Well, living on my own, and have been dating this one dude since september,
but I left my second husband in 2013.
As much as I love carburetors (and still own cars that have them!) they're
simple not as good as modern fuel injection.
Ig, we had been born, and something about the smell brings me back to sitting
"on the hump" in my dad's caddy.
My father owned a 1979 Mercedes-Benz 300D, which he bought used in 1983.
If we're talking about nostalgia for the way a car smelled when it was running
... those had a bouquet all their own :)
2018-05-18 11:24 from Ragnar Danneskjold
First gasoline mechanical fuel injection was introduced in 1952.
true but even mercedes-benz was selling carbureted cars as a lower trim level until the 80s. for example the 190/190E - the E in 190E stood for the german for fuel-injection (whatever that is)
I had a diesel beetle for 12 years. Not a bad car, honestly. Got rid of it when it started to nickle-n-dime me, as is inevitable.
The Batmobile, Starsky and Hutch's Ford Torino, the General Lee along with several other TV cars burned when the truck carrying them caught fire.