Curses is still relevant, if only because the ANSI/VT command sets (plural!)
are so @#$*(%*($ing complicated, that *nobody* seems to get them right in
any consistent manner. Except maybe the author of XTerm, but that's due to
its age dating back to Babylonian times.
Both Screen and TMux implement command sets differently enough that curses still serves a useful purpose when running software under these environments.
Both Screen and TMux implement command sets differently enough that curses still serves a useful purpose when running software under these environments.
Has anyone played with WireGuard yet? It is supposedly the up-and-coming VPN technology because it bypasses all the hundreds of thousands of lines of code used in things like IPsec and OpenVPN; instead it just creates an interface on each end and you route through it.
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I haven't tried it yet but it looks pretty cool. The developer has made a request for the drivers to be included in the mainline Linux kernel. It would be interesting if that happens.
Ironically, the use of Screen or TMux is a great way to run NON-curses software
that assumes an ANSI/VT command set, under a terminal that uses some other
command set. I remember the last time I had my Wyse terminal out and attached
to Linux, it wasn't really usable unless I entered a Screen session. So we
may already be there. :)
Ah, the 1980's ... Wyse terminals on the desks, DB-25 connectors on the walls, teflon-coated cable in the ceilings, and unix machines from Zilog, Fortune, Sperry, and Altos. Ethernet was a distant dream for me then.
Ah, the 1980's ... Wyse terminals on the desks, DB-25 connectors on the walls, teflon-coated cable in the ceilings, and unix machines from Zilog, Fortune, Sperry, and Altos. Ethernet was a distant dream for me then.
I tried using tmux, although I forget why.
I found screen worked better. But, again, I forget the detail. screen feels more solid to me than tmux.
2018-08-09 23:21 from IGnatius T Foobar
Remind me again why tmux even exists, when screen was already there?
You can ask that about a whole host of open-source projects. The whole "not invented here" thing is both a great strength and huge weakness.
Hmm... not sure what you mean there, petabyte.
I can't quite tell if that's a stream of thought posting, or a stream of text that accidentally leaked into a message posted here, heh.
Perhaps he/she/it wants to help you file a lawsuit against the developers
of tmux, funded by 419 money?
For a while there were stories titled "x things you didn't know about ______", if you looked at the story and found you knew most of them. This headline was different, they don't claim that people don't know about them.
27 Interesting Facts about Linux
If you run Linux machines in a VMware environment, like many of us do, you are constantly annoyed by the way the VMware console leaves partial garbage on the virtual console when it blanks, instead of showing a blank screen.
And besides, what business does a virtual machine have blanking the console anyway? Screen savers belong on physical screens only.
To make this problem go poof:
1. Edit /etc/default/grub, /boot/grub2/grub.cfg, and/or wherever your kernel boot parameters are set.
2. Remove useless directives like "rhgb" and "quiet"
3. Replace them with "consoleblank=0"
4. Reboot
et voila ... your virtual machine's console stays lit all the time now.
(This assumes that you are not running a GUI on your server console. People who do that tend to be Oracle DBAs and are not capable of learning ProTips anyway.)
Wikipedia claims it's 'klang'. But, I've seen the other used as well:
(But, the LLVM folks use 'klang', for whatever it's worth).
I'd be ok with Linux changing to clang as well. In fact, if we replaced every
piece of GNU software with a non-GNU equivalent, we wouldn't have to deal
with the communists who keep insisting that the OS is called "GNU/Linux".