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[#] Sun Jul 19 2020 16:01:06 EDT from zooer

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Sat Jul 18 2020 11:40:10 PM EDT from zooer

I had a COVID-19 test today, just the active test as no blood was drawn.


My test results are negative.

[#] Sun Jul 19 2020 18:45:09 EDT from darknetuser

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My test results are negative.

Congratulations, you are not gonna die of the virus (yet).

[#] Sun Jul 19 2020 20:06:31 EDT from zooer

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I went to the grocery store after my test, I saw a woman and her daughter that had secure chin masks.  At least their chins will not get sick.  The sad part is the mother was talking to a store employee and the employee didn't say, "Put your mask on correctly."

[#] Mon Jul 20 2020 13:29:55 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I for one don't want to be forced to receive a vaccine that hasn't

been well tested. If you want to be part of a mass experiment, be my


That's part of the problem. I plan to refuse the vaccine for exactly this reason. And if that were the whole picture, it wouldn't be much of a problem.
The problem comes about if they make the vaccine "mandatory" -- and there are a lot of ways they can make it *effectively* mandatory, mark-of-the-beast style by excluding the unvaccinated from being able to participate in society in any meaningful way.

For a disease that is turning out to be far less lethal than originally assumed, mandatory prescription of a rushed-to-market vaccine is, shall we say, contraindicated by common sense.

On the other side of the argument, I fully support the right of any individual to make an informed decision to take an untested or minimally tested medication if they and their doctor have concluded that the potential benefits outweigh the risks (aka "right to try").

[#] Wed Jul 22 2020 07:33:27 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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On a side note, I think it's interesting that we're not hearing as much about the cytokine storms as we were in relation to COVID.

[#] Thu Jul 23 2020 14:52:03 EDT from zooer

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Too many people wear chin masks.  Too many people don't cover their nose.
I see store employees that don't have their nose covered and apparently no one says anything.


Today I went to a health specialist, he kept his mask around his chin pulling it up and down several times.


[#] Tue Jul 28 2020 07:01:09 EDT from Ragnar Danneskjold

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I was in Costco the other day and saw someone with zero mask. Watching people look at him was pretty interesting.

[#] Tue Jul 28 2020 16:37:14 EDT from triLcat

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I'm getting in line for the vaccine


[#] Tue Jul 28 2020 20:20:12 EDT from zooer

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It will be mandatory.

[#] Tue Jul 28 2020 22:48:50 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar

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I am noticing lots of people wearing the mask over their mouth but not their nose. This tells me that they're doing it because they have to, rather than because they're afraid of the virus.

[#] Thu Jul 30 2020 18:31:24 EDT from zooer

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Upstate Medical University is looking for people to participate in a clinical trial assessing the safety and effectiveness of a potential vaccine against COVID-19.

[#] Fri Jul 31 2020 07:53:17 EDT from zooer

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Johnson & Johnson starts human vaccine trials after monkey study

[#] Fri Jul 31 2020 13:23:11 EDT from ParanoidDelusions

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Mon Jul 20 2020 13:29:55 EDT from IGnatius T Foobar
That's part of the problem. I plan to refuse the vaccine for exactly this reason. And if that were the whole picture, it wouldn't be much of a problem.
The problem comes about if they make the vaccine "mandatory" -- and there are a lot of ways they can make it *effectively* mandatory, mark-of-the-beast style by excluding the unvaccinated from being able to participate in society in any meaningful way.

For a disease that is turning out to be far less lethal than originally assumed, mandatory prescription of a rushed-to-market vaccine is, shall we say, contraindicated by common sense.

On the other side of the argument, I fully support the right of any individual to make an informed decision to take an untested or minimally tested medication if they and their doctor have concluded that the potential benefits outweigh the risks (aka "right to try").

I agree with voluntary informed decision making - but if it is somehow gamed so that voluntary informed decision making AGAINST participating is made effectively impossible - that might be the time for exercising particular constitutional protections against tyranny. 





[#] Tue Aug 18 2020 13:28:20 EDT from LoanShark

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Well, it was inevitable. First family member to die of covid was today. Elderly, didn't really put up much of a fight.

*Actually probably a few days ago since she was found dead at home during a wellness check.

[#] Tue Aug 18 2020 15:46:10 EDT from zooer

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I am sorry to hear that.  

[#] Tue Aug 18 2020 17:01:00 EDT from darknetuser

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2020-08-18 13:28 from LoanShark

Well, it was inevitable. First family member to die of covid was
today. Elderly, didn't really put up much of a fight.

*Actually probably a few days ago since she was found dead at home

during a wellness check.

I am sorry to hear.

Take good care of yourself.

[#] Tue Aug 18 2020 17:34:20 EDT from LoanShark

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thanks guys

[#] Fri Aug 21 2020 07:41:40 EDT from zooer

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Johnson & Johnson Sets Late-Stage Vaccine Trial Next Month
Johnson & Johnson next month plans a Phase III coronavirus-vaccine trial with up to 60,000 healthy people ages 18 and older.

[#] Sat Aug 29 2020 18:46:22 EDT from zooer

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Lucky Goldstar, LG Electronics will give new meaning to clean, personal air with the introduction PuriCare™ Wearable Air Purifier

[#] Sat Sep 19 2020 05:37:17 EDT from zooer

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It bothers me how often I go into a medical facility and people are not following proper mask protocol.  I was in a doctor's office yesterday, none of the PA or nurses were wearing masks.  This wasn't a private closed off room, this was a hallway with a desk that ran along the wall, medical equipment on the desk and cabinets on the walls. 


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