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[#] Wed Feb 18 2015 12:52:39 UTC from mo

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Bet it would sound sweet though?

[#] Wed Feb 18 2015 13:02:47 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Ah yes, the Lutheran songbook, where you get a choice of Bach, or ... Bach.  (Attempts at modern P&W music are occasionally made, but you can't spell "Baloche" without the letters B-A-C-H.)

[#] Wed Feb 18 2015 13:56:47 UTC from wizard of aahz

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PDQ Bach?

[#] Wed Feb 18 2015 17:44:40 UTC from fleeb

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Ah, now THAT is a Bach of a different color.

[#] Wed Feb 18 2015 18:00:35 UTC from Shazam

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Hi everyone! I needed a break from work, so I tried reading through the lobby but had to give up because my break time is all used up now. But just wanted to say hi. 


[#] Wed Feb 18 2015 18:55:08 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The lobby says "hi" back to you and then goes back to writing its memoirs.

[#] Wed Feb 18 2015 19:18:49 UTC from fleeb

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Hullo, Shazam!

G'bye, Shazam!

[#] Wed Feb 18 2015 22:40:14 UTC from wizard of aahz

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<wonders about NDA in regards to memoirs>

Hi Shazam

[#] Thu Feb 19 2015 01:02:50 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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The Lobby is indexed by all major search engines. If there was an NDA we blew it a long time ago.

[#] Thu Feb 19 2015 01:20:17 UTC from MJ

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Shazam has the shortest break in history. :)

[#] Thu Feb 19 2015 18:52:18 UTC from IGnatius T Foobar

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Welcome back MJ -- I'm happy to see that the lunatics didn't scare you away :)

[#] Fri Feb 20 2015 02:14:40 UTC from MJ

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Thanks IG! I'm nott scared that easily...unless someone shows me a picture of myself in high school...yikes!

[#] Fri Feb 20 2015 02:16:05 UTC from zooer

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Wow, I am late to the Back in Bach joke. I thought ELO tried to be a combo of classical and rock music.

[#] Fri Feb 20 2015 13:31:48 UTC from fleeb

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Many have tried... Gentle Giant, I feel, succeeded rather well at it.

[#] Sat Feb 21 2015 06:13:56 UTC from vince-q

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As did ELP, with far too many examples to list.

[#] Wed Feb 25 2015 00:47:19 UTC from MJ

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Don't forget about Sebastian Bach. :)

[#] Thu Feb 26 2015 16:09:57 UTC from zooer

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Happy Birthday to all the birthday people out there today.

and a special Happy to all the uncensored users that have a birthday today.

[#] Thu Feb 26 2015 20:33:11 UTC from Ladyhawke

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Why, thank you, Zoo!

Welcome to the NutHouse, MJ!  Keep an eye out for the Lunatic wielding macaroni.....

[#] Tue Mar 10 2015 12:38:21 UTC from wizard of aahz

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Happy Birthday UCG!

[#] Tue Mar 10 2015 12:56:46 UTC from fleeb

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Oh, wow, that's right! Happy birthday!

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