself, or something other than writing this message, so we go with today instead. I would normally end with "Happy New Year" but I think we should wait for 2021 to prove itself happy before we say so.

Everyone stay safe and be well tonight.

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